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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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It's not that hard to disallow using undrafted units as Torches while still allowing them to move, and we do want to minimize the impact of undrafted units as much as possible, but it just doesn't seem to me like something that should be disallowed. It affects less than letting undrafted units Shop, find desert items and rescue NPCs, which are all allowed in most drafts. Everyone is able to take advantage of it, so it's not like only a couple drafters are saving turns this way.

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I'm for allowing it because otherwise we need individual exceptions (fuck 2-2 if cats aren't allowed to reveal) and I hate individual exceptions.

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I didn't mean to create another rule penalizing this, but using undrafted units to reveal FoW to make a drafted/free unit advance in order to save turns is a bit inappropriate. It doesn't matter how many turns it saves, but it helps to, and that, imo, is incurring in a penalty as well as gaining bonuses from bonds or Dragon tides.

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I dont see the problem when anyone can take advantage of it. Everyone can have lethe move to reveal the boss and the general in 2-2, kill them both and start shove smiting lucia for the 4 turn...except the one with drafted lucia.

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Revealing stuff in 3-6 is more about planning than revealing stuff to kill imo. Ive never used volug there myself for fear of having to restart due to misplacing or something, causing him to get attacked. Ive also never needed nailah in 4-1 to 4 turn it.

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I didn't mean to create another rule penalizing this, but using undrafted units to reveal FoW to make a drafted/free unit advance in order to save turns is a bit inappropriate. It doesn't matter how many turns it saves, but it helps to, and that, imo, is incurring in a penalty as well as gaining bonuses from bonds or Dragon tides.

Taking a slightly extreme example, what about Thieves and deploy screens? Am I banned from shuffling Matthew around his various spots to see where the enemies are before I start the map?

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HNM With a little experimental change #30586

General Horace - Florina, Oswin, Pent, Erk, Dart, Serra, Bartre/Karla, Nino

Refa - Sain, Priscilla, Isadora, Farina, Guy, Harken, Wil

The Insane One - Fiora, Lowen, Raven, Hawkeye, Legault, Canas, Jaffar, Renault

PKL - Kent, Heath, Matt, Lucius, Louise, Dorcas, Rebecca, Rath

Edited by General Horace
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Taking a slightly extreme example, what about Thieves and deploy screens? Am I banned from shuffling Matthew around his various spots to see where the enemies are before I start the map?

No not necessarily. I'm not in favor of it because I think of it as a style of playing. Battle preps positions are predetermined so it doesn't matter, but I don't see proper to reveal enemies on purpose. I think you should only use your drafted units besides the free ones. Well, it's my opinion. I'm not going to declare any resistance at all :3

*Swinging white flag* :awesome:

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I finished Creepers draft that I reported wrong earlier with 154 turns

rushing bosses with Oswin earlygame is the best strategy ever

also I hate to bring this up, but looking back at some of creepers LHM + HHM turncounts (167 and 175) if he replicated my LHM LTC with everybody (47 turns) with just Lucius and Lyn, his HNM turncount would be an astounding 120 turns, which is 34 turns better than the above clear, which, in all honesty, isn't possible.

62 out of the 120 turns are defend chapters, leaving 58 turns over the course of the remaining 22 chapters, averaging about 2.6 turns per chapter, which isn't feasible.

I have a strong feeling he might have just looked at past turncounts, and made a feasible one up, but overlooked the fact that past drafts didn't include Lyn Mode.

If I am incorrect, I apologize, but the fact is, you haven't posted any logs whatsoever, or any proof that you've finished aside from "I'm done".

Edited by General Horace
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This is why I prefer logs.

EDIT: Go pursue this, Horace. I'll hound Harpoon about it. If there's some deception going on here, I'm going to be VERY cross.

Edited by Integrity
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Yes, thats exactly what i thought when i saw harpoon's consecutives "i'm done" posts. I asked him about it since I was extremely dubious of him beating me by a lot when i have florina and he told me that was his HNM TC. He shouldve added his LHM TC...EDIT: Also, I think there should be a rule stating that u must log each chapter's TC and stats at the very least. Who cares if you are too lazy to log? Dont join drafts then. I at least like looking at logs with unit stats. There are a few drafters here that only post TCs, sometimes without even saying what they did. :/

Edited by PKL
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Integrity, maybe put template code boxes for people to use in a draft, so when it comes time to log stats, people can copypastsa it and fill it in accordingly. I try to log turn counts for every chapter, but sometimes I forget and go ahead a chapter or two.

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EDIT: Also, I think there should be a rule stating that u must log each chapter's TC and stats at the very least. Who cares if you are too lazy to log? Dont join drafts then. I at least like looking at logs with unit stats. There are a few drafters here that only post TCs, sometimes without even saying what they did. :/

I agree with this...err...I know I don't post stats or things but now I have my computer back :awesome: so expect how I improve my TC posts8D

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I wouldn't go as far to make posting stats every chapter nescessary, in most drafts, if I'm finishing chapters at a quick pace, I usually won't bother with stats, especially early on. But still, at least list the turncount, so people have the option to question it if your description isn't adequete.

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I havent been able to post my logs because its all written in a notebook now. Including stats and my strats. It takes ages to post them from a phone. But once i get to a comp, i will post them asap since it only takes me a few minutes to write anything in comps. keyboards ftw.

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