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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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Because its your game, you dont need to ask aproval of anyone or anything.

However if you wish people to sign up, be a loving dictator

What do you mean be a loving dictator? And I was just wondering this because of the subtitle of the thread and because I saw General Horace asking for approval back on page 30.

Edited by rigadoog
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No, that was Horace messing up the link.

I'd suggest participating in a draft or two before trying to host one. If you've finished a draft or two already, then you can try hosting your own, but you might not want to stray too far from the standard ruleset.

Edited by Clipseykitty
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What do you mean be a loving dictator? And I was just wondering this because of the subtitle of the thread and because I saw General Horace asking for approval back on page 30.

Loving dictator = Not abusing his host rights

For example, Loving dictator lets RNG choose the draft order while true dictator claims whatever spot he wants

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A new low: forgetting drafts I'M IN.

Thanks for having my back, my northern brother.

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Hello. I just wanted to advertise that I am currently hosting my fourth draft and that we are missing three spots. If people want to sign up, I want them to see this, because it seems like it's just not going to work. Oh, and by the way, the draft that I hosted isn't finished, but here is a link to it so you can see turncounts


The new RD draft


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Support Chain Draft #2 (27447) has finished picks. I'm not hosting, but I am taking part.

1. Quintessence: Florina, Serra, Lucius, Karel, Dart, Geit, Will

2. Oval: Fiora, Farina, Dorcas, Vaida, Canas, Wallace, Rath

3. Toothache: Kent, Heath, Priscilla, Raven, Bartre/Karla, Renault, Erk

4. zorbees: Isadora, Sain, Rebecca, Lowen, Harken, Nino, Legault

5. HongLei: Hawkeye, Pent, Louise, Guy, Matthew, Oswin, Jaffar

Erk for coolest last pick ever :-)

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I did look at the thread, but only because you made me. All I meant was if you're going to give me 95% of the info, it's the same amount of work for me as if you just told me "draft X is done" and gave me nothing else since I have to go find the thread for something unless you give me all the parts (host, topic name, thread number, teams, game if it isn't implied in the name).

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At some point in the far future (a few months out), I am considering running a five man Radiant Dawn draft, where the last bunch of units simply remain undrafted. I think it would be a novel approach of giving more flexibility to drafting "required" units to avoid forced penalties and strengthen teams overall, and remove the burden of having to deal with overall shitty unit choices in the final rounds of draft. Furthermore, IMHO, a seven man draft simply affords for far too dynamic a shift in the character availability pool from one draft pick to another, especially for people in positions 1 and 7, where something like a dozen units can disappear in basically a blink of an eye, before they have a chance to react to the developing situation. Obviously some of that will still remain in the five man, but five man (or lower, like FE4 and FE8's four man) is the standard for most other drafts in the series.

It certainly would be a unique approach, and I have to fiddle with and consider a lot in terms of free units, but I'm throwing the idea out here now to gauge potential future interest.

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My FE3 Draft had picks finished a while ago, I forgot to throw this in here.

2. Maji: Katua, Linda, Gordin, Doga, Chiki, Radd, Samto, Yubello, Thomas, Maji, Biraku

5. Dokutayuu: Julian, Merric, Navarre, Minerva, Lena, Matthis, Arran, Zarago, Tomth, Lorenz, Saji

3. Dio: Sheeda, Ogma, Wendell, Yumina, Kashim, Jeorge, Astram, Ryan, Bantu, Est, Macellan

4. Soul: Palla, Abel, Hardin, Cecil, Feena, Ellerean, Barst, Chainey, Samson, El Cezar, Elice

1. Spykor: Cain, Malliesa, Luke, Rickard, Midia, Rody, Roshea, Warren, Sheema, Maria, Wolf

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why do you use the translations you know I don't like and make me have to fix them :(

EDIT: Better question, why did you use roughly half of the translations I don't like. wtf dood

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Because I am a sadist

Well, Dio, Shin, and Maji drafted using the FE3 translations and myself and Soul drafted in the FE11 ones, so you got a jumbled mixture of both.

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@Balcerzak: That sounds like a fine idea. I would still argue for free units for chapters like 1-P, 2-1 etc., but it could eliminate the need for provisions to be made for chapters like 2-2 and 3-1.

Generic rules seem to be fine, but we haven't had a "standard" draft in a while.

FE10 has seen quite a few recent drafts (even ignoring the draft to decide on a banned Haar), and FE7 has seen some drafts lately as well (albeit these had some quirks to the drafting process).

Perhaps I'm just tired of having to nitpick about the rulesets of drafts I see made (the ruleset for Lilmik's recent draft was horrible when it was posted, for example), but I think that having specific rulesets for each game here would:

- Make it easier for newer/less experienced drafters to start drafts

- Make it clearer what undrafted units can and can't do

- Be a better way to list specifics and exceptions for each game (such as the BEXP limits for FE9, until/if we come up with something better)

- Contribute to the 'completeness' of the purpose of this topic (this one is a matter of opinion, though)

Also, having a ruleset that people can copy and paste in no way prevents people from making their own changes when starting a draft.

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Well, Dio, Shin, and Maji drafted using the FE3 translations and myself and Soul drafted in the FE11 ones, so you got a jumbled mixture of both.

No I didn't. :(:

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All the units you picked were like the same in FE3 and FE11 though. Except Chainey, but I've seen him be called that on the FEDS board too.

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