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General Archibald's Bootcamp of Event Hacking


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This is a project of mine designed to teach Chapter Creation through visual means, showing people exactly how to do things and explaining it with my "epic" (Blazer said that) voice.

Current Episodes:

Episode 1: Programs you Need & Map Insertion

Episode 2: Getting Started with Events, Opening Events and Turn Events

Episode 3: Music, Text, 'Talk' Events

Episode 4: Various Events for Scenes

Episode 5: Villages, Map Changes, Weather & Defining Things

Episode 6: Location Events, Misc. Events, and Victory Conditions

Episode 7: Ending Events, More Event Codes for Scenes

Episode 8: Conditions

Episode 9: Quick Review and Analyzing Events

Episode 10: Pools, Macros and the EAstdlib

Episode 11: Fight Sequences

Episode 12: Event ID Recap & Permanent Event IDs

Episode 13: Gaiden Chapters

Episode 14: FE6 Events, Differences from FE7, Capabilities, and More!

Episode 15: FE8 Events (Covers a lot of various things)

Episode 16: Doors, Chests, and Tile Changes

I apologize for the general chaotic nature of my lessons, I don't really plan these things out. I don't plan on becoming a teacher either, so yeah... Hope you learn what you need to know!

Edited by eCut
Fixed the Youtube link! It didn't go to the playlist before. :P
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Likes: Your voice, the tutorials in general. Thanks for posting this!

Dislikes: Your microphone. Please kick it for me. It is not doing justice to your voice.

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Alright, Episode 6 is uploaded. Episode 7 is being processed by Windows Movie Maker and will then be uploaded. That covers all the basics of event hacking (I think).

Seven tutorial videos in one day....it's break time!

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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Most of it is fine, but I'll make a video on FE8 and FE6 differences for the minor differences that do exist.

Video 7 is online. Enjoy, maggots!

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I'm glad you find my explanations to be clear, I was actually worried about sounding like a bumbling buffoon that nobody could learn from.

Anyways, I had an urge to do Episode 8 this morning. It details one of the more advanced aspects of Events Hacking, Conditions. I'd especially like comments on this video, since conditions are one of the more difficult things to learn.

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Arch, I got a question.

If you can have it so a certain character can receive a different item from a village, can you do the same thing for chests? Say I have two thieves. One opens a chest a grabs an Iron sword, and the other thief opens the chest and grabs an Iron axe.

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That's an interesting idea.

Yes, it should be possible. You can't use Nintenlord's macro for Chests though, use this instead (put it under location events).

CHES 0 Chest_event [X,Y] 0x12"

Then this would be the "Chest_event"

IFCA 0x01 FirstThief
ELSE 0x02 //All other thiefs
ENIF 0x01
ITGC ItemForOtherThiefs
ENIF 0x02

That should work, if you've only got two thieves. Enemies thieves would obviously pull the second item.

EDIT: In case you didn't notice, Episode 9 is up on YouTube. It's a quick recap of the basic things we've learned so far. Also a dissection of events made by Nintenlord. WHEE!!!

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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A few more questions. :awesome:

Presumably, if I make it say

IFCA 0x01 FirstThief
ITGC Item1, Item2

Would this give 2 items at once?

Can a recruitment result in a promotion like Lara and Pahn?

Thief staff would require ASM

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A few more questions. :awesome:

Presumably, if I make it say

IFCA 0x01 FirstThief
ITGC Item1, Item2

Would this give 2 items at once?

Can a recruitment result in a promotion like Lara and Pahn?

Thief staff would require ASM

You can't apply two parameters to a code that doesn't recognize two parameters.

IFCA 0x01 FirstThief
ITGC Item1
ITGC Item2

That would give two items.

And I don't know of a way to force a promotion except for the game's Lord.

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Ignore my incompetence, I actually fixed the problem myself (I guess it's ironic that I call myself incompetent and actually fix the problem... or maybe not).

But anyway Arch, you might actually see my Zephiel hack this time! 8D

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Yeah, it's rather annoying. I don't know of a code to stop SFX, but in theory you could use SOUN 0x0000 to replace an SFX with no SFX. I've never tried it before.

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I think I mentioned the OOBB code in a later video. Chapters have a setting in the CDE where you choose "fade to black" or "fade to map." OOBB gets rid of the blackness caused by the first option, which the prologue has by default (you can alter this in the CDE obviously). OOBB is just the code, no parameters or anything else.

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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I'm glad it worked out for you. Tomorrow I'm planning on cranking out a ton of Bootcamp videos before I go on hacking hiatus. Make your requests ASAP!

Here's the current to-do list:

World Map events (if I feel like it)

Fight Sequences Correction (since Nintenlord helped me further understand them today)

Making Gaiden Chapters

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Could you please add in the Gaiden Chapter video a way to make a Gaiden like 5x in FE8 (where all your units change for that map and change again for the next one)?

Also something about unit slots (how many units you can deploy in a chapter and forced units)?

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EDIT: Certainly, I'll add that to the video. I thought you were suggesting a video on how to make gaiden chapters, lol.

Also, dedicating an entire video to unit limitations seems silly. I've already covered everything else with units. Just keep going until you break something, that's when you know you've reached the limit :P.

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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I haven't seen all of the videos, but, d'you think, if you haven't already, that you could cover special conditions, like what you did in Tale 1X of Elibian Nights?

Also, if you haven't done this, victory conditions like they have in Hector Mode, chapter 25, where you have to capture the three castles?

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