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Fuyuki's Holy Grail War (Sign-Ups/Discussion Topic)


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Alright, I figure I'll go ahead and put these up so far. There have been several requested pairings so far. So here they are:

Makoto & Lancer (EP/Arc & Azusa)

Kaguya & Archer (Kanami & seph)

Kimiko & Berserker (roy & RPG)

That is all. As for open slots again, there is Assassin for Servants, and two Master spots opened.

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Well, it doesn't look like we'll get three more people any time soon, so with 4 Masters and 6 Servants, we've got the 4pair condition met, does that mean we'll be starting new years?

If we do try and commence with Servants>Masters, are you going to double pair them, or just leave them as free roaming spirits? XD

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Okay, since it's unlikely this'll get started immediately, I'd like to raise a few points of concern:

-Obsolete places

I'm aware that a lot of the information on the signup page is copied from another site. And that you've deleted a few parts like Rider(not Snowy's character) working at the Antique Store. Whoops, spoiler? nyeh but many places seem obsolete or poorly explained. (Obsolete: Antique Store, Poor Explanation: Two parks)

These players were of some importance in the original Fate, but don't really hold value anymore. Whereas non-existent places like Scripts Clocktower being defined and placed somewhere (most likely near the train station in Shinto, or a more deserted area perhaps near the church or something). Would fit better?

Places like Homuraba Academy, played a role in Fate, but unless two of the unknown Masters decide to be students, the school becomes a place where roym spends a good portion of her day with nothing to do, or rather no one to interact with other then RPG (her servant)

I know you've provided them as a guideline of places where people can go, but the number of places listed just seems excessive for no apparent reason. And actually thinking about places people "might" go, would be better then copy/pasting from typemoon wikia and settling at that.


Also, when you copy and pasted it turned out funny, below I've rearranged it to not have those ridiculously huge gaps. Not sure why you tried to make it seem bigger then it really is, condensed it's not that large a text wall at all.

I'd also like to know what happened to Sakazuki Cave, and Ryudou Temple? (If there was more information on Ryudou I'd recycle it as the place Kaguya frequents, but since there's little useful information I've decided not to anyway.

1.2 Fuyuki City (Warning: This section will be a bit long. However, it is necessary to know the full area well.)

Fuyuki City is the setting for The Holy Grail War. It is separated into two sections - Shinto and Miyama, which are the new and old sections respectively. Miyama is further split into two parts - the traditional Japanese houses district and the foreigners' houses district.

Miyamachou (Miyama) - Suburban area of Fuyuki.

Shopping Street

(o)Intersection - Connects to the shopping street, the school, the northern and southern parts of town, and to the bridge.

(o)Koushuuensaikan, Taizan - The only Chinese restaurant in Miyamachou. It's renowned for its spicy food. Really, really, spicy food. Enough to melt somebody's tongue sort of spiciness.

(o)Edomaeya - A food stand in Miyamachou. Sells taiyaki for 80 yen each. On the other hand, the stores in Verde have a better selection. Popular among the students.

(o)Antique store

(o)Flower shop- Makoto works here

(o)Homurabara Gakuen - Private high school.

(o)Riverside Park - Located by the bridge.

Shinto - The urban side of Fuyuki.

(o)Fuyuki Station - Constructed several years ago.

(o)Center Building - The highest building in Fuyuki. It's four kilometers away from the bridge.

(o)Verde - Biggest shopping center in town.

(o)Fancy Shop - The name of the biggest stuffed animal store in Shinto.

(o)Copenhagen - Liquor shop x pub sort of place.

(o)Kotomine Church/Fuyuki Church - One hour walk from Miyamachou. It was constructed before WWII. It's on top of a hill.

(o)Graveyard - A graveyard for the foreigners that moved into Fuyuki long ago.

(o)Fuyuki Central Park

(o)Fuyuki Central Library - Located in the middle of the Fuyuki citizen's park during the 4th war. Shutters ended up getting wrecked by an Iskandar that decided to take the books out.

(o)Miongawa - The river that divides Fuyuki in half.

(o)Fuyuki Bridge - The only bridge in Fuyuki city that connects Miyama to Shinto.



(o)Outer forest - One hour drive by taxi from Shinto.

(o)Einzbern Castle - Four hours from the entrance of the forest by foot.

The last two will play into the plot later on down the line and will be explained in full detail when the time comes.

Edited by Kanami
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These players were of some importance in the original Fate, but don't really hold value anymore. Whereas non-existent places like Scripts Clocktower being defined and placed somewhere (most likely near the train station in Shinto, or a more deserted area perhaps near the church or something). Would fit better?

Ah, now perhaps I should be more clear on that since it didn't occur at the time. Clock Tower is the headquarters of the Magic Association in the Great Britain. It is a canon place in Fate/stay night.

Edited by Script
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Yes, I did decide to just copy/paste the entire Fuyuki City section in the information. However, the reason it's there is so you can see what is in Fuyuki if you don't know the entire city. Heck, I still don't know the entire city, so writing the whole thing up myself would've caused me to lose a lot of the places on there.

As for Ryudou and Sakazuki, those were failed to be mentioned in the area I looked at (and quite frankly, I didn't pay attention).

And yes, Clock Tower is canon in Fate, which is why I accepted it in the first place.

As for the school issue, well, Kimiko will be missing a lot of it, so it's not as big an issue as it may seem.

And as roy has relayed to me, it is difficult for her to play older characters. So if she's comfortable RPing a student, then she's well allowed to.

NOTICE: The info intro has now been updated to include the other areas previously unmentioned.

I also went ahead and deleted unneccesary info in the areas, since some of the info pertained to wars that would be currently "in the future" now.

As for taking Kanami's advice and deleting places that won't be used, I decided to leave all of them there since they might end up being used, yes or no, so w/e.

The Master/Servant occupied spots were also updated.

tl;dr - Everything's been refreshed in the info area in terms of Master/Servants filled and Fuyuki City's section.

Edited by EchoingPewter
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XD It got editted again?

Snowy make up your mind XD

And rn7 we do. His Spanish teacher knows him IRL, if he's this hard to work with online, imagine how much of an impact it'd have on people around him IRL? :P

*Flaming troll mode today*

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Isn't that your usual mode? Or do you have a dial instead of a switch? Technology is so great these days.

It's my only mode on the main switchboard.

There's a few different version of it on the sub switchboard, for example, yesterday I was in "sadistic glee" mode :P

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