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Return of The Emblem Chapter One: The Artifact


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Elsewhere ...

Jethro woke up to find himself tightly restrained. He wasn't only bound in chains, but suspended in the air by some unknown means. Everything around him except for a small radius was completely dark. "Probably nighttime." he muttered frustratingly. He knew someone was coming and braced himself as best he could not knowing if he was about to get some kind of torture treatment or not. The figure that emerged from that shadows wore a black cloak and stared at him blankly through his hood.

"Alright, what do you want?" Jethro asked expectantly.

"The fire emblem. Well, your part of it at least. We already have the other one." he replied allowing a small grin to creep up on his face.

Jethro grimaced. What did they plan to do with the fire emblem? How did they even find out that his daughter had it in the first place? And only a piece of it? Questions kept coming up one after another and Jethro found himself shaking his head to block out the curiosity. The robed figure entertained said thoughts though with an answer.

"Curious isn't it? Two pieces of the legendary emblem that put us all here. How it became this way I'm not certain, but now that we have found the other one, it is only a matter of time."

"And you're telling a captive this?" he asked trying to be slightly insulting. "I'm sure your plan is foolproof, but is that really an excuse to boast and blabber?"

"If you were a worthless captive to us, you'd be dead already, not in chains. I decided to maintain my anonymity among that circle of people for the time being. Having you also works to our advantage." Jethro raised an eyebrow at this seeing it as a bit too typical. "Don't give me that look, Jethro. You're no ransom. It's going to take us awhile moving around at such a sloppy pace but you will be seeing our master in the near future. We'll have the other half of the emblem soon enough. This outcome is perfectly acceptable for the time being." the man replied.

"What do you people want with me?"

"You're ex-military. A.K.A. useful." said Hayato as he stepped out from the shadows giving Jethro a cocky smirk.

"... Kid, what the hell is wrong with your hair?"

Hayato shook his head insulted and turned to the side slightly resisting the urge to punch Jethro right in the jaw. The other man giggled and then came closer to him. "... and what do you mean by 'useful'?" he added.

"It's almost time for humanity to take another great leap forward. I sincerely hope you and your daughter are here to see it. I really do. For now simply know that I have no intention of trading you for the emblem or killing you. Nothing else you think matters all that much either." he explained. "This is over here is Hayato. You two have already met. You may call me Sardis."

"Alright then, 'Sardis' ... what happens now?"

"The remnants of the insurgents are heading north, and so shall we for the time being." he explained.


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"I swear, if I hear 'no vacancy' one more time, I'll make vacancy!" Gytha grumbled to herself as she walked into the last inn by the sea. All the others had been filled and Gytha refused to travel inland anymore until she had to meet with Raquel in the morning along with whoever else was coming along.

As she entered, the innkeeper frowned. A woman carrying a forign girl on her back into a port inn was hardly common. "Welcome t' th' Gull's Nest. Lookn' fer sum'n?" he asked as he rested his jaw on his fist in boredom.

"I'm lookn' fer place t' stay fer th' night," Gytha answered.

"These pier inns are no place for a pretty lady. There be nothn' but scallywags who'd be all-too-happy 'bout a nice lady if ye know what I mean. Ye'd best try ferther inland, lassie," The innkeeper replied as he grinned with a wink to better obviate his point.

"Brawls start easy and end hard with sea scum. Do ye have any room in yer inn?" Gytha simply replied, sending the Innkeeper a fierce glare at the notion.

That glare wiped the grin right off his face as he replied, "Sorry, lassie, but ev'ry room's full."

"Watch this fer me," Gytha ordered, handing Seina to the innkeeper, "An' don't ye be lettn' anything happen t' 'er."

The innkeeper nodded somewhat dumbly as Gytha strode into the commonroom, wondering what the woman was up to.

A few eyes followed Gytha as she sat down at one of the commonroom's tables. It was filled with seafarers and all of them were singing or drinking or laughing. Some were telling stories, some were playing cards. It was both a famillier sight and one Gytha hadn't seen in a long time. One of the sailors who'd watched Gytha come in stood from his stool at the bar and swaggered unsteadily over to Gytha and plopped down beside her. The ones he'd been sitting with -- equally drunk -- watched obviously from where they were seated.

"What brings ye here t' the Gull's Nest?" asked the drunk. The ones he'd been sitting with -- equally drunk -- watched obviously from where they were seated.

"I was lookn' fer a place t' stay the night, but the innkeep says that there's not a place left," Gytha replied.

"Well, if yer lookn' fer a place t' stay, ye can have me room. I wouldn't mind the company," The sailor scooted closer to the woman as he spoke -- far too close for Gytha's comfort.

"Do ye know what I do for a livn'?" she asked before she smashed her fist into the man's teeth, "I'm a mariner."

The mischeivous smiles of the sailor's comrades faded into expressions of shock as their friend staggered backwards, using one hand to cover his mouth and the other to steady himself. Now fuming, glaring at Gytha, he removed his hand to reveal broken teeth and a furious scowl. "Dirty wench, ye'll pay fer that!"

The man brought back his hand in a powerful backhand slap, which Gytha ducked under, easily avoiding, and danced away bahind the man. "HAHAHARR!! Ye sluggard; how do ye expect to hit me if yer so slow? HAHARR!"

More enraged than ever, the man barreled at Gytha. However, the woman again avoided his fist and instead sent a jab into his gut, the force of which was amplified by the man's own lunge. The wind was knocked out of him and he curled up, stunned for a moment. And that was a moment Gytha was not about to waste. She manuvered off to the side and drove her elbow between the man's shoulders, onto his back. With a shout, the man flopped onto the floor, defeated. By now, every eye in the commonroom was on the fight. Two of the man's comrades were so enraged that they, themselves, lunged at Gytha. "How dare ye, ye wench?!"

Gytha sidestepped one of them and used the same technique as before on the other, putting her fist to the man's face this time, though. "Can't ye insult any other way? 'Wench this, wench that?' Learn some new insults, boys! Hahaharr!" she laughed. Now the crowd was cheering: some for Gytha, others for their fellow sailors. I always have t' prove meself when I come into a new port, don't I? Well, at least its fun! Gytha thought as the sailor she'd sidestepped charged at her again. This time she curled up, allowing him to trip over her and land flat on his face, landing hard and sliding a little across the floor. The other got up from her opening punch and came at Gytha swinging. She simply ducked and then bolted up again in an uppercut, this time knowcking the man out cold. All that remained was the original offender, who was groaning and getting back to his hands and knees. A well-aimed kick to his side ensured that he'd stay down allong with his comrades.

When the fight was over, a loud cheer rang out among the sailors. Coin was exchanged from bets that had apparently been made and song and mug-emptying started up again.

"HAHAAAHAHAAHAHARR!! That was good! HAAAHAHARR!!" laughed Gytha as she stretched ans walked back to the reception counter, a wide grin on her carefree face. "Now 'en, innkeeper, hows about we throw out those scallywags and I get the room they had?"

The innkeeper stared at the woman for a moment before bursting into a hearty laugh himself. "Aye, aye! I've no idea what they suggested t' cause such a fight, but if they caused the trouble against a lady like yerself, then they've no place here. That's certian!" he agreed with a wink before calling over a servantboy. "Oy! Go on and drag out those troublemakers, lads! An' take their keys! They've nothing to pay for thier lodgings tonight!"

Once Gytha was happily in her new room, she set Seina down with a cup of water and a plate of food on the sidetable next to her. Maw jumped into the room through the window with her fishbones no longer in her mouth. "Ran out of flavor, eh, Maw?" asked Gytha as she took off her boots and laid down happy on the bed she'd won. The cat trotted under the bed to curl up and rest. Gytha's attention returned to the forign girl sleeping beside her. I wonder who you are...

The sound of the sea was hypnotic and familliar. It didn't take too long for Gytha to fall asleep, though she was a little sad for having to leave its company in the morning.

Edited by Mercakete
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Seina stirred at the sound of something exploding..... or was it just something smashing against the wall? She couldn't really tell yet, her senses not adjusting to her surroundings. Though she immediately wishes her senses hadn't when the stench of beer and brandy filled her nose. If that didn't make things bad enough, the smell reeked of hairy old men who she assumed hadn't bathed in awhile. Combined with the salty smell of the sea which was no doubt nearby it was an effort in itself not to throw up.

The sound of something hitting the ground caught her attention and she risked a peek only to find a burly man standing over her, judging from the hollering that filled the room, she'd been abducted by evil sea people! She could hear their odd rambles of excitement as gold switched hands and mugs and flasks fell to the ground forgotten over the bigger source of entertainment. Argh, I feel sorry for whoever has to clean this mess she thought trying to block out reality for as long as possible, eventually failing, when a large cheer echoed throughout the room and her curiosity got the better of her.

And couldn't help but let out a short gasp of horror as three battered men caught her eye. One of them seemed to be smiling at her, though maybe it was just the loosened expression and lack of teeth.... Trying her best to ignore the shiver that went up her spine, she looked up at the man standing over her relieved when she confirmed her gasp had gone unnoticed. Though considering the racket that people were making it really didn't surprise her that she'd gone unnoticed.

Deciding she could risk another peek she looked over at the direction the cheers were coming from, careful to avoid the battered beaten men laying on the ground. Her eyes fell on a small burly man with a big chest who was apparently responsible for the knocked out men..... or was that a woman? A careful glance told her the latter and she couldn't help but wonder what a girl would have gone through to become that..... manly? Either way the woman was a disgrace to all girls in the world. She half expected guards to come bustling in, but figured the guards of this nation weren't really that attentive or devoted to their work anyway if what she saw this afternoon was anything to go by.

Either way it didn't matter, it wasn't like any guards would be saving her in this barbaric country. And it wasn't like she was going to hang out with any of these sea people. She'd just pick herself up and... "Eeep" she whispered in a hushed tone as a blue eye stared back at hers. She panicked for a second nearly letting out a surprised shout but calming herself down when she realized it was only a kitty. A rather feral looking kitty at that. Making sure that the innkeeper hadn't noticed her awake she smiled at the cat hoping it'd get the hint and go away, but the cat simply resumed staring at her with a bored expression.... or was it? She couldn't really tell what the cat was thinking.

Figuring the cat wouldn't move she glared at him, hoping it'd do something, and to her surprise the cat hoped off down onto floor. Haha take that kitty she thought projecting her words towards the cat with a sense of accomplishment when an overly loud woman's voice called out to the innkeeper, which just happened to be the man standing over her. Deciding it would be best to play dead she closed her eyes focusing her mind so that her body would go limp.

Why'd the stupid man-woman have to come over here? she thought, mentally scowling at the woman who'd stolen her chance of escaping. Ah well, Seina's a smart girl, she'll just wait until the big man-woman goes away and then she'll be fr- Her self assurance was brought to a swift end as she was rudely and roughly hefted onto the woman's shoulder.

How big is this woman? she thought to herself as she peeked open her eyes again only to find herself being taken down a corridor. The woman was so big she could be a.....

her train of thought flickered as an unpleasant story revived itself in her mind. She'd heard about people like this woman before! It was when she was five or six, that was it. Big burly women who couldn't find a husbands had been chased out of town and into the mountains, where they....

She tensed for a moment horrified at what followed but managed to keep still so that the events which had just occurred in her mind wouldn't become a reality.

Several more steps and they'd reached their destination, a room.... not a nice pretty one like she was used to, but she assumed this was the common lodgings of a commoner. Having being set down on something hard a table most likely, since it was way too hard and uncomfortable to be a bed or sofa.

She knew it, the stories were true! She'd need to get out of here as soon as possible. But possibility wouldn't arrive until that monster woman fell asleep. Fortunately for her, it didn't take very long for the woman's snores to fill the room, they weren't unbearable, but they certainly weren't lady-like.

After waiting a few moments to make sure that this wasn't some trap to see if she was awake, Seina lay still for a few more moments, her body slowly raising itself to an upright position as she took a look around the darkened room. There wasn't much light but there was enough moonlight and starlight pouring in from the window for her to make out a few objects. There was the monster-woman sleeping, there was the door, and right beside her was.... *gasp.* "Food!" she backed herself away from the tray of food in horror, she wouldn't eat it, she wouldn't! >_< She wasn't going to fall for the monster woman's trick, she'd wouldn't eat the woman's evil food, and she wouldn't be here in the morning either. She'd be far away, hopefully back in Kigen in her comfy bed.

Calming herself down, she decided enough time had elapsed for her to be certain that the woman was out cold, and she risked lowering her foot onto the wooden flooring, releasing a sigh of relief when it didn't creak under her weight. Carefully making her way to the door she reached out and turned the knob. Only to find that it refused to budge. Locked? She cursed as she glanced over at the sleeping woman, who no doubt held they key.

It was hopeless, she wasn't going to be able to pull the key out of the woman's pockets, she didn't even know if they were in the woman's pockets, and she wasn't going to jump into the lions mouth. It was bad enough that she'd been trapped in it's den. but it was either that or she stayed here until tomorrow morning, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to escape after the woman was awake.

Shaking her head furiously, she took one brave step over to the woman's bed, it was do or die! "You can do it!" she whispered to herself as she took another bold step, afraid that the woman would jump up and grab her at any moment she chanced another step when azure eye opened up in the darkness staring observantly at her.

Letting out a silent scream she collapsed onto the floor unconscious. Her mind shutting down immediately, unable to handle anymore horror for one day.

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As the young girl promptly insulted the two knights, Daloth stifled a small laugh. Too see two armor-clad warriors astride mounts lashed verbally by a young girl likely half their age seemed vaguely humorous. Until the sphere of flame formed within her hand. The girl was no weakling child to be sure, and was clearly a tad violent. "I believe I shall say that I shalt accept your generous offer; Miss Heizan." he said with a smile before stepping around and jumping onto the cart. Turning to the young girl he continued to speak. "As you have figured out, yes I am a mage, like you. However, I practice with the element of ice instead of fire. As for where I am headed, I was recently kicked out of Jerdon Port for refusing to allow the guards to inspect my tome. Tis my masters old tome, and I do not desire to leave it in the hands of any man whom I cannot trust. As such, I had no desired location in mind. I was heading north as I did not seek to travel west into the untamed lands. Please, tell me a bit about yourself as well. What is a young mage doing out here on the road? Not to mention with two guards at her side? Are you the child of nobility?"

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Through the Night ...

As the night went on, word had quickly spread about the attack on Sergio Port and some of the vessels in the area had slipped into the port town under cover of night. As the sun rose over Sergio, the ships were clear for all to see. Another ship of the line was floating out in the harbor being flanked by two very large galleons. The UNV Missionary was still docked but otherwise ready for duty. Their unsettled attempt to secure the entire area was a bit too obvious to most of the town and rumors were flying all over the place.

Raquel lied sleeping inside the wagon. She had moved some things around as she usually did when the wagon had to serve as a bedroom. Lying right next to her was the emblem which she had wrapped up in a small vermilion colored cloth to hide the shine it gave off. Slowly the cover keeping the sunlight out began to rise. Amon peeked inside of the wagon barely able to see anything. As he looked at the trinket he held it was shining even more brightly than the hidden emblem. This is it ... what I'm searching for is right here ... but .... Cutting off his thoughts he used the trinket to slightly illuminate the area so he could see. The reddish cloth stuck out being so close to her and he began to wonder if that was it.

I don't know if I can do this. But how else am I going to acquire it? He began reaching for the emblem only to stop and yank back again. I can't do it. Not like this. I only steal when I have to to survive. I need to find another way. Perhaps negotiate or something like that. Besides if I make an enemy of these people after everything they went through to protect it, I'll be hounded relentlessly. I might not even manage the trip back home. Pulling his hand back he sighed. He could already tell it was going to be a long day. Suddenly he heard the sound of a gun clicking! Looking up he saw Chip. Amon grimaced realizing he was being held at gunpoint by a mere monkey.

"... I don't suppose I could give you a treat in exchange for not being shot?"

Raquel rolled over a bit having been stirred by Amon's voice. Chip shrieked at Amon and bounced up and down a bit threateningly. This isn't good. he thought to himself.

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"Ex...cuse...me, uh, who are you?" When Amon would turn around he'd notice Karene's eyes blazing at him. She ignored the monkey and continued.

"I suggest you get out of the cart without touching anything. Now. Or else you're not going to live after the hour." In the short time she spoke, her blade was already out and ready to kill this man.

"Did I studder?" Her voice left all trails of gentleness and sounded filled with menace now. Her patience was thin when dealing with criminals.


"Welcome back, Wallace." Wolfgang stated as Gromit slowly touched down on the ground. Wallace hopped off his wyvern and walked over to Wolfgang, the two saluting before Wolfgang continued.

"I guess the middle of the night is the best time to be discussing the news. No interuptions." Wolfgang started.

"Where are the others?" Wallace asked.

"Hans has gone to get Lady Rusayev. Turns out she will be travelling with us." Wolfgang said with a smirk.

"Milady Rusayev has come to Ursium? Such a kindhearted soul shouldn't worry with such a trip." Wallace said with a shake of his head.

"I swear, even your chivalry surprises me sometimes." Wolfgang chuckled.

"A woman of elegance should not need to see the evilties of this world. It's scarring to know what this world has become." Wallace defended.

"And you wonder why you're not married, sometimes. Too strict." Wolfgang teased. After a small silence, the two laughed heartily.

"As for the others?" Wallace refrained from derailing the conversation any longer.

"Ariost has yet to return from his investigations, and I sent Karene to get Raquel to hear the news. I figure those two should hear what both of you have to say, and we shall wait on Ariost. He should be here soon." Wolfgang calmed his laughs with a nod.

"You sent Ariost on recon?" Wallace was shocked.

"I already gave you your orders, and he's the only one of us other than you that can cover ground near as quickly. I would've preferred your methods of scouting and investigating, they've always proved very useful. But I will have to suffice with his report for now." Wolfgang said sternly.

"Understandable. Very well, I shall hold on my report until we all regroup." Wallace concluded.


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Chip shrieked yet again as Amon began stepping down and out from the back of the wagon. Raquel couldn't take anymore of the noise and shot up with her hair in a bit of a mess. She was about to glare at Chip but noticed Karene and Amon first. Before she could say anything typical she recognized Amon from the previous day. One of the people that helped fight off the robed figures. The trinket in his hand was still shining and that also demanded some attention. The first thing was first though; if she wanted answers she would have to make sure no violence broke out and she quickly went into action

"Chip! Down." she began before pointing a figure at Amon and saying "You were there yesterday when those robed guys attacked us, right?"

Amon nodded slightly but kept quiet. If the woman with the blade thought he was a criminal, there was certainly no use talking anyway. Raquel then looked over at Karene. "I saw you yesterday too. Are you one of Wolfgang's mercenaries?"

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"I am indeed of Ursian nobility," Seliah promptly responded. She clenched her fist, causing the fireball to vanish, and darkening the surrounding area further; if not for the moonlight, they would be essentially sightless. She followed Daloth back onto her transportation. "And I am on a mission," she looked back at her guards out of the corner of her eye. "And you two. If you dare ask me to be more confidential, or say whatever other paranoid nonsense you decide to dribble, I will return home immediately." Silence from the men. And I know they don't want that. "Now Daloth," she continued. "My parents gave me a task. I am on a search for an object known as the Fire Emblem. I'm sure that a well traveled man such as yourself has heard of it. I am to bring it and the corpse of a Fallen with me before returning home. The latter will happen in due time, I'm sure. I'm not usually wrong about these things."

Seliah shifted her sitting position. The darkness bothered her. "Now, enough of this needless self-exposition. It's late, and I'm tired. Tell me more of your story tomorrow; I'm certainly interested, but we'll have plenty of time on the road." She noticed that her guards unsheathed the blades that they held at their sides. Needless drama. It's not as if anything will attack us so spontaneously that they wouldn't have time to get ready. We're alone out here anyway. They'll probably fall asleep regardless. She noticed Oude's mouth movements as he spoke to his fellow knight. As far as she could tell, he wispered something along the lines of "Make sure he doesn't lay a hand on Lady Seliah." Please, like you care. Annoyed that she had been distracted by her guards, she quickly returned her attention to Daloth. "I can sleep fine sitting up. If you need, there's a pillow to the side of you. Though it's more for decoration than comfort." Seliah cursed the stamina of her young body; her eyelids were getting very heavy.

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"Yes, I am." Karene stated sheathing her sword, but her arm hovered over the hilt while she looked at the man.

"Now, I suggest someone gives me an explanation, and returns the jewel to Raquel, fast. You seem to know her, so I don't want to bust your stomach open if it is pointless." Karene stated, leaving the explaining open from either of them. She was glad she didn't have to deal with the monkey's screeching any long now, too.

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Amon wanted to keep quiet but the urge to clarify filled him and he quickly muttered "I didn't take it." before tightly pursing his lips and clinching both of his fists. Raquel kept staring at the trinket in his hand wondering what on earth it was. With the threat of anyone being maimed or killed removed, she could inquire about it but first answered Karene.

"I've never seen him before but I don't think he's an enemy. Just like everyone else he was fighting those men that attacked me. I know he got at least one of them ... right?"

"I killed two of them. I would have preferred not to kill anyone though. I shouldn't have to kill people to complete my mission." he explained with a soft yet frustrated voice.

Seeing her chance she quickly asked him "What's that in your hand?"

Lifting up the trinket for both women to see he answered. "A gift from a friend to help me along. That's all I really want to say on the matter if you don't mind."

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He said nothing as he followed his employer around the docks, mainly because the other lady decided to answer in enough detail. To be honest, Nanahm was kinda impressed by the girl again. He appeared to have landed with a competent partner, and that was always a huge plus. Oh wow, that kinda famous mercenary knows my employer? He thought as the man walked up and they began to converse. Actually... doesn't surprise me too much. Wait, he's gonna be workin alongside that other chick? Sweet! This job got better and better for him. As he reveled in his mediocre joy he casually looked at the sky, noting it was getting to be time to hit the hay. "I guess I'll see both of ya tomorrow, so... g'night. Lookin forward to workin with you two." he said rather happily, probably happier sounding than he actually meant it to be, as he went to find some lodging for the night.

He looked for about a whole two minutes before finding a 'suitable' inn (Read: The first one he found), looking for the cheapest room they had. Sweet, they had a room for nigh pocket change, which he gladly accepted and... oh. It's basically a room and a bed with a pillow. Not even a damn window. Some might say this was a closet, but Nanahm would punch that someone and sleep on that bed. He had other plans though now that he had booked a 'room'. The night was still young, and he hadn't finished his carvings yet! So he got his whittling knife and his unfinished figurine and went to work in the gathering area of the inn he was sleeping at, since, you know, a light source generally helps see things. He worked at it for quite some time, shavings piling up on the table, finally finishing it at Raguni knows when. He was kinda proud of it. He knew that a professional figurine carver could've easily done better, but he still thought it looked good enough to sell to someone, easily double the price of what he payed for his room, and the material he needed was easy enough to secure and manipulate. Cleaning up after himself he made his way bedward and slept a sleepy sleep full of dreams he'd never be able to recall.

Suddenly, morning. right now.

Nanahm woke up in a sweat! Not from fear or some form of nightmare but because there was no Ragunidamned ventilation in this Ragunidamned room. Why'd he have to be a cheapskate of all the ti- Oh... right, budget. Anyway, he ended up leaving the inn quite early in the morning, same as always. Late to bed, early to wake up. Thankfully, he could operate on minimal amounts of sleep, which he kind of prided himself in. So long as he had everything he needed to continue his daily routine of being a completely normal human male, he was cool with almost anything. He decided to go take a small stroll around the town to cool himself off and to kill some time.

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"You're going to stay right there. Raquel, please see if you have the medallion on your person. His life rests in you finding it, so search carefully if you don't want him dead." Karene said, her voice laced with malicious honesty.

"And I suggest you hurry, too. Wolfgang sent me to get you, and if we wait too long, he'll come looking. He won't be as...leniant, with this man as I am." She stated.

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The next morning, Gytha awoke to the sound of gulls and the sighs of the ocean. Stretching, she recalled the previous day's events and ran through her checklist for today. I'll have to meet up with Raquel today. I hope she's where she was yesterday. Looking off to the side, she noticed that the girl she'd rescued from the pier was gone. Getting up, strapping on her belt and pulling on her boots, the mariner walked around the bed until she saw Maw sitting next to the girl. Looking back to the side table, Gytha noticed she hadn't touched her dinner. So, ye don't trust me. Gytha figured with a sigh and a crooked smile before she picked up the plate and cup and set it down next to the girl. I have to eat, too, but that can wait until I've made sure she's eaten somehting. So, she sat down and waited for the girl to wake up.

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Looking at Karene Amon spoke again. "You would cut down an unarmed person simply because you have no patience? Are you any better than the people who attacked the city yesterday?"

"Gah! Uh-no need for harsh words or violence. It should be right where I was sleeping. One second, please?" she quickly spurted out before practically leaping into the wagon to search. She found the emblem wrapped in its vermilion cloth right where she had left it and reemerged with it in hand. "Kind of strange though. From where you looked to be standing you could have easily took it. Why didn't you?" Turning to Karene again for a moment she asked her a question too. "What did Wolfgang want to see me for?"

"... in hindsight ... I would have been killed from two different directions ... ... I don't know what to do in a situation like this." he muttered. I always assumed that if I found the item it wouldn't be in someone else's possession, or at the very least not in the hands of a merchant who's NOT looking to barter. I should have figured there was not one ounce of good fortune away from home.

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"Right, a person who's sitting with a woman he doesn't know in the middle of the night? You keep trying to find excuses and I'll keep finding ways to hack you to pieces. I'm a mercenary, not a soldier. If you threaten my employer even seemingly, I could care less about your life. And, I. Will. Murder you. Am I being perfectly clear?" Karene asked while Raquel checked on the medallion and showed her. Her hands fell from the handle of her axe and placed them on her hips. She directed her attention to Raquel, and her voice sounded as gentle as it had before she had threatened Amon.

"Wallace and Ariost are returning soon. He wants you to hear their reports, along with Veronika. Sir." Karene averted her gaze to Amon again, no hostility felt from her now.

"I would like to ask you to leave quickly. If you wish to speak with Raquel later, I would ask it wait until she meets with my boss. Is that reasonable?" Karene asked kindly and even gave the potential thief a smile.

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Having decided he was better off not trying to recruit and that Raquel and another mercenary seemed to have it in hand, Domovoi inspected his pack and checked to see everything was in order. On the battlefield, it was crucial to know where everyone was. Miskavolv seemed to be cheery if tired. Realizing this, Domovoi led Miskavolv towards a nearby inn, leaving Miskavolv outside while he went in.

"Hello sir, I'd like a room for me and a place in the stable for my wy-"

"I'm sorry sir," said the innkeeper in not at all a sorry voice, "Pur rooms are full. Even if they weren't, we wouldn't sell to Neviskotian wyvern riders like you." The eyes of the other patrons turning towards him with alarm in their faces.

"Sir, I can assure you that I am merely a mercenary. If it's more acceptable, I'll sleep in the stable with my wyvern here."

"...Fine. Pay up and keep out of sight. You're scaring my customers. Stable's on the right side of the inn."

"That will not be a problem. How much?"

"It'll be 6 gold a night."

Domovoi knew perfectly well that an inn would not be charging 6 gold a night, but he knew better than to argue. It was that or sleep on the streets. Paying up, Domovoi headed into the stable and took out a bit of food to feed to Miskavolv.

"Sorry friend, can't get you a treat after all."

His ears flattening, Miskavolv lowered his head and whined a little before devouring the food he got. With that, Domovoi rested against the wyvern's flank and the two fell asleep quickly.

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"Nyrgh, still sleepy" Seina mumbled as she waved her hand pointlessly in the air. She was still sleepy and her body hurt all over, it was probably just her imagination but her bed seemed a lot harder then it usually was as well.

She could smell food nearby, but it didn't smell very nice, had the chef screwed up again? She thought opening her eyes slowly, trying to supress her irritation. "Seina said she's still sleepy~" she whined picking herself off the ground and looking around the room slowly. Had the waitress gotten fatter? She rubbed her eyes with again, hoping that it was her imagination kicking in, and that the room around her wasn't completely foreign to her.

She waited a few seconds as she stared at Gytha's eyes with her own. Unable to register what was going on immediately, but the events of the former day slowly returning to her.... "The bashy monster woman!" she said rudely pointing a finger at Gytha as her memory returned. Immediately regretting opening her mouth, "I mean, please don't eat me, Seina doesn't taste very nice, she taste like... umm chicken!" she blurted out hoping that the giant monster woman wouldn't be interested in her if she tasted like poultry. She'd hoped the woman would lose interest and wander off but to her dismay she remained where she was, her eyes thinking something over, or was that confusion. Maybe she had a chance at escaping. "If you eat Seina your stomach go growl~" she said mimicking a tiger... or rather what she thought was a tiger. "-and it's gonna hurt really really bad"

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Right then, she's no better than the people who tried to kill us yesterday. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Amon thought to himself keeping mostly quiet from that point onward. While Raquel was still curious about the shining item he had, there was still a more pressing matter to deal with.

"Okay then. Chip can probably guard the wagon for now I guess. Where are we meeting Wolfgang?" she asked.

Wolfgang? I wonder if these people she just named are associates. If so I need to watch out for them as well. I'm on my own out here, that's how it's always been. Now it's becoming all too apparent. Amon thought. "Fine, I'll leave, but I'm not going very far."

Raquel had forgotten to ask what he was doing there in the first place, but since he was likely to come back regardless, she could let that go for now and accompany Karene, which she did.

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"Yer awake!" Gytha cheerily and enthusiastically mentioned, glad that the child was apparently alright, "Ah, I was worried about ye, squirt! Yer name's Seina, eh? Nice t' meet ye! Me name's Gytha! An' this here's Maw." She stuck her thumb at the cat next to her.

The child was rambling on about eating her or something, to which Gytha just smiled. "Eh wot? Eat ye? Hahahahaahahaarr! I'm no canimbal, lassie. Ye fell over down by the pier so I took ye with me. Its dangerous out there at night ye know." She was curious but wanted to make sure the girl was comfortable first. She understood that this might be frightening for her since she was in a place with a woman she didn't know, so calming the girl down was the first priority.

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"We're meeting in town, outside its inn." Karene explained.

"I certainly hope you give up such theivery before next time then, young man." Karene dismissed Amon.

"Please now, Raquel. Wolfgang is probably growing suspiscious." With that, Karene started her walk back. Unconsciously she lightly kept a hand on the handle of her hand axe in case she heard something happen behind her.

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Seina just stared blankly at the cheerful woman, was this some sort of trick to make her put her guard down? She glared ferociously at the woman but she either didn't notice or brushed it off and started introducing herself. "Gytha...." she repeated suspiciously, not even sure if she'd pronounced it the same way she'd just heard, but her attention was quickly pulled over by the kitty.

Was it her imagination or did that kitty just smirk at her? She wasn't sure but she remembered the cat from the night before, and now that the sun was up and she wasn't in immediate danger(?) her mind finally registered that the eye in the darkness had most likely belonged to the cat named Maw. She was wondering how she'd managed to see the cats eyes in such a dark room, but that would be something she'd work out later, when she was nice and safe, away from this dangerous port.

Her train of thought was interrupted by the woman giving out a hearty laugh, which surprisingly put Seina more at ease, at least it was a laugh, not a cackle. And she couldn't sense any hostility from the woman at the moment. There was still the chance of the woman trying to trick her, but as far as she knew the monster-women of the mountains weren't very smart, and the way Gytha spoke enforced the idea inside Seina head.

As the woman explained to her about how they'd met, she sort of recalled the event, though she'd been positive the figure she'd latched onto was a male.... though looking Gytha over now, she couldn't outright say it wasn't Gytha either. While she wasn't convinced she rearranged her sprawled legs into the formal sitting position of Kigen and bowed her head, if the woman had saved her from the invisible footsteps, she owed the woman for saving her. She didn't think Gytha was bright enough to lie, and the had Gytha been the one running after her, the earth around her probably would have trembled too.

"Hoshino Seina, pleased to make your acquaintance" she said, her tone switching to that of a much more formal occasion. She'd only ever introduced herself when visitors arrived at the Nanjo estate but she knew she was doing it right, her foster father wouldn't have permitted her to make mistakes in something as important as introductions. Though she frowned, not certain how to continue as the woman most likely didn't understand Kigenese, and Seina didn't know how to speak formally in common.

"Umm, this occasion, err thank you... saving me, grateful...something...." she trailed off, not sure if her message would get through.

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Raquel quickly put the concealed emblem into a waist bag, secured the bag, and then began following Karene waving back to Chip as they began walking. "Don't let anyone steal anything or poke around! Okay lead the way." she said with an innocent smile.

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John didn't got the chance to answer Raquel, as someone else caught her attention before he could answer.

'Oh well,' he thought. 'That will wait until later. Now, I should be finding some place to stay for the night. Doesn't look we'll be leaving today.' With that, he left the area.

After finding an inn, he payed for the night. 'Back to having a job, huh? Well, a job's a job, I better be grateful for that.' Those were his last thoughts before going to bed.

Come next morning, John headed back to where the Wagon is. As he approached the wagon, he saw the woman who hired him walking away with some of the people from yesterday.

''I wonder where they're going.'' He said as he watched them get away. ''But wait, aren't they leaving the wagon behind? Well, I suppose I could start work by keeping an eye on the wagon for them then.''

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Gytha wasn't entirely certain what the girl was doing, but she got the basic meaning of the "thank you." "Fer saven' ye? Not a problem!" she replied, her grin as large as ever, "Not like I could let ye stay out there. Who knows what might've happened if I'd left ye out ther... I couldn't just leave a kid."

Feeling like she was talking in circles, Gytha changed the subject, "So, yer name be 'Hoh-shee-no?' Nev'r heard of a name like that. Can't say it isn't pretty, though yer not from Ursium or Neviskotia, are ye? Ah, here. I got ye some food last night. I don't blame ye fer not eatn' it right away. Not sure if ye have food like this from where yer from. That's bread an' potatoes, though the potatoes are all mashed up. Carrots there, too. Figured a kid needs their veggies, aye? And that's just water in that tin cup there." The mariner explained each part of the meal in turn as she pointed to the various foods. Yes, the girl she'd picked up was a forigner, but she was polite, evidently. She also seemed ritualistic, though Gytha wasn't sure what the correct replies would be if there were any. So, she just did her best with what she knew.

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The way Gytha pronounced her last name was slightly off, probably her accent, but nothing worth complaining about. She wasn't in any position to be correcting people she owed anyway.

"I come south, from Kigen" she said quietly wary of how Gytha would react. She'd been told that people from the outer-lands didn't always take kindly to people from Kigen, probably just jealous of Kigens elegance and power. After all, there was no elegance in savage brutes who fought against eachother for a petty coin or mere entertainment.

She felt like interjecting when Gytha refered to her as a kid as well, Seina wasn't a fully grown woman yet, but she considered herself morelady-like then this.... no, she shouldn't be thinking like that. She tried to put on a smile to hide her thoughts but failed miserably, and just waited. Expecting the woman to start talking business... or rather, start demanding some coin.

Apparently that wasn't to happen though, not yet at least anyway, as Gytha edged the tray of food closer to her and started explaining. Seina could only stare blankly at each vegetable as Gytha pointed them out. She knew what most of the stuff was, but wasn't impressed by how it was just a cluster of raw vegetables though, a few of them looked boiled, but it was far from anything she'd accept as a proper dish. Though she did understand that the commonfolk lacked the knowledge, time and money to make anything edible.

Feeling obliged to eat, she reached out hesitantly and ripped a bit of the bread and pushed it into her mouth. Yrgh stale she thought, if she were back home in Kigen, this meal would be going straight to the horses. Trying to smile again, as she took a few more bites and then washed it down with water. Not even finishing half the food before she bowed her head "Thank you for you hospitality lad...-lady Gytha" she said awkwardly, not used to speaking formal common, or maybe she it felt wrong calling such a brute-ish woman a lady? Either way she was getting tired of talking in formal, and felt like stopping, but she'd been brought up to respect those she was indebted to. Her foster father wouldn't be happy at all if he found out.

She reached into her sleeve and produced the small sack of gold she'd been carrying since leaving for the capitol. "I don't have very much to offer" she said modestly placing the sack on the flooring between them. "But I would be grateful if you could accept this as a token of my appreciation."

In all honesty, she needed that money to get home, but she didn't really have anything else to offer, she still had her jewel encrusted bracelet, but she'd just have to sell that somewhere along the line.

Edited by Kanami
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