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Name: Cyrus Labroue

Nickname: Cy

Age: 18

Class: Wyvern Knight

Affinity: THE SUN

Weapon proficiency: Lance

Inventory: Adv Barrier Lance, Platemail, Skill Book 1

Raw Stats: Hp:10 Str:12 Mag:0 Skl:6 Spd:5 Lck:1 Def:5 Res:0

Simplified stats:Hp:30 Mt:12 Hit:7 AS:5 Evd:6 Def:9 Res:9

Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance: Toned build with average height. Green disheveled hair hair with a side swept fringe, the back is tied into a short ponytail. Has a helmet that he keeps but rarely wears at it limits his vision of the battlefield. Normal attire is his indigo plate armor with a wine red scarf around his neck that he seems to treasure and occasionally use as a mask.

Nature/Disposition: Reserved when in Ursium, borderline paranoid. Outside of his home country though, much more relaxed and willing to take things slowly, the paranoia lessens but is still present.

Hometown: Home country of Ursium

Connections: Val, Helena

Backstory: Wyvern riders in Ursium are nearly everything except illegal. If you ride one you're likely to be thought of as a traitor or sympathetic to the Skotians, that's the primary reason that the Labroue family were always reclusive in the mountains of Ursium. Always few in numbers and practically blamed for every incident that happened in the area, from pegasus poaching to a bad crop season. Cyrus never cared for that kind of treatment, and since he couldn't just suddenly change the opinions of an entire country, he simply settled for leaving. Eventually hooking up with a band of mercenaries that taught him the trade. After a few years of partners coming and going, it finally seems as though he's found some that are going to end up being a pretty good fit.

500(levels)+100(skill book)+70(platemail)+80(a.b.lance)-20(plain lance)

13 points

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Jericho purchases an upgrade to his Heal Staff for 30 points and a level for 110

MAG SKL SPD increase

HP:5 STR:0 MAG:11 SKL: 8 SPD: 9 LUK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 7

Now he has 7 points left. Wiggle diggles.

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Name: Zahid Berdon

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Age: 41

Class: Hero

Affinity: Light

Weapon proficiency: Axe

Weapon of Choice: His weapon.

Inventory: Rune Axe, Skill Book, Large Pack > Life Book

Raw Stats:

HP : 7

STR: 9

MAG: 0

SKL: 7

SPD: 6

LUK: 2

DEF: 4

RES: 1

Simplified Stats:

HP : 21

MT : 9

HIT: 9

AVO: 8

DEF: 4

RES: 1

POINT SPENDING: 400 to get to tier 2, sold starting weapon for 20, spend 80 for rune weapon, 100 for Skill book (taking teh health regen skill upgrade), 80 for the large pack, then 60 Life Book. 700 points spent in total, 43 left over

Occupation: Undisclosed

Appearance: 5'10'', fit for his age, darker skin, tends to be fully clothed from head to toe due to an illness (vitiligo as we know it) he doesn't know how to fix and doesn't like it being brought up all the time.

Nature/Disposition: Optimistic, calm, collected, and most notably, human and prone to errors and anomalies.

Hometown: Pending, need to iron out a few things in this.

Connections: none

Backstory: Parents had a kid, he was that kid. Being of mixed race (Neviskotian and Rexian)... Well that didn't change much of his life as his life took a turn for the weird when his skin itself started changing color on him. It didn't seem like anyone knew of a real cure for him, merely suggesting ideas on how to cover it up, but that wouldn't stop him from exploring every option he could think of or find leads on. His latest excursions brought him to the land of Kigen, seeking more ways to cure himself. Making a purchase for more medicinal ingredients, it turns out that he purchased the last of what some others desperately needed and after some quick negotiations he eventually settled for some food on their persons. This earned him a life-debt from the woman, something he hadn't expected really. Now he wanders... maybe.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How can my little Angel possibly be this bulky?!- *shot*

Angelica purchases a Firewall(Wind)

15 points left doe.

Simp Stats(Firewall): Hp:21 Mt:3/0(Mag/Phys) Hit:13 AS:4(5?) Evd:5(6?) Def:10 Res:11

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, so it came to my attention that I forgot to get Orville to sell his basic tome so... poof, it's sold (+20).

Now I'm doing something I probably should've done a while ago. Better late then never amirite?

Orville acquires a Chainmail (-30) and then upgrades it to Platemail (-40).

He now has 3 points.

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Name: Gwyndolyn Eiluned

Nickname: Gwyn, Gwynnie, Your Highness (but not really)

Gender: Female

Age: Not telling! <3 (Estimated to be 17 or so)

Class: Performer Virtuoso

Affinity: Fabulosity

Weapon proficiency: Staff

Weapon of Choice: A super pretty super magical staff of SUNSHINE and RAINBOWS and FABULOUS

Inventory: Recover, Skill Book 1, Large Pack

Raw Stats: (2/2) HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 5 SKL: 5 SPD: 12 LCK: 10 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 15 MT: 5 HIT: 6 AS: 12 AVO: 22 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Occupation: (Self-Proclaimed) Singing and Dancing SUPERNOVA

Appearance: Fabulous and fashionabluhhhhhhhh 5'7", slim build, red eyes, and flashy pink hair round out her general physical features. Her attire mostly consists of elaborately embroidered articles down to the handkerchief (it's a really important part of ANYONE'S outfit!) and she would never be caught dead without a gaudy ornament in her hair. She loves soft furs and lace.

[spoiler=Mugshot and basic colors.]9d934b90dca15388bfc4ec9e0a639832.png

Nature/Disposition: Self-absorbed, moody, finicky, fickle. She won't take no for an answer unless she's the one answering. Her antics leave much to be desired, but maybe she's not so bad after all?

Hometown: Some hick village in Ursium. Gods if I know.

Connections: Cyrus and whoever those other girls are, I forget names. Don't expect me to remember irrelevant names!

Backstory: Her (not so royal) Highness was actually just some other hick girl from a hick village in the hick mountains (but don't tell her you knew that, she might throw a tantrum.) She'd always dreamed of becoming rich and famous through her singing and dancing, but unfortunately that's not quite panning out for her. When her childhood friend lackey, Cyrus, decided to just up and run away leave the village one day, she couldn't leave him alone. What was she going to do if she lost her only number one fan?! The answer was clear to her: this kid would be completely lost without her, so she'll have to keep him out of trouble. Even if that hick village were to lose its one and only superstar, this kid would be completely lost without her, and the world needed to know the greatness of Gwyndolyn the Diva! Also, she's good with a staff, but I bet you already knew that. That sort of thing happens when you're stuck with a blundering dope all the time.

Mount Name: Cyrus Labroue

Mount Nickname: Cy

Mount Gender: Male

Mount Species: Human

Mount Age: 18

Mount Appearance: Dopey-faced green-haired rattail guy.

Mount Personality: COMPLAINS TOO MUCH.

Mount Relations: People and that bag of scales, I guess.

Mount Backstory: Who cares? He just needs to keep me from doing any dirty work! Gosh!!

Point Total: 743-500(levels)-50(staff upgrade)-100(Skill Book)-80(Large Pack)=13

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The cloak isn't actually unlocked yet (if it's got '(T4)' by it you'll have to check the unlocks list to see if signups can buy it yet). Also it says she's a 2/2 but she's got the stats of a 2/3 (42 total instead of 39). You'll need to either drop three points or spend the extra leveling points.

Cyrus is her mount? Heheheheh

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The cloak isn't actually unlocked yet (if it's got '(T4)' by it you'll have to check the unlocks list to see if signups can buy it yet). Also it says she's a 2/2 but she's got the stats of a 2/3 (42 total instead of 39). You'll need to either drop three points or spend the extra leveling points.

I pulled an all-nighter, so I only scanned the unlockables list, sorry! It's now a shiny Skill Book~ The 2/2 being 2/3 thing was some misinformation a certain someone fed me and I fixed it so that it reads properly now. :3:

Cyrus is her mount? Heheheheh

Not in that way, silly bird!

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And then there was an application! BAM.

Name: Sergei Balazs Arbatov
Nicknames: None that have stuck yet.
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Class: Cavalier
Affinity: Water (or Ice, if you're retro)
Weapon proficiency: Axe
Weapon of Choice: His braveaxe, "Peace," which he has had since age 20
Inventory: Brave Axe, Plate Mail, Bull Rush Tome
Raw Stats: Level:2/2 HP:9 STR:8 MAG:0 SKL:6 SPD:6 LUK:1 DEF:6 RES:3
Simplified Stats: HP:27 MT:8 HIT:7.5 AS:6 AVO:7 DEF:6(10) RES:3
Occupation: Formerly sergeant in Bosconovitch's army; currently freelance
Appearance: Sergei is a man of somewhat imposing build, though his bad posture makes that somewhat hard to see immediately. His armor, steel platemail, looks somewhat piecemeal in places; the parts that are clearly platemail look to be worn and dirty. Beneath that, he wears a simple red tunic, and on occasion he wears a cloak over it. But he tries not to wear the cloak often - he hates that it gets caught on things.

His hair is short, black, and appears to be pushed back over his scalp every morning out of habit; while this keeps his face clear, it also prominently displays the speckling of grey at the roots, an indicator of the ruthless onset of age. While this coloration might otherwise indicate stress, his surprisingly unwrinkled face indicates a certain calm to him. Brown eyes, drifting unpredictably from one subject to the next, complement this air of calm reasonably; his well-trimmed beard, sans mustache but complete with sideburns, seem almost out of place with the rest of him, potentially the last vestige he has of military discipline. When no one is looking, he scratches his beard rather vigorously

Nature/Disposition: He's simple enough, as people go. Tries to mitigate conflicts where he finds them, and is somewhat willing to strong-arm people into making nice. Humble to a fault - any heroism he finds himself in, to him, is just doing his job. Has little patience for self-pitying types, and is somewhat tactless in trying to get them to change their mindsets.

Though his heart is in the right place, Sergei is often more generous than he knows he ought to be, and he is the first to admit he is utterly terrible with money. He has an inexplicable habit of haggling in favor of the person selling to him, and though he was poor as a child, is wanton with any spare coins that come into his possession. He places more value on actual possessions, no matter how simple or cheap, than having coin in his pocket.

Hometown: By birth, Groznygrad; he's lived most of his adult life in small villages in Ursium that would take him in.

Connections: Very few, though some people from small towns in Ursium might recognize him as a transient guard...

Backstory: tl;dr - A Skotian deserter-turned-magistrate who is on the move again out of habit. But read what I wrote 'cause I worked hard on it pls

Born fatherless and poor, was never guaranteed anything. His mother had enough trouble providing for herself, much less for a child; as early as age five, the boy felt more like a burden than a child, and would regularly take less than what people offered him, determined not to be a problem to anyone. While he thought of his actions as noble, and surely worth some recognition, he quickly learned that, given the chance, people will rethink their generosity. Though it was a sobering realization for a child, it never bothered him too much; after all, everyone needed food, so why wouldn't they take it for themselves, especially if he didn't ask for it?

In what he thought was a selfless act that would give his mother her freedom back, at twelve he left home, bringing with him only what he could carry - a hatchet in his left hand and a small satchel full of oats in his right. Two months of wandering, scavenging and accepting charity eventually brought him to a recruitment station for the armies of General Peter Bosconovitch. In spite of his hunger and his fatigue, he entered, determined to be something other than a poor boy. Even if he had to be a killer. Such meritless drive, though, while it can be useful, is not enough to make a soldier; Sergei spent nearly a year asking and asking, again living off of the charity of others, until he was finally brought into the Skotian ranks.

His time in the military was short, though not without merit. The tenacity he showed in trying to be recruited proved useful when his superiors tried to teach him to ride a horse, then to use a weapon - and then to do both adequately. A genealogy of bruises, pulled muscles, broken bones and unfortunate riding-related soreness marks most of his military history, but if nothing else, it made him resilient. He did his best, however, to remember that everyone he met was fighting to survive, same as him. Some of them had to die, of course - that was part of his job. A part he admittedly had trouble with, but sometimes that didn't matter.

Until it did, of course.

It took him seven years of service to realize he cared more about the people who watched him ride through villages, the downtrod and hopeless, than he did about his brothers-in-arms. It was a harsh revelation to make, and harsher still was his decision to desert. At twenty-one, though, he did, and promptly crossed the border into Ursium, discarding any banners that still clung to his armor. It was not for hatred of his country that he left; he simply wanted to dedicate his time to people that needed him, and realistically, Bosconovitch had hordes of people to rely on anyway. What would the loss of one do to his armies?

His restlessness refused to be truly satisfied by this decision, however, and never did he spend more than five years in one place after his desertion. The five-year period he spent was the most recent, and took place in a small village in Ursium. He liked that place; it had plenty of apples, and somehow people just seemed...decent, in a way he wasn't used to. For one thing, when he refused their hospitality, they showed some adamance in giving it anyway, and sullen though he was in losing face (at least, that's what he thought it was), he could not help but appreciate that mindset. Whatever the case, though, he opted to stay there. He could fight, so he could defend them, so he wouldn't be a burden. That was all the reason he needed to stop wandering a while.

Recently, though, the townspeople have asked that he track down a shady young man who they suspect kidnapped a loud pink-haired girl. Though he has no idea why anyone would want to do something like that, it's given him reason to feed old habits, and so he's set off again to find them. Mostly. Some part of him just enjoys the wandering, at this point...

Point Spread: 743-500(stats)+20(selling default axe)-90(braveaxe)-70(platemail)-100(Bull Rush tome)=3

Mount Name: Clopin (pronounced CLO-pan)
Mount Nickname: Clo, Boots, Idiot Horse, Oaf, Lovable Oaf, Smelly Oaf - but mostly Boots. Sergei likes calling him Boots.
Mount Gender: STALLION, BABY!
Mount Species: STALLION, BABY!
Mount Age: 7
Mount Appearance: 16 hands high. Grey, spotted coat. Long, unkempt mane. Scar on the nose, just above the left nostril. (He didn't get it in combat - Clopin's done some stupid things.)
Mount Personality: More skittish than the average horse. Seems to take offense to people staring at him, and hates loud noises. A bit too eager to eat apples and other fruit.
Mount Relations: He probably has a few foals here and there. No telling what Clopin's been up to, man.
Mount Backstory: This horse has seen some shit. On the floor of a barn (heyoh). Where he grew up and where he slept when he wasn't running and stuff. Now he carries a smelly human who feels fatter than he is because he wears a lot of metal. Which totally sucks.

Mount Point Spread: 9001-9000 (being an awesome horse)=1

If I goofed something up, lemme know. This is version 1. BEEP BOOP ALL DONE

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Seems it's about time to make this official. Valeriya's signup is being withdrawn. She'll still exist in canon as an NPC(who may or may not actually get any non-flashback screentime, we'll see)

Only time will tell what will come in her place. #VoteClicheCrypticStatements2016

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Well, I'm sure this is a surprise to no one, but I'm fed up with this RP. I was already kinda mad at many things, but the straw that broke the camel's back is Nyx just godmodding Zach and Jericho into being able to use other elements. I was already the bottom monkey constantly mocked and insulted with no sign of improvement, and now, one of the things one of my characters has been outright striving to do since her introduction gets outright handed to others. To make it worse, I remember asking about this because I thought something like this would happen and needed to know if Tia would have a chance to actually read or at least look for books, only to be left with the impression she wouldn't. And now we are.

If someone wants to adopt Robin or Tia, go ahead, though I fully expect both will be left by the wayside. I have no regrets about doing so though. With this, as far as SF is concerned, I am retired.

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That's fine. Normally I'd tell you to slow down and not jump to conclusions since you don't have the slightest idea what Nyx is doing here, but I don't think I will this time. I'm not dealing with these temper tantrums anymore. If you're leaving for real this time, then leave, but I'm not letting you come back in the future with this insane victim mentality of yours.

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