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Does anyone here know how to balance chemical equations?


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Can you please show me how to balance this one?

(All numbers here are implied subscripts)

Al(OH)3 + H2SO4 -> Al(SO4)3 + H20


I cant get it -_-

I tried it and got 36 Oxygens in one molecule <_<

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It's been at least 2 1/2 years since I've done it but I'd observe the following:

As only element 1 and 3 contain Aluminium, there must be the same quantity of element 1 and element 3.

Similarly, only element 1 and 2 contain Sodium, but element 3 contains 3 sodium atoms, so there must be 3 times as much of element 2 as element 3.

Then suppose you have 1 element 1's, 1 element 3's, 3 element 2 and work out how many element 4's you need. Then finally, multiply through to make them all integer (whole numbers).

Wait... (going back to the 2 1/2 years bit), do you need to add in an extra element as well? If so, I suspect it'd be oxygen.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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That wasn't 20 Hydrogens, it was water.

My major problem with this is the oxygen, seeing as all the elements have oxygen in them.

But I never thought of it like that, trying to balance oxygen last. I tried to get it out of the way.

3Al(OH)3 + H2SO4 -> 3Al(SO4)3 + H2O

So I need 10 Hydrogens.

3Al(OH)3 + H2SO4 -> 3Al(SO4)3 + 5H2O

But now I have 12 Oxygens on the left and 17 on the right <_<

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Nothing seems to be working for me.

And today was catch up day so my teacher was too busy helping the others in my class.

I'm not dumb, Im actually good at this, it's just this one question that's bothering me.

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I'm not dumb

Prior evidence does not support this.

I'd have a bash at it, but it's early morning and I'm a night-time kinda guy. I can only reiterate IET's suggestion of leaving H and O 'til last.

...or was it first? No, I think it was last.

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2Al(OH)3 + 3H2SO4 => Al2(SO4)3 + 6H2O

Ho hum, there you go.

(This is what I got when I just woke up. Err...)

EDIT: It's not Al(SO4)3, it's Al2(SO4)3, as Al(SO4)3 doesn't have balanced charges. Hope that helps.

Edited by Mist
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Having looked at the question again, I don't think it's going to work, not without significant oxygen input on the LHS. This would work:

12Al(OH)3 + 4H2SO4 + 47O2 -> 12Al(SO4)3 + 22H2O

I think

Mist seems to know a bit about Chemistry. I don't, so I'd take her advice over mine (e.g. correcting the equation)

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I remember balancing equations, and no matter what I do this doesn't balance. FFFUUUU

I was even pretty good at it.

EDIT: Mist, where'd you get the Al2 on the right side?

EDIT2: IET, I'm pretty sure you're specifically NOT allowed to add elements, only extras of the existing ones.

Edited by Integrity
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It might help to think of H2O as HOH, and treat the OH as one unit and the SO4 as one unit. I'm still working on it. The main problem seems to be that with H2SO4, you have 2 H to every H in HOH.

@I Eat Tables: S is Sulfur, not Sodium. Na is Sodium.

EDIT: Whoops, it just seems that you had your equation wrong. I shoulda caught that.

Edited by Charpig
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EDIT: Mist, where'd you get the Al2 on the right side?

I made an edit. Al has a ionic charge of 3+, and SO4 has 2-. Al(SO4)3 would have a net charge of 3-, but Al2(SO4)3 would have no net charge, hence a balance.

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I made an edit. Al has a ionic charge of 3+, and SO4 has 2-. Al(SO4)3 would have a net charge of 3-, but Al2(SO4)3 would have no net charge, hence a balance.

In that case, you're rather beyond me so I'm stepping back. I don't remember any shit of this magnitude, just numbers.

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Looking at mist's equation, I've realized where I went wrong. I was trying to balance Sulfate, which doesn't work in this case. And the fact that Al(SO4)3 is incorrect made it impossible anyways.

Damn, I have a test on this stuff tomorrow. :mellow:

*goes off to memorizing polyatomic ions once more*

Edited by Isaac55
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I find it funny how everyone thats gone through chemistry here can't seem to do this. I'm starting to think we're being trolled.

Hurrrrp. >:

Looking at mist's equation, I've realized where I went wrong. I was trying to balance Sulfate, which doesn't work in this case. And the fact that Al(SO4)3 is incorrect made it impossible anyways.

Damn, I have a test on this stuff tomorrow. :mellow:

*goes off to memorizing polyatomic ions once more*

>flash cards




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In that case, you're rather beyond me so I'm stepping back. I don't remember any shit of this magnitude, just numbers.

No, seriously, SO4's charge is very basic knowledge. Did you drop out of Chemistry really early or something?

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Sub- and super- scripts are possible here, dammit!

Super is only for Maths. Chemistry doesn't need it. Except in some of the Maths bits (Rate equations, Kc/p/a/b/etc equations, etc). But those are part of Maths anyway.

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No, seriously, SO4's charge is very basic knowledge. Did you drop out of Chemistry really early or something?

The identity of Superman is very basic knowledge. The times tables are very basic knowledge. The name of the continents is very basic knowledge.

The charge of SO4 is not very basic knowledge, in any way.

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