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Fuyuki's Holy Grail War (Sign-Ups/Discussion Topic)


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I figured as much, though I was hoping you weren't that stupid :P

I'm not sure if there are exceptions, but as far as I know, The Persona series uses the concept of existing gods, monster, demons etc to form their demon list.

Izanagi no Okami could be considered the most important deity of the Yao Yorozu as he and Izanami created the islands of Japan, and are the root of all Japanese gods. (Shinto)

Now that you mention Izanami, I can definitely say that Persona did what you said they did.

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It irks me, but considering rn7's Saber Viking, I'm open to anything now XD (No offense, just saying, having a burly viking fill the Saber role is... well O_o)

Personally, I don't mind either, I just think it'd make better sense if you changed Izanagi's name to a chinese deity (or at least Chinese sounding name) or you moved the Empress of China to Japan.

EDIT: I'm not familiar with Persona, but the previous games *Shin Megami Tensei* explained where the demon originated from in the profile, doesn't Persona continue that? I mean, I loved my Demon Compendium :/

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It irks me, but considering rn7's Saber Viking, I'm open to anything now XD (No offense, just saying, having a burly viking fill the Saber role is... well O_o)

Personally, I don't mind either, I just think it'd make better sense if you changed Izanagi's name to a chinese deity (or at least Chinese sounding name) or you moved the Empress of China to Japan.


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The unregistered Archer means there's another slot open, yes. Well, I'm closing them for the biggest reason being we need more Masters right now, as the biggest part.

But yes, the opened spots are currently:



Archer unless ronny's shooting for it now instead.

And I do share your opinion, I am surprised these are the last three open.

Eh, people chose to go for something atypical, I guess. Wouldn't be too difficult for me to make an Assassin character, but I'd prefer not to use the same class typing as I did in LoAF. Too boring, really. I'm interested in what you seem to have planned, but I don't really think you'd want an already partially inactive RP'er to join as a master and leave someone else hanging. Seems like I'll pass, unless you're really desperate for Masters or something :lol:

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Name: Kaguya Homurabi 香虞夜 焔火

Age: 21 (Female)


Shrine Maiden at Homurabi Jinjya (Homurabi Shrine)

Lying on the outskirts of Miyama-Districts residential area (The Japanese houses) she spends most of her days looking after the place. The head shrine in Kyoto pays for her modest lifestyle in exchange for her services. But with the advancement of magecraft and technology, people have turned away from the traditional gods resulting in the Homurabi shrine gradually becoming pretty much forgotten to the inhabitants of Fuyuki City, with the only human visitors being a handful of elderly citizens.

Personality: Kaguya has a deeply ingrained hatred for males. In her childhood it was so bad that she'd attack any boy she came across on sight. (and usually get beaten up, increasing her hatred) As she grew up she's become more accepting and manages to talk to boys and the elderly without glaring, and is able to somewhat suppress her sentiments towards the rest of "man"kind.

She's usually seen emitting an hostile aura which makes it hard for people to approach her, if interrupted she'll most likely respond with a sharp tongue and angry glare.

Reason You Fight: To erase the people she loathes from existence.

(Yes I'm being vague, Keeping this vague since giving away a characters biggest desire is boring~)


Kaguya was born into the world with no family. Her father had fled during her mothers pregnancy, and her mother had died from grief shortly after giving birth to Kaguya. Having no other relatives, she was sent to a local orphanage, but her constant hostile attitude towards the other orphans eventually resulted in her being transferred to Honganji shrine in hopes that the discipline of the monks there would rub off on her.

She spent the first twelve years of her life there, learning to cook, clean and care for the temple, but was sent away as several monks started voicing their objection to having a "woman" in the temple.

This didn't sit quite well with Kaguya as she felt abandoned once again, which reflected in her attitude towards other shrines and temples she was sent to, resulting in her welcome being short lived while she was passed around from shrine to shrine until she ended up at the Homurabi shrine located on Miyama-districts outskirts where she would meet an elderly magus called Sayuri Homurabi; Her adoptive mother, teacher in magecraft and closest friend.

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Berserker was looked down upon because of her gender, resents guys because of it

Kaguya was looked down upon because of her gender, resents guys because of it

Berserker + Kaguya = perfect anti male team

The Grail does pick servants based on common personality traits with the master, after all.

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I know temples and religious places are supposed to be conservative and all, but it seems counter-intuitive for them to be sexist against their janitor, especially since I assume this RP is modern era.

The Third War took place in the 1940s. Now whether this RP will take place then is a question that needs to be asked. I think.

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Seph/Archer: The idea of taking names all over from a game's a bit eh to me, then again I can't blame you as I've done it once or twice when I was young in the RPing style. So, I approve your sign-up.

Kanami/Kaguya: Approved. As for comments, another very well-thought out Master being brought to the table. I'm glad there's such a variety in this. I have a feeling you'll be paired with a male Servant however, so said Servant has my pity. >_>

EDIT: To answer that question, it will be after. I'd say this is actually more around early 1950s. I'm aware of the actual timeline, but that's where this'll be starting at.

In fact, in the original timeline, I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that every war was fifty years apart except the Fifth, which was ten apart from the Fourth.

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I know temples and religious places are supposed to be conservative and all, but it seems counter-intuitive for them to be sexist against their janitor, especially since I assume this RP is modern era.

Contrary to what is said later (EchoingPewter) I too assumed this was set in the modern era, but being "sexist" isn't exactly that big a deal. The scenario of Kaguya being sent to a temple as a "janitor" is more far fetched then anything really. Being "conservative" and all, monks aren't expected to live a lavish lifestyle where a "woman" does all the house work. (In a good portion of cases the monks live on the temple grounds) And abstain from pleasures like alcohol and women. (End of the world for most guys, I know) I was trying to pull a "She's a kid" =fine. But as she matured into a more womanly figure, was sent away. Not because they hate women, but firstly for Kaguya's safety, religious people are freaks, jk... sort of and secondly to not tempt, divert the efforts of the monks.

Either way, it's not a major plot point, it's just something to add color and background to the character.

Kanami/Kaguya: Approved. As for comments, another very well-thought out Master being brought to the table. I'm glad there's such a variety in this. I have a feeling you'll be paired with a male Servant however, so said Servant has my pity. >_>

EDIT: To answer that question, it will be after. I'd say this is actually more around early 1950s. I'm aware of the actual timeline, but that's where this'll be starting at.

Thanks, and yes I'd prefer being paired with a male servant, though roym's idea of an anti-male duo is tempting XD

I don't really mind what year it's set in, but I'd prefer a more modern/twisted modern feel. Since I doubt any of us knew what life was like 50 years ago. Not first hand anyway. And I'd really rather not be like "Omg! Color tv!" and it'd be easier using modern tools like mobile phones.

I'm not sure how the nasuverse handled WWII, but if it's set in the early 1950's, the country wouldn't have fully healed yet, and I'm not sure how well foreigners would be thought of by the majority. (Mainly servants) Though that said, it does explain the women-men ratio XD

Obviously, this world will be different to our 1950's, but by technological standards I'd rather avoid seeing "Hey! you can't do that, that's not invented/available to the public yet" happening.


Kimiko Junabara (roymbrog)

Makoto Von Einzbern (EchoingPewter)

David "Tab" Spencer (Script)

Kaguya Homurabi (Kanami)



-NPC Caster Master (EchoingPewter)

-NPC Avenger Master (EchoingPewter)


Lancer: Unknown(Azusa Nakano)

Rider: Joan of Arc(Snowy One)

Berserker: Atlanta(RPG)

Saber: Ragnar(rn7)

Archer: Izanagi(seph1212)


Caster: NPC Unknown(EchoingPewter)

Avenger: NPC Unknown(EchoingPewter)

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Seph/Archer: The idea of taking names all over from a game's a bit eh to me, then again I can't blame you as I've done it once or twice when I was young in the RPing style. So, I approve your sign-up.

In all technicalities, I'm taking the name from Japanese mythology. Either way, awesome, approved.

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Well, you said yourself it was Persona 4. >_>

Thanks Kanami, for making that list. Helps.

And I suppose you do have a point. A modern time would be easier for most of us to understand (since I doubt anyone here's fifty). So I might as well make it modern day, not that big a deal. This is an alternate Fate universe anyways, so it doesn't need to follow the timeline to the book. =P I could've easily made it just an alternate Fifth War, but eh, didn't want to.

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Nyeh, I was getting sick of checking how many people we had, and we've achieved the first objective of 4 master/servants.

With the Caster (and Avenger?) are you planning to make them NPC's. Or legitimate characters (aka No different from Makoto) Since if they're NPC's being paired up with one would be.... well sort of boring XD And if they're real, it's a concern whether you'll be able to handle 3 characters+Npc's+plot.

If they're NPC's we're just waiting on 1 more servant and 2 more Masters :)

Guess this actually starting is a possibility now XD


....No, and yes :/

Either way her male hatred doesn't come from being thrown out of the temple.

Though I admit I haven't fully reveled her character, one I can't be bothered, two I probably would follow the original concept, three revealing everything is boring, I's rather flesh out my character with interaction and posts, opposed to an initial post which explains all.

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They are tied into the plot, they themselves and the Masters they have are both NPC. There will only be six player pairs before the reserves are pulled back out. No one will be paired with NPCs. And yes, they're both real characters (one from literature, one from history).

I actually prefer the way Kanami signed-up her Master. I did a similar job with Makoto, but I probably have revealed more than Kanami has with Kaguya. David also seems a bit vague as wel don't know all the jobs he's gone through, his experiences, etc etc. And the Servants have a reason for this because they have a legend, and I required that legend.

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It's not the backstory I'm so worried about as much as the irrational hatred. Kinda like "KILL ALL REDHEADS. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE JERKS AND ARE EVIL!" The motive for her that you wrote down doesn't exactly inspire confidence either. We'll see when the RP starts, though.

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It's not the backstory I'm so worried about as much as the irrational hatred. Kinda like "KILL ALL REDHEADS. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE JERKS AND ARE EVIL!" The motive for her that you wrote down doesn't exactly inspire confidence either. We'll see when the RP starts, though.

In other words, you're being all protective of your gender? :P

If it really irks you that much, I can PM you so with character details so that it makes more sense. But as I said before, the hatred isn't completely random :/

And I suppose it doesn't take a genius to work out the meaning of the motive XD

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There's the opposite side to that as well;

There was a period of time when I got really tired of seeing the brave(stupid), caring, heroic good Samaritan character. Okay you have high morals, okay you care about every speck of dust on the planet. But do you make any sense? Helping someone else is one thing, but going too far destroys any sense of "self" the character has.

I eventually got over it when I discovered that the characters predictability could be used against them, to trap them. Hopefully teaching them to be more selfish next time XD

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Thanks, and yes I'd prefer being paired with a male servant, though roym's idea of an anti-male duo is tempting

I don't really mind what year it's set in, but I'd prefer a more modern/twisted modern feel. Since I doubt any of us knew what life was like 50 years ago. Not first hand anyway. And I'd really rather not be like "Omg! Color tv!" and it'd be easier using modern tools like mobile phones.

I'm not sure how the nasuverse handled WWII, but if it's set in the early 1950's, the country wouldn't have fully healed yet, and I'm not sure how well foreigners would be thought of by the majority. (Mainly servants)

Obviously, this world will be different to our 1950's, but by technological standards I'd rather avoid seeing "Hey! you can't do that, that's not invented/available to the public yet" happening.

IMHO, the bigger problem would be the fact that Japan just came out of WWII. I don't know how the nasu-verse ended WWII, but assuming it ended like it did in the real world, Japan has been bombed with two nukes by the westerners. Now, I admit I don't know what Japan was like in the 1950's, but I'm going to wager that, if they did get bombed, they are going to view any non-Japanese people unfavorably. So any servants or masters who aren't distinctly Japanese (or possibly german/italian. I don't know how relationships were post-war), but I don't think that the Japanese people would look favorably upon huge fights going on in their city between distinctly western combatants.

But yea... the 50's were VERY different from the current times, and not just technology-wise either. The culture was really different as well. Civil rights movement was just starting up at best and the like. Dunno how it was in Japan, but that is something that may need to be addressed.

Also, please do not require servants to have color T.V.s. Please.

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Well, here's the thing in that regard Snowy, magi would be the only ones that know about the war. Because frankly, the rule is if that ANYONE spots a duel between Servants, they are PRIORITY, to eliminate. And if a Master wants the Grail, I don't think they'll care about the ethnicity of their Servant. This is one of the most critical and wary rules in the wars too, and most Masters and Servants tend to agree not to make more get involved than necessary. Granted I do not think Kaguya will mention concern of it to her Servant, until it's a female that ends up spying, but it was the main reason I said your idea with the "all-you-can-eat-buffet" would not work. You'd be intentionally making people notice that something is happening within Fuyuki, and therefore take an even HIGHER priority.

EDIT: Seph, you're approved, drop it. =P I know what you mean. >_>

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