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Return of The Emblem Chapter One: The Artifact


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Seina watched from the shadows as a group of shady figures and mercenaries clashed across the street. She recognized some of them from her stroll early, but she didn't see any reason to help them. She wasn't suited to battle, and she wasn't some stupid girl looking to get herself killed.

She wanted to run, perhaps she should get the shiny men? They had weapons and stuff, probably could handle this situation better then her.

Seeing her chance when all eyes had turned away from her, she darted out of her hiding spot, nearly running into a tanned man as he lept into her path. "Go Away!" she shouted angrily at the man skillfully running around the man..... only to trip over a fallen assailant nearby.

"Owww" she groaned, not at all pleased with her grazed hands. Couldn't these people kill their enemies a bit more tactfully? Like putting them in a neat pile on the side of the road or something. Picking herself up, she lightly dusted herself off and looked around only to find herself standing in the middle of the battle. And if that wasn't bad enough, one of the men seemed to have noticed her standing around and was heading her way. "I'm weak! And I haven't done anything yet, why can't you leave me for later?" she whined at the man, readying her staff infront of her. It probably couldn't do any damage but she felt safer with it between herself and her enemy.

Just as the man was about to lunge at her, she noticed the tanned man from earlier nearby and figured she'd rather he get hurt then herself. Brandishing her staff and chanting a quick incantation she felt the tingle of light magic course through her body, and outwards. Healing the man injured man a bit before she ran past the man again, putting the man between her opponent and herself.

Better he get hurt then her

Amon 8/9

Seina (40)+3Pt (Edit+15 for victory = 58PT)

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Amon rolls 5,3,1




Assailant rolls 6,4,2




Amon rolls 2,6,3




Assailant KO'd

+5 points

Amon 3/9

Assailant 0/9

Amon was surprised that his wounds were beginning to heal so suddenly. He noticed the young Kigenese girl rushing behind him as another enemy approached. Amon struck first landing a good blow but was quickly hit again. Swiftly countering he took the man's life. Of course, he was now injured yet again. At least the girl was alright he figured. He wanted to thank her but was winded, and fighting a lot of pain. "Thank you." She was right there, but he had nothing to offer her. Asking for further assistance seemed ... rude, regardless of the blood staining his coat.

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Gytha rushed one of the remaining assailants. This one has had some success, but was injurred and Gytha would take advantage of it. She was not a madwoman, however, keeping her wits and keeping her blade closer to her, like last time.

(2+4)-4 = 2 = hit! (1+4)-2 = 3 damage! Critical! 6 damage!

Sclicing her blade across the man's jugular and nicking his throat was all it took. Turning away, she looked for more opponents in case she was assailed.

Mr. 8 0/9

Gytha 6/12


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Veronika woke up with the arm of strange man around her. She quickly got up and dusted herself off. Well that was an...embarrassing performance. I can't believe I was beaten by a man with a quarterstaff She looked down at her "rescuer."

"You...you're not one of the mercenaries I hired, are you? I do not know why you attempt to shield me from harm, but you have my thanks. Your lance arm looks hurt though, unfortunately I am no healer." she told him, examining his arm.

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"All dead...Ok everyone here who fought! Gather around and stick together. Whoever these assailants are, they have to do with that explosion from the docks and we won't have any peace until we see what ees going on there! As for the people attacked, they should get over here and explain why they were attacked or a theory. We'll all be safer if we work together and get to the bottom of this!" Domovoi shouted in a harsh, military voice, the voice he used to command the privates under him.

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Seina sighed with relief as the one last man fell and the fighting came to an abrupt halt. She saw a few of the fighters casting eachother curious or suspicious glances but for now the fighting had ended. Slumping down on the ground careful to avoid any of the blood stained patches. After taking a few deep breaths she looked around at her surrounding in awe, the street no longer resembling the peaceful one she remembered from earlier that day.

A quick glance over at the man who she'd sort of saved and been saved by was breathing roughly nearby but it was clear he'd live. Deciding that her surrounding would be easier to accept if she thought of the dead as sleeping she walked over and poked one of the dead bodies with her staff. "Haha Sleeping in the middle of the road~" she sang melodically trying to convince herself that the man wasn't dead and would wake up in a few seconds..... wait scratch that, that wouldn't be good either. Panicking as if her wish might come true, she thumped the man on the back of the head hoping it would destroy and chance of the dead man coming back to life.

Deciding that she'd had enough of pretending she trotted over to the tanned man again raising the staff above her head and muttering the words of healing before lowering her staff and looking the man over again. Glaring at his arms and face before raising her staff again repeating her actions before glaring angrily at the man.

"Why is the ugly color not healing?" she asked curiously with a hint of frustration.

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"What are ye barkn' about, ye cloud-vermin?" Gytha asked the wyvern rider, irritated by his sudden willingness to take command of a situation he only happened upon, "Ye weren't even here till the battle. If anyone's to be giving direction, it's the merchant o'er there." She indicated Jethro with a jerk of her head.

Maw was used to fighting going on nearby. She was content to continue eating the nearly finished fish.

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"... I did what I had to do, miss," Axel said, as he stood back up to his full height while looking at the woman from top to bottom. Let's see... Red hair, slight accent, eloquent speech ... Likely a young Neviskotian noble, traveling... Well, she had better be returning home. The mercenary adjusted his helmet with his unbroken hand, just as the Neviskotian wyvern rider shouted for the fighters to assemble, in an attempt to figure out why the attack had happened.

"No need to be so loud," the lance wielder said, as he managed to put away his spear and let his right arm hang. "You'll draw the guards. And I doubt they will be too happy if they find out a 'Skotian wyvern rider is in the midst of a surprise attack."

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Amon stood there for a moment as she healed him yet again. He didn't really want her to bother this time since he had no way to repay her for her efforts. The damage healing was done though and now he was simply fighting awkward feelings of guilt. If he had just been fast her wouldn't have been hurt in the first place ... or second place. Oddly enough she also seemed to be trying to "heal" his skin, which for the most part was fine. "I'm sorry you don't like it but it's who I am." Not sure how else to explain it, he simply stopped there to see if she would either accept or reject it.

As the fighting went on, the swordsman lashed out and attacked Jethro! With each and every swing that followed, a trail of fire bled off from his sword. Jethro blocked and parried every attack and outright dodged several to set himself up for a counter. "A flame sword, huh?" he said casually as they continued. "What's a young man like you doing working for people like this? Do you really want the emblem that badly?"

"That's right! Now stop blabbering and hold still! This isn't practice, alright?!" he yelled.

"You're sure treating it like practice." Jethro replied not really caring how the man felt.

The cloaked man grunted as one after another their grunts fell and not a one of them had gotten close to the wagon yet. "Hayato, quit playing around with him." This was getting too intense, he felt. More people had involved themselves than he had anticipated, and getting through to the girl past all of them wasn't going to be a cake walk. That was it though. He alone could take her and find out what he needed to know, the location of the emblem. He supposed that was simply the best course of action. He made his way over as Jethro fought his associate. Overhearing their conversation easily he smirked. Perhaps it wasn't the girl he need be concerned with. "You. You know what it is that you possess?" Reaching out with his hand, he let loose a single mass of dark energy which blasted Jethro to the ground!

"Hey! I thought you were going for the girl!" complained the eager flame swordsman.

"Change of plans. I didn't think these people actually knew what it was which they possessed." he explained with his smirk still present. Jethro tried to get up but the blast nearly killed him. He couldn't even grab his blade as he staggered to his feet. "You're no slouch either ... ... we're not losing any more men to these people. We're pulling out. Take him. He might have the emblem on his person, and he might not, but either way there's an opportunity here for us."

Jethro was stunned. He was going to be taken even if he didn't have the emblem? What could they possibly gain from that? Though he had to admit to himself that he agreed with the notion of him not wanting to lose any more men. Half of them were dead in very short order. He was wondering where those men were hired from; even more so who trained them. "Grab him and let's go, Hayato!" He exclaimed.

"Alright, alright! Say goodnight, princess!" With a swift kick, the swordsman kicked Jethro in the face knocking him to the ground. Surprisingly he was still conscious and started hauling himself up. "... dammit." Hayato this time merely grabbed him and dragged him closer to His partner who was waiting rather impatiently. Once he arrived, all three of them were wrapped up in a burst of energy and disappeared in a short but slow sequence. Seeing this the remaining assailants quickly abandoned their attempts to reach the wagon and fled in all directions. They hadn't escaped the notice of the soldiers however.

Raquel could only watch in a panic as her father was caught up in the large black cloud and whisked away by forces and powers unknown. What was happening? Attacked over this small little item? What could have made it worth that? She had to get on the ground, now. She bottled up all the worry and fear over what had just happened to her father and focused on getting back to the wagon. "Please land, Mister Wallace. The threat to me has passed ... um ... mostly."

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Seina looked at the man skeptically, not sure what he meant. She raised her staff again but quickly lowered it again figuring whatever this injury was it wasn't something she'd be able to heal. And the man looked fine besides the funny looking skin, his breath had evened out and wasn't slouching anymore. "Funny skin doesn't hurt?" she asked slowly just to make sure before nodding her head and hurrying off to see if she'd have to heal anyone else. Taking a few steps, she turned back and eyed the man suspiciously one last time finally accepting that the man wasn't injured. It was probably an old injury, like a curse or something. And the reason he didn't remember was because the curse had done something to his memory. The tanned skin was.... fire! She rememered years ago when she'd watched one of her maids burning rubbish, and how the paper had turned brown before being melted away by the flames. The man had cursed to stand still for a long time while someone lit a fire near him.

Impressed with her own intelligence she gave herself a nod of approval before looking for her next victim patient.

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Veronika noted how quickly Jethro seemed to be whisked away by the mysterious magic. So there are forces powerful enough to kidnap that man, could it be that they also kidnapped Pavel as well? she thought to herself.

These thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the four guards from earlier. They examined the strange scene beforehand and the captain began to shout questions at the group. "Dark magic? Corpses? Three wyverns? And this is the spot of that murder from earlier. This is going to require some explanations. Nobody leaves until this mess is sorted out." the captain said to the group.

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Gytha blinked as the men disappeared. "...Well, that was something." Then soldiers came and demanded explanations.

Well, they're this port town's law enforcement. They're people I don't have a problem answering to the authority of thought Gytha before replying to them, "I don't have a problem with that, sirs. I'll be glad to give ye my side o' this if it'll help." Crossing her anckles and stretching her arms behind her back as she stood, she lazily waited for the next action.

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"All right, you can tell us your version of what happened. Who are you people? Why were you fighting these...robed people? Where did that black cloud come from?" the captain asked Gytha in quick succession.

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"First, I don't know who these people are. The owner of that cart there is a gal I had a business transaction with. I don't know anyone else. As for the robed johns, I've not a clue as to who they are either. They were going to attack the lady I was exchanging coin with and a man who I can only assume was her business partner, though that's all I know about them. The black cloud? I'd say magic, though that's mosyly 'cause I don't know anything about magic meself but magic usually does weird things. Now, what happened: As I said, I was buying supplies from the lady who's flyn' around with that wyvern rider above us right now. There was a loud noise and all these people started coming out of nowhere. Then the wyvern rider dove in and scooped 'er up. I grabbed on, eventually let go, came back 'ere, defended the cart allong with these folks who also came from nowhere and then the black cloud and you soldiers showed up," answered Gytha. She spoke her mind and returned to standing on both feet, placing her hands on her hips. She knew she probably wasn't of much help, but at last she proved it.

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"So these robed fellows were attacking a merchant and you all decided to help defend her cart? That is quite a charitable action for a random group of travelers in this day and age. Tell me merchant woman, what do you think was the cause of this disturbance? This is no ordinary occurence that has happened here." the guard yelled to the merchant atop the wyvern.

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Raquel quickly recalled what she remembered making sure not to mix anything up and then quickly addressed the guard captain. She made sure her voice would carry down to him as well. "I came here with my father ... who those men just made off with. Once that ship exploded, everyone showed up. The mercenaries here offered to protect me. Those men that just ran off showed up and attacked us. ALL of us. Anyone near me or the wagon was just fair game to them. Like I said, my father was taken in the fighting. I couldn't help him." She finished with that and held her head down. Had she lost her father over something so ... well she couldn't call it worthless ... in fact she kept it hidden ... less they be attacked by some other random group.

As Amon listened, he kept a close eye on her. His trinket was still glowing and he pocketed it so as not to distract the guards, or be too suspicious. Looking up he wondered if perhaps she had something to do with what he was searching for. It was around here somewhere after all.

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"So these men kidnapped your father and attacked anyone else nearby? Hmm." He thought a little longer. "Do you know who these men are? Have you seen them before? Do you know what they were after?" he asked her.

Then he stated, "We're going to have to look through everyone's possessions as well as your wagon miss. "All wyverns down to the ground for inspection! Please drop your weapons everyone." The other guards began to look in the wagon and went over to various people to look through their belongings.

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"I've never met those people before ... but I can describe one of them if it would help." Before that however she let him make his statement to the group at large. That wasn't entirely good or bad. They wanted to see her possessions? Even the glowing ... with a quick peek at it, it was no longer glowing. Instead it was merely ... dim for some reason. Unsure why she put it away again until she might need to show it to them. "I'll let you search the wagon but please let me get Chip out first. He's kind of defensive and it's dangerous." She finished with a low mumble "I guess I do know what they were after ..." and revealed the emblem along with the whetstone she was also carrying.

Hearing the order Amon unsheathed his knife slowly and knelt down in a somewhat ceremonious fashion while placing it on the ground. He took out his trinket which was still shining, along with several other small tools and personal belongings and set them with the knife before sitting down behind them and waiting patiently.

At least now the slaughter was over. Ezio hadn't seen anything like that before. It made him sick that Jethro was so easily beaten, but there was nothing he could do for him now. Save ... perhaps keep his daughter from being handled too harshly or perhaps even dragged off in chains by the guards. He nervously stepped into full view from his shop carefully approaching the people gathered around, and trying not to trip over any dead men or set foot in the red puddles accumulating near them. Once he was close enough to be spotted he spoke. "Excuse me. You gentlemen holding the investigation over here. I can also testify. I was here after all."

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"Oh, Ezio is it?" the guard captain said, recognizing the old man from the pawn shop. "Yes, please tell me your account of everything that has happened since the pantsless fisherman died and we left to investigate the explosion. Please include the order in which the robed men and these various people arrived, any interactions that occured between them and the merchant, and what sparked any conflict that occured." the captain said.

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If this was a safe place, that'd be one thing, but I don't feel like leaving my sword on the ground in the middle of the street thought Gytha But I don't want any trouble with port authorities, either. ...Blast it. The mercenary reluctantly lowered herself and placed the blade on the ground then stood up again.

I can guard it from here she reasoned as undid her belt and carefully slid the sheath, holster (which contained her pistol and a few extra shots) and two pouches from it before putting it back on so she could more freely move again. Then she began emptying one of the pouches. Inside was a small, sharp knife for cutting tackle, boning and gutting. Also inside the pouch was an almost-exhausted, small container of sword polish, an almost-worthless whetstone, a cleaning rag and a polishing rag. The one she didn't empty was exclusively for her gold. Nothing was in her sheeth.

"I have a dufflebag over there," Gytha informed the guards, jerking her head to indicate it was near the cart, "I'd rather ye not search it though, seeing as all it holds are my sleeping materials and clothes." If they did choose to search it, they would find that indeed, her dufflebag was still behind the wagon (where she'd dropped it before even engaging in the attempt to purchase supplies) and only contained extra clothes, a blanket and an excuse for a hammok.

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"Hey! No!" As one of the guards approached Daloth to take his tome, the mage held on to it tight. "I'm not giving you my book! You don't take a bards lute from him, now do you?" he shot back. He knew the guard was only trying to do their job, following orders, but he did not want to give up the tome. It was a special tome to him. His masters tome. It was from this tome that Daloth had first started to learn the art of magic, and he was loath to give it up to a guard. "Look, I know you're just doing your job, but hands off the tome! I only came here because I saw the lady be abducted by a wyvern rider and many men in dark robes swarming her wagon. It didn't take a genius to figure out they weren't on the side of the law, and I owed her for saving me from that pantless fisherman earlier! So just don't touch the tome!"

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The guards checked Gytha's things, finding nothing of interest.

"Wait, abducted? I thought she said you all helped protect her from the robed men, not abduct her. And she saved you from the fisherman? I thought she said she didn't know what happened. This isn't adding up," the guard said. "Also, sir you must hand over your tome. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear."

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John ordered his wyvern to descend to land-level for the inspection. As a guard approached, Gil growled at him, causing him to step back a little.

''Hey, calm down.'' John told the wyvern. ''They don't meant any harm.''

''H-Hey you!'' The guard called. ''You better keep control on that lizard of yours!''

Gil only growled further. ''Gil!'' John angrily said. ''Calm down already!'' The Gil grunted, but did nothing else.

''Sorry about that.'' John told the guard. ''Yeah right...'' The guard resumed his work, but found nothing worthy of note.

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