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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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Dialed it back those two turns. I'm not going to be a stickler and revise every single draft to ensure that they're all using the new system, though - I'll just assume they were consistent within the draft and therefore it doesn't matter.

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I have a question. I have 5 drafts I joined that I have not finished posting the results. However 3 of those are 100% done but I never posted the result. Is it ok to do so? I have the data but I can't remember specific strategy. Of the other 2 one is almost done and I never got to do the FE7 draft but I want to do it anyway because I've never done a FE7 draft can I post results for them? or is it against the rules?

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Honestly, the only thing I expect of people is to post raw turncounts. How much information/strategery you provide can vary from Naglfar to Dr. Shin and I won't complain.

If the rest of your post is what I think it is (it's early ;_;), better late than never! Get those logs posted!

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Don't worry about bumping old drafts, as long as you bump them with progress reports. They count as project threads, which you can necro with content without getting a warn.

Regardless! It's in the logs, cheers.

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Not sure if I'd have been better off making a thread for this, but... would anyone be interested in a turn-bidding draft for a game? I'm flexible enough to run just about any FE (although for simplicity, FE7-9 or FE11 would be best), and the idea is simple: I present the list of characters (probably in recruitment order) and you privately send me a bid in turns (up to divisions of half turns? Quarter turns perhaps?). The person who bids the highest pays the amount of the person who bid 2nd highest, and the amount they paid is revealed publicly (while that person is informed of their team of course), and we move on to the next character (this process is sped up considerably if you give conditional bids on 2-3 characters at a time). Then you start the game with your drafted team and a permanent penalty of as many turns as you bid.

I know similar ideas have been done before but as far as I can see, a turns bid hasn't been done yet. I'm also flexible with the rules if the above sounds like a bad implementation.

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[FE7]IP FE7 Auction Draft started and finished drafting.

[b]13th[/b]: Guy, Pent, Eliwood, Legault, Hawkeye, Lowen, Karel, Vaida, Louise, Oswin, Rath
Kopfjager: Harken, Dart, Isadora, Kent,  Lyn, Farina, Serra, Matthew, Nino, Dorcas
Paperblade: Heath, Erk, Canas, Bartre, Wil, Fiora, Jaffar, Florina
PKL: Sain, Lucius, Priscilla, Raven, Rebecca, Renault

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Most people in the thread were too silly to even notice I was putting the list there, even though I said it multiple times :/ It's almost as bad as Shin drafting Femina for me despite already having Fee. I swear, he was trolling me.

I said I was sorry!

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Are we supposed to post our final draft turncount here?

PLAYERS: If you finish a draft, mind informing me which draft and your final turncount?


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Shin Patch Draft II (#22957) has finished drafting.

Kopfjager- Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna, Ayra, Skashaer, Lackhe, Lex, Ares, Cuan, Laylea, Tristan, Janne, Arden, Johalva

Banjo Kazooie- Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny, Briggid, Faval, Patty, Alec, Shannan, Claude, Femina, Dew, Hawk, Dimna, Sharlow

SSF2R- Fury, Fee, Sety, Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna, Levin, Beowulf, Amid, Linda, Rodolbahn, Holyn, Mana, Asaello

Silver Harpoon- Aideen, Lana, Lester, Sylvia, Leen, Corple, Fin, Azel, Noish, Radney, Daisy, Midayle, Johan, Jamka

I don't know if it should be noted that I drafted Hawk, Dimna, and Sharlow for Banjo for he had to leave.

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Has it ever been noted before? Unless the team was wholly drafted by another I don't log it.

I saw Ares, and I was happy. Then I saw Midayle. Can't win them all, I guess.

Also, it's #29957. #22957 is some chick's intro thread.

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FE6 Auction draft #29961 is finished drafting.

Kopfjager - Wendy, Lilina, Dieck, Niime, Ellen, Dorothy, Zeiss, Cecilia, Astohl, Echidna, Bors, Miredy, Noah, Yuno, Cath, Yodel

13th - Sophia, Lance, Hugh, Alan, Karel,

The Creeper - Clarine, Thany, Bartre, Fir, Igrene, Geese, Oujay, Sue, Dayan Garret,

Mr. Game and Watch - Lugh, Saul, Rutger, Lott, Zealot, Klein, Chad, Gonzales, Douglas, Tate, Shin, Percival, Wolt, Ward, Barth, Treck, Ray

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RD Standard Penalties Draft #26552


Ulki: Nolan, Nailah, Soren, Calill, Ulki, Rolf, Giffca, Kyza, Oliver -- 238 turns without the game adding +2

Paperblade: Edward, Gatrie, Elincia, Sigrun, Tibarn, Lethe, Sanaki, Gareth, Fiona

RedNeck Holsety: Volug, Oscar, Shinon, Ranulf, Naesala, Nealuchi, Astrid, Bastian, Kurthnaga

Soul: Zihark, Ilyana, Marcia, Heather, Janaff, Caineghis, Ena, Lyre, Stefan -- 246 turns clear

Raven: Jill, Mia, Mist, Brom, Tormod, Makalov, Leonardo, Danved, Renning

Radiant Dragon: Titania, Aran, Mordecai, Kieran, Muarim, Rhys, Volke, Meg, Vika -- 255 turns clear

Integrity: Boyd, Nephenee, Laura, Tanith, Skrimir, Tauroneo, Nasir, Pelleas, Lucia


Mega Awesome NM Draft (the ninth one) #26960


Red Fox Of Fire: Haar, Zihark, Marcia, Tormod, Mordecai, Soren, Tibarn, Ena, Fiona, Oliver -- 242 turns clear

Lilmik11: Nolan, Mia, Shinon, Brom, Kieran, Tanith, Ranulf, Vika, Skrimir, Stefan -- 459 turns clear

Psykitty: Edward, Nephenee, Ilyana, Heather, Leanne, Makalov, Rhys, Sigrun, Lyre, Kurthnaga

Fenrir: Titania, Aran, Ulki, Laura, Reyson, Nealuchi, Janaff, Sanaki, Cainhegis, Black Knight

Radiant Dragon: Jill, Elincia, Gatrie, Geoffrey, Rafiel, Muarim, Naesala, Kyza, Giffca, Volke -- 266 turns clear

Anderson88: Volug, Astrid, Tauroneo, Calill, Lucia, Leonardo, Mist, Pelleas, Renning, Bastian

Jhen Mohran: Boyd, Oscar, Nailah, Meg, Rolf, Nasir, Danved, Lethe, Gareth, Lehran -- 328 turns


ANOTHER RD draft #27335


PegKnightLover: Nolan, Marcia, Soren, Tibarn, Rolf, Skrimir, Tormod, Lyre, Stefan -- 258 turns clear

Xanderdog: Titania, Nephenee, Nailah, Calill, Meg, Sanaki, Ranulf, Leonardo, Fiona

Jhen Mohran: Edward, Boyd, ulki, Nealuchi, Kieran, Rhys, Caineghis, Gareth, Bastian -- 233 Turns

Shibeebaba: Jill, Oscar, Brom, Tanith, Geoffrey, Sigrun, Tauroneo, Nasir, Renning

Queen_Kittylincia: Elincia, Laura, Ilyana, Lethe, Mist, Astrid, Ena, Vika, Volke

zorbees: Volug, Mia, Gatrie, Janaff, Naesala, Lucia, Muarim, Kyza, Oliver

Lilmik11: Zihark, Aran, Shinon, Heather, Mordecai, Makalov, Danved, Giffca, Pelleas -- 375 turns clear

Soul replaced me in the KP HM draft btw. He was known as Angru Mainya at the time.

Edited by SlayerX
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#29988 FE8 Auction draft is finished drafting.

Kopfjager - Amelia, Vanessa, Ross, Natasha, Neimi, Garcia, Artur

13th - Ewan, Dozla, Colm, Cormag, Duessel, Knoll

The Creeper - Moulder, Kyle, Gilliam, Forde, Tana, Lute, Innes, Marisa, Joshua

Mercenary Raven - Franz, Saleh, Gerik, Syrene, L'arachel, Rennac

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FE7 auction draft #29990 is done drafting.

Kopfjager - Sain, Lyn, Harken, Raven, Fiora, Lucius, Wil, Farina, Hawkeye.

Eclipse - Renault, Kent, Isadora, Batre, Karla, Jaffar, Heath, Erk.

Esme - Lowen, Geitz/Wallace, Eliwood, Guy, Priscilla, Pent, Louise, Rath, Matthew, Dart.

Ein - Florina, Legault, Rebecca, Dorcas, Serra, Vaida, Oswin, Canas, Nino.

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@Ulki: Unless Soul finished the KP HM draft it doesn't matter for the logs. All three clears logged, though.

@KJ: Both in, cheers.

@Thread: I changed Arrive from a prohibited to an expressly allowed action in the FE10 ruleset. The only Arrive chapters in the game require specific units (there're no "anybody arrives" chapters) as far as I can remember, so if somebody keeps Laura(/lucia/ranulf) out of combat for the entirely of 1-2(/2-2/3-4) as it stood they'd take a penalty for finishing the chapter. Yeah.

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