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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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The problem is that this happened without even giving me the chance to say 'Tia shouldn't go'. Ether is talking about how he pulled Tina out, and that's fine. Except he was able to make the decision that Tina shouldn't go with knowledge of why she shouldn't go. I have no such frame of reference other than you, someone whom I have indeed had multiple issues with in the past, telling me that Tia, a character who showed she was indeed very useful in her first battle, saying she shouldn't go. Maybe Tia's skills aren't geared towards smaller fights. Maybe we simply need the improved blasting power as opposed to a group-wide buff and AoE attacks. Maybe if I had been presented with that, I would have agreed. I was not. Instead I was told that Tia, a character with every IC justification to go and who has shown herself to be useful, isn't going for reasons I don't know and that the decision was made before I even volunteered.

As for why I should have been informed, because it's not special treatment. It's making sure everyone knows and has had the chance to volunteer and either turned it down or accepted. I was not informed of this, despite it literally only taking a PM of 'Hey, Snowy, is Tia going to try for the challenge or not?' to at least make sure I knew. Not by you, not by Phoenix or Cynthia, not by anyone. What if Tia had been the best tank, best magic-blaster, or best healer on the team? Would you have made sure to contact me then upon noticing that I hadn't said anything? Or would you have discarded me and my character out of apathy and claimed contacting me was 'special treatment' just the same?

As for who Tia should replace? I can't say, because I don't have a clue as to the logic behind why certain people were included in the first place because no one bothered to ask/make sure I knew. I don't know why Tia and Tina were removed and Zach and Erion were put in because I wasn't there. For all I know, I would have said 'Tia shouldn't go' myself, but I wasn't given the chance to say so or even hear the reasons as to why Tia shouldn't go beyond a very basic one.

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a) I assumed you had read the challenge description. We want powerful RES hitting attacks and solid DEF defenders. Tia doesn't really fit in that description. We're going for firepower here, which is pretty obvious if you read the description of the challenge.

b) I didn't feel I needed to give a reason for not including Tia (at least at first) because you didn't volunteer her until after the suggested teams were posted.

c) I repeat, why should I go out of my way to personally ask you? I made a general message. I assumed that people would read it and volunteer. It's not my fault you didn't sign up but it's not my or the GMs or anyone else's responsibility to make sure that you're paying attention. So if she had been the best X, no, I probably wouldn't have messaged you. I didn't message Roth about Itsuki, didn't message Cynthia about Nadya. I made generalized announcements and people volunteered their characters.

d) You can always ask about why people are put there. Zach and Erion are there because they're hard hitters at RES.

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Alright. Fine.

1) While Tia may not have a powerful RES-hitting attack ON HER OWN, she is capable of adding damage, hit, speed (for doubling), and defense to other teams. The extra stats can not be ignored.

2) Tia's attacks hit multiple targets instead of just one. While Tia may not outright kill a target, she damages an entire group weakening them up for other people.

3) Tia is capable of manipulating her rolls with her tome. While, once again, this doesn't mean too much ON IT'S OWN, it DOES mean Tia is more likely to , make hits, get criticals, and avoid getting hit than people without it simply because she is capable of manipulating her roll. To take it from the birds mouth 'A weapon that is heavily affected by its' wielders' luck. As a result, for every 4 points in luck, the character acquires 1 Destiny Point, a currency for altering fate. Once per Combat Round, after the wielders' fate has been decided, the weapon can alter the hit, damage, and critical chance of either the wielder or their adversary, by a higher power's whim. All modifications are final, and this effect costs one Destiny Point. Destiny Points are reset at the end of each battle. This weapon can be reforged for 30 Points, becoming a Fortune Weapon.
Note: "Higher Power" refers to the players. In order to alter one of those statistics, the player in question selects the specific roll and rerolls it once. The selected roll is then thrown out and replaced with the reroll.' This means Tia will get to pick the better from two rolls several times for either attack or defense.

That is my case for why Tia should go.

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a) I never said I was ignoring her stat boosts. It's just that those in and of themselves aren't enough to justify her coming along. Plus her boost saps HP, so to keep the boost up, she needs to have a healer paying lots of attention to her when they might need to be focused elsewhere. Plus, she'll need a defender as well due to HP sap and low def/res so that's three actions taken up. It's not very efficient.

b) Hitting multiple targets matters less when there are probably going to only be two teams which means max 6 targets. Plus, this doesn't make up for her lack of damage, hit, and spd.

c) I'm aware of what her fortune tome does. First off, it's limited so it's not like she's more likely all the time. Second off, just because she can avoid a hit once doesn't mean that she can take hits. Her defense is rather low and her HP doesn't help much. Yes she has a lot of avoid, but the hit buff really nerfed dodge tanks. The only time Tia has fought was before the hit buff. She has 6 points of luck. Which means she can reroll all of twice. That's not a huge advantage.

d) And last but not least, if you recall, I asked you to specifically state who she should replace. Give me that argument and it will be easier to see if you're right or wrong.

For the record, if anyone believes that their character belongs on the teams as opposed to someone who is currently there, please put your argument here so that everyone can see it and we can discuss it to figure out who is best for this.

Edited by scorri
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As for why I should have been informed, because it's not special treatment. It's making sure everyone knows and has had the chance to volunteer and either turned it down or accepted. I was not informed of this, despite it literally only taking a PM of 'Hey, Snowy, is Tia going to try for the challenge or not?' to at least make sure I knew.

If you need Robin or Tia, I'll gladly go.

Here's the link to that post: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=24271&page=127#entry2633406

Notice that it's shortly after the initial challenge post. Also notice that Tia was in the initial participant count. That post is here and last edited before this argument even happened: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=24271&page=127#entry2630070

Verdict: Lies. I'm pretty sure you knew full well what was going on, so there was absolutely no reason to pm you about it. I know that's no longer the focus of this argument, but I wanted to point this out because that argument was just invalid.

As for whether Tia should or shouldn't go, all I can safely say is that it's possible to go in under prepared for a challenge or over prepared. A lack of efficiency will definitely be more painful than an abundance of it, but if you can cover all your bases, it should still be winnable.

Lastly ...

As for who Tia should replace? I can't say, because I don't have a clue as to the logic behind why certain people were included in the first place because no one bothered to ask/make sure I knew.

Research. The spreadsheet should do wonders here. Everyone's stats are right there for you to run comparisons and check gear and stuff. The challenge guidelines are in the initial post and scorri's been following them when making her team suggestions.

Edited by Phoenix
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Actually, Phoenix, that post is what prompted me into action on this. And two days ago is fairly recent.

Anyways, I need to apologize badly as I've been a real **** about this. There is a reason why and I'll put it in spoilers below, but that isn't what matters. Scorri, I'm sorry for accusing you of kicking Tia out for emotional reasons. I overstepped my bounds there. Not only that, but I failed myself horribly as I do want to be nice with you, but that (obviously) can't happen if I'm accusing you at every turn of being a weasel (especially when you've made it clear in mibbit you're a cat). I do want Tia to join, but I don't want it to be at the expense of the group. I will try to form an argument for her, but... I am willing to accept that she may not go (and that's kind of all I really wanted; to have a say in the matter instead of being kicked out for seemingly little reason.

Back on CRRP Flo and the rest of the staff often acted superior to others, deciding things and acting on their own without talking to other people. If you made a staff-member mad you would be near-guarenteed to a sucky time RPing just because everything would go wrong for you. Having Tia get group-kicked without even talking to me about it first brings back a lot of painful memories of stuff like that happening. I have been trying to move on and reacting like this is a serious slip backwards on my part, but it is also understandable considering how rotten they made me feel for trying to do anything on the site. I am sorry though and I am trying to move on. This was, basically, an emotional landmine that scorri accidentally set off though.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Actually, Phoenix, that post is what prompted me into action on this. And two days ago is fairly recent.

Anyways, I need to apologize badly as I've been a real shit about this. There is a reason why and I'll put it in spoilers below, but that isn't what matters. Scorri, I'm sorry for accusing you of kicking Tia out for emotional reasons. I overstepped my bounds there. Not only that, but I failed myself horribly as I do want to be nice with you, but that (obviously) can't happen if I'm accusing you at every turn of being a weasel (especially when you've made it clear in mibbit you're a cat). I do want Tia to join, but I don't want it to be at the expense of the group. I will try to form an argument for her, but... I am willing to accept that she may not go (and that's kind of all I really wanted; to have a say in the matter instead of being kicked out for seemingly little reason.


Back on CRRP Flo and the rest of the staff often acted superior to others, deciding things and acting on their own without talking to other people. If you made a staff-member mad you would be near-guarenteed to a sucky time RPing just because everything would go wrong for you. Having Tia get group-kicked without even talking to me about it first brings back a lot of painful memories of stuff like that happening. I have been trying to move on and reacting like this is a serious slip backwards on my part, but it is also understandable considering how rotten they made me feel for trying to do anything on the site. I am sorry though and I am trying to move on. This was, basically, an emotional landmine that scorri accidentally set off though.


This was, basically, an emotional landmine that scorri accidentally set off though

"Btw scorri this is all your fault."

grade A apology 10/10

when apologizing, it's common courtesy to NOT BLAME ANYONE for any part of your actions, during your apology.

Edited by I have opinions
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Eh, he's not blaming Scorri at this point. He's just giving the honest trigger for his reaction. It was a misunderstanding, which he's pointing out by use of the word "accidentally" there. The fact is, that's exactly what happened: she accidentally set it off. She had no way of knowing he'd react like this. As Snowy's pointing out, the fault is his own. He's just being clear as to what happened, which I, at least, appreciate.

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For the record, we are still open to suggestions for changes in the roster. Feel free to give an explanation as to why you think they should be included instead of someone else, and they'll be considered. We're not doing the challenge until after the ball anyways, so we have time.


Also, I never specifically talked to anyone who had a character that wasn't getting included on the final roster. Some people volunteered their characters for not making it and some didn't. I just went with what made the most sense stat/team-wise.

Edited by scorri
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-Item list. (full list in my profile) updated.

-Ward Staff added.

Yep ... that's it. Have a nice morning.


Hope you're having a nice morning, because I accidentally lied.

-OP updated.

-Soldier skills updated.

Base skill is Steadfast, which increases hit and as by 25% when at or below 50% hp and adds the old Wrath's crit modifier as well. Upgrade 1 is now known as Wrath and activates Steadfast at anything below 100% hp. Lastly, Upgrade 2 is the new Resolve and boosts mt and def by 25% when steadfast turns on.


-Item list (you know the one) updated.

Bladeshield Weapons, Spellshield weapons, Blade Aegis weapons, and Spell Aegis weapons have had their applicable slots changed and their descriptions slightly reworded. Specifically, instances of 'str' and 'mag' have been replaced with 'mt' so as not to be rendered completely ineffective, and they no longer work on weapons equipped in the special weapon slot. This includes all the skl weapons and the combat staves (quarterstaff/imbued staff/battle staff/enchanted staff).

Edited by Phoenix
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Alright Snowy, time for questions:

1) In your post, are you trying to say that Lumi is actually trying to kiss Robin or that Robin is imagining Lumi trying to kiss her? Because if it's the first one, no dice, please edit. If it's the second one, cool. The wording's just a bit confusing, so I want to clear that up before I post again.

2) Does Robin yank her hands away from Lumi, or is Lumi still holding Robin's hand, since she grabbed them in my last post?

3) How does Alex know Shad's a mage?

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-OP updated.
-Backstory section updated. More pending.
-Kigen section revised. No retcon-grade changes, but a bit of reordering, rewording, consolidating, shortening, typo fixing, and canon updates. The extra info will be re-posted elsewhere at a later time (the stuff about the specific clans).
-Rex-Avaz section updated. Small rewordings and typo fixes.
-Timeline updated. More to come, but the "Restoration Era" now has most of its key entries added, as well as some extras. The "Ursium/Kigen War Era" has been renamed to "The Two Kingdoms Era" now that I'm comfortable with that dumb reference. Why is this era only about 8 years long? Stay tuned and find out, next major update or so.
-Siege range rules updated.
[spoiler=Quote from the OP]


At siege distance, units can only be targeted by enemies with siege weapons or enemies that have closed in to attack them. To enter siege distance, a unit must be placed there by a rescue staff, spend an action to move there, or use a siege weapon against a target with 'siege' as the designated attack range and this target must also be at normal range or the attacker's distance will not change.
While at siege distance, a unit cannot be targeted by melee or ranged weapons, but can still be targeted by siege weapons. A unit may also target an enemy at this distance by 'closing in', a move that costs one action but puts them at siege distance and enables them to use melee or ranged weapons against their target. This is only possible when the target is not being defended by a teammate, and closing in is seen as aggressive behavior by enemies. Closing in can also be done via rescue staff. A siege distance unit defending themselves from a closing attacker with a normal weapon will not return to normal range upon doing so. A unit that has closed in can only be targeted by their own target, or another unit with a siege weapon.
To go back to normal range, a unit must be placed there by a rescue staff, or spend an action to move there.
In unit lists, units with an asterisk (*) are currently at siege distance.

-Item list updated. Siege gear has been tweaked or reworded where appropriate.
-Life Book added.
-Nihil Volumes I and II added.
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