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FE6 Savestate Please?


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I need an FE6 Savestate, if someone would be so kind to provide it, that has all of the trial maps unlocked (at least all of the ones that can be unlocked). I'm doing some research into FE6 events and such, believe me that it's important to my research.

Pretty pwease with sugar on top?

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I need an FE6 Savestate, if someone would be so kind to provide it, that has all of the trial maps unlocked (at least all of the ones that can be unlocked). I'm doing some research into FE6 events and such, believe me that it's important to my research.

Pretty pwease with sugar on top?

I think this is all. There's five of them there, and Site Info suggests I'm only missing promotional maps.

It's a battery save file, and not a save state, if that doesn't work, I could try a different format. Just change .txt to .sav

Fire Emblem - Fuuin no Tsurugi - (JP).txt

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So does this work? I can probably do something with it too if someone requests a thing like "make trial maps available by default" or "change trial map unlock requirements" and I see fit to determine the solutions.

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I have the trial maps unlocked but I just cannot beat the 5th map.(enemy reinforcements keep coming and I ran out of weapons, also it is on a desert which means Roy cannot just go around killing everyone before reinforcements arrive) By the way the map is a Roy solo.

(I think I will start a new topic on this.)

Edited by Flint Echo
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