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[spoiler=Chapter 21 - 23]Chapter 21 (6/121) BEXP: 430

Forged a max might/hit Steel Lance for Brom and gave Muarim Smite. Also gave Jill, Ike and Mist a level of BEXP. Titania got my Energy Drop as well.

Ike uses a Pure Water and gets rescued by Jill, who gets sung to and also uses Pure Water. She drops him next to Tauroneo on turn 3, and the two of them combine to kill Ena on turn 5. Mist, Muarim and Titania clear a path for Reyson to get the Brave Sword; he gets there on turn 6 with help from Rescue and a Laguz Stone. After being recruited, Tauroneo follows Ike and Jill into the center room, Ike's lower defense/lack of 1-2 range/Lord priority keeping him out of combat.

Chapter 22 (1/122) BEXP: 728

Forged a max might/hit Hand Axe for Titania, and gave Mist Sol because I can. BEXP Calill to level 12.

Thanks to the BEXP I gave her, Calill had the Magic necessary to 2HKO Schaeffer. Thank you Reyson. I made sure to get the Bolting before I killed him, though.

Chapter 23 (4/126) BEXP: 470

I bought some Silver Swords and Lances, and forged a max might/hit Silver Lance for Jill. I gave everyone except Brom and Reyson a level of BEXP.

Jill rescues Ike before Reyson refreshes her and Mist Rescues her. After Calill Boltings an enemy out of the way, she drops Ike on turn 2 and engages Petrine on turn 3, finishing her the next turn so Ike can seize. Everyone else just defends Mist and Reyson, while Mist repairs Rescue.

Name    Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike 	20/08  49^ 22  07  22  23  14  19  11  | B Titania, C Reyson
Titania --/14  45  20^ 07  21  22  17  16  12  | B Ike, B Mist
Mist    20/10  34  13  25  14^ 21  22  11  20  | A Jill, B Titania
Brom    20/04  43  19  04  19  16  06  22  08  | 
Jill    20/16  54^ 24  08  25  26^ 13  23^ 10  | A Mist
Muarim     14  52  19  04  16  18  12  15  07  |
Reyson     04  22  01  10  12  15  15  02  21  | C Ike
Calill  --/13  36  10  24^ 21  23^ 18  10  20  |

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I'll hopefully be able to finish this tomorrow.

[spoiler=Chapter 24 - 27]Chapter 24 (3/129) BEXP: 498

Bought some Silver Axes and forged a max might/hit Silver Axe for Jill. Gave Ike, Jill, Mist, Muarim and Brom a level of BEXP each.

Mist moved north and was refreshed so she could Rescue Jill, letting her move effectively 25 squares on the first turn. While Jill flew to the Arrive square, the rest of my party defended Reyson and the undrafted Bastian and Lucia. Mist and Titania were able to break through to the Savior village on turn 3 before Jill arrived.

Chapter 25 (4/133) BEXP: 331

I forged a max might/hit Silver Sword for Ike and BEXP Ike, Jill and Geoffrey up a level.

With help from Muarim and Reyson, Jill gets to the top of the map on turn one, killing Gromell and most of the enemies on turn two. Calill, Titania and Mist took the enemies on the west while Ike, Muarim and Geoffrey cleared the east. Jill and Muarim finished the rout on turn four Enemy Phase.

Chapter 26 (3/136) BEXP: 582

I sold a bunch of stuff low on uses and bought some Silver Lances. I also forged a max might/hit Silver Lance for Geoffrey (which ends up getting traded to Jill). Titania, Mist, Muarim and Geoffrey all got a level with BEXP. I removed Vantage from Jill because of that damn Runesword.

Mist gets Smited and Rescues Jill. Titania and Geoffrey rescue-drop Ike close enough for Jill to rescue him and move west. Reyson uses a Laguz Stone because he needs to stay out of enemy range, but I need him to refresh Mist on turn 2, since she needs to repair Rescue and use it on Muarim. After getting Rescued, Muarim Smites Jill so she can stand in front of Bertram. On the Enemy Phase, he attacks and is countered to low HP. Next turn, Jill finishes him and Ike seizes.

Chapter 27-1 (4/140)

I forged a max might/hit Silver Axe for Jill and gave Ike three levels of BEXP.

Brom, Muarim and Geoffrey head west to distract the enemies near Resolve as the rest of my army moves north, Reyson using another Laguz Stone. Titania ends up opening both doors, and Jill gets the Chest Key and ORKO's Hafedd after Calill clears the way with the last two uses of her Meteor tome. Thanks to Mist and Rescue (I later realized that Jill could've made it right in front of the chest with Reyson's help, letting Muarim or Geoffrey open the chest without using Rescue), Jill is able to make it to the Resolve chest before Titania Arrives.

Chapter 27-2 (1/141) BEXP: 432

R.I.P. Nasir and the BK. Except not really.

Name     Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike      20/13  53^ 25  08  25  26  16  21  13  | B Titania, B Reyson
Titania  --/16  46  21^ 07  22  24  18  16  13  | B Ike, B Mist
Mist     20/15  36  15  26  15^ 23  26  12  22  | A Jill, B Titania
Brom     20/06  44  20  04  20  17  07  24  08  |
Jill     20/20  57^ 26  10  26  27^ 14  25^ 11  | A Mist
Muarim      16  55  20  04  18  19  13  16  08  |
Reyson      05  23  01  10  12  15  16  02  21  | B Ike
Calill   --/14  36  10  25^ 22  23^ 18  10  20  | B Geoffrey
Geoffrey --/14  45  20  09  19  20  12  22  10  | B Calill

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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[spoiler=Chapter 28 and Endgame]Chapter 28 (4/145) BEXP: 417

I forge another max might/hit Silver Lance for Geoffrey (he gets to keep this one) and BEXP Ike to level 15. Also, Ike loses Aether in favor of Wrath and Resolve, and Geoffrey loses Paragon for Sol.

Jill and Ike use Pure Water, then Jill moves west into the trees, not triggering the reinforcement Tigers. Jill drops Ike in front of the Dragon guarding Heddwyn and together they take out the laguz in the eastern area. I'm finally able to break through to Heddwyn with Jill on turn 4 and Ike seizes afterward. Mist used the last charge of Hammerne on Bolting.

Endgame (2/147)

Titania gets a max might/hit Silver Axe forge and a level of BEXP. Ike gets the rest of my BEXP.

Calill kills the Sage in the center and then Mist is refreshed so she can Rescue Ike onto his spot. Ike attacks a Dragon so Ashnard's attack will put him in Resolve and Wrath range. On the Enemy Phase, Ike critikills Bryce and Ashnard's first form. Turn 2, Ike uses and Elixir and Berserk Ashnard gets critkilled again when he attacks. Also, Naesala actually got to do something this time.

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Ike: 107 kills (3rd place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/20  58^ 26  10  27  28  18  24  16  | A Titania, B Reyson

Great when he didn't need to be ferried, but kind of a liability when he did. Most important contributions (besides killing Ashnard) were early on since Titania couldn't be everywhere at once.

Titania: 226 kills (1st place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/17  47  22^ 07  23  24  18  17  13  | A Ike, B Mist

She made the early chapters possible, and was still awesome until the very end. Even when she 3HKO'd, she had Adept to fall back on.

Mist: 26 kills

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/17  37  15  26  16^ 23  27  12  23  | A Jill, B Titania

She was useless until she promoted, and didn't really start pulling her weight until she got her hands on the Rescue staff. With it (and Hammerne) however, she saved a bunch of turns in the mid-late game, allowing Jill to move an obscene distance on the first turn. Her offense was one of the best with the Sonic Sword as well (this was limited though, since I wanted to save Hammerne for the Rescue staff). I didn't get a Physic staff until the last chapter unfortunately, and I didn't even use it after once bought it...

Brom: 35 kills (5th place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/06  44  20  04  20  17  07  24  08  |

I was surprised that Brom made top 5, since he saw so little combat (he didn't hit B lances until chapter 28, just to give you an idea). His main contribution was shoving Reyson, although just being someone who could stay back and deal with reinforcements helped his case a little. He cost me 2 turns to recruit though, so he really only broke even when it comes to saving turns.

Jill: 178 kills (2nd place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
20/20  57^ 26  10  26  27^ 14  25^ 11  | A Mist

I prefer my Wyvern Knights to have more Strength/Defense than Skill/Speed, but that doesn't really matter. Flying utility, made low turn clears possible, etc. Never really needed the support with Mist, despite the nice bonuses.

Muarim: 36 kills (4th place)

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  17  57  21  04  19  20  13  16  08  |

He only got one more kill than Brom somehow... He was more preoccupied with shoving and smiting Titania, Jill and Mist. His offense was a lot better than Brom's, though.

Reyson: 0 kills

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  06  24  01  11  13  16  16  02  22  | B Ike

I only recall having to make use of Reyson's multiple refreshing a couple of times; I mostly used the Laguz Stones for the extra move so Reyson could retreat away from the enemies with the Knight Ring. He saved a bunch of turns and just plain made my life easier.

Calill: 24 kills

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/15  37  11  25^ 22  24^ 18  11  20  | A Geoffrey

Good offense, bad defense. She also made great use of Meteor and Bolting to kill pesky enemies in the way so my other units could rush forward towards the chapter objective. Staff utility would've been nice, but you can't have everything (despite what she advertises).

Geoffrey: 10 kills

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
--/15  46  20  10  29  21  12  22  10  | A Calill

He wasn't extremely useful, but he wasn't bad either. 9 move and the Brave Lance were his saving graces.

Ena: 0 kills

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  10  52  20  09  17  15  14  23  21  |

Only useful as a shove-bot. She didn't even get to kill anything this time.

Naesala: 1 kill

Level  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
  17  57  25  15  26  31  19  21  16  |

This time he got shoved far enough to kill a Cat with Vortex, but his main use was as my back up plan in case Ike didn't critical Ashnard with Wrath. It wasn't necessary, though.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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