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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Doesn't have everything, but it's definitely got enough for now. Hoping to get another map update up relatively soon and maybe get started on the dragon article at some point.

-OP updated.
-Weapons and Items section, Weapon and Magic Triangle, Ranged and Bow rules all moved from 1.6 Points, etc to 1.4 Dice, Combat, etc
-Points for kills changed. The maximum number of points that can be gained from a single kill is now 10 points.
-Class skill weapon boosting note erased (no longer applicable).
-System Update; Units that fail to achieve at least the battle's average will receive the difference in points. If there are no issues found, the system update will remain this way from now on.
-Bow penalties altered; -1 def/res has now changed to -2 def/res.
-Item list updated; The item list's entire format has been changed and all items have been reworded for better clarity as well as reorganized into specific categories.
-Free item use updated. Quote from the OP: "Note: When a character's only action taken(excluding 'free actions') is the use of a vulnerary, vulnerary+, elixir, or antidote on themselves, that action is not counted against the battle post limit."
-Q&A updated.
-Revival Amulet renamed to Revival Potion
-S Dynamic Tome renamed to Energetic Tome.
-Special Gloves renamed to Combat Gloves.
-Cloak of Invisibility renamed to Cloak.
-Defend Book renamed to Taunt Manual.
-Dual Books and Triangle Books updated.
-Rex Barriers, Barricades, and Firewalls updated.
-Rod weapons all have 200% SKL->MT instead of 150%.
-Switch Book updated and price increased to 70 (from 50).
-Improved Short Bow added.
Edited by Phoenix
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Toogee: At this point, Bert actually shouldn't be healed anymore by Physic Staff due to the risk of infection. He's been laying around with those wounds for now but he's not actively bleeding right now. Eli would be better off healing Rizen tbh.

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I didn't think of it last night, but I should probably start announcing in all caps when I plan to do things in rp, because people seem to think I'm capable of posting when I'm sleeping so it's perfectly alright to fuck over my plans when I mention things in IRC.


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I should not be allowed to touch electronics for a few hours after waking up grumpy at unholy hours of the morning, holy shit.

I apologize for the previous chat post.

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Phee, hoooooly baaaaalls that post is huuuuuuge

also roy worry pas your will have your interaction o3o7

That ain't even his final form, bro

Also, as an aside, I kinda feel this place is getting really toxic as of late. Maybe it's my imagination but whatevs.

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I'm sorry to hear that roy. If there is anything I can do, let me know, and if it is in my power, I will try to help. I hate site toxicity and, while I acknowledge I have contributed probably more than my fair share, I also want people to have fun above all else. So if I can help, let me know, even if all it is is simply listening to your problems.

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This is going to be weird. Recently my desktop computer has come down with a problem. For whatever reason it is having trouble downloading and installing programs and its preventing me from playing any game I have that's 'downloading' even if the patch is 100% complete as well as stopping any new content from downloading and installing. As a result of this, I will likely be formatting my desktop hard drive to try and get rid of any viruses and then redownloading everything. This will take a while to be sure and, well, it's not clear exactly what, but my time around here will be affected. On the one hand I won't be playing as many games on Steam as before (which means more time) until everything is done re-downloading, but on the other it means my internet wire will be taken up more often than not to make sure that Steam is working and patching (which means less time). That's not to mention potentially taking the entire computer in for repair and/or getting a whole new computer entirely and the potential of getting a new hard drive which may or may not complicate things.

So yea, time is going to be affected soon, but dunno in which way or for how long.

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Toogee: At this point, Bert actually shouldn't be healed anymore by Physic Staff due to the risk of infection. He's been laying around with those wounds for now but he's not actively bleeding right now. Eli would be better off healing Rizen tbh.

OK. I read that Lumi and Aneda were applying a vulnerary to Rizen, so I thought that was taken care of.

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