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Everyone is gay for Tieria Erde

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So, over in the Loran Cehack topic, someone pointed out something. Apparently, Tieria Erde (Yes, both of those images are official, and of the same person. The second's a screencap right out of an episode from the series he's from) is indeed, hotter than Loran Cehack. As such, that means that if everyone's gay for Loran Cehack, evereyone is more gay for Tieria Erde.

It's fact and you know it!

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He looks like a femenine Erk, except without the seaweed hair, and red eyes instead.

Feh, Tieria's manlier than Erk even when he's wearing a dress and fake boobs.

Speaking of which...


Yes, them tits are still fake, even with the sideboobs.

Edited by Casval Rem Daikun
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