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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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-OP updated

-Kill point awards amended

Specifics: (new line in bold)

Points are used for purchasing stats and items in-game. They’re regularly accumulated in stat combat by defeating opponents. Unless circumstances are special, a unit gains 5 points per kill, 10 if the unit is at least three levels stronger, and 20 if the unit is at least six levels stronger. Units only gain 3 points for defeating enemies three levels weaker than them, and only 1 point for enemies six levels weaker.


-OP updated

-Siege range rules amended heavily


SIEGE RANGE FIGHTING: If an enemy is equipped with a siege range weapon or staff, they cannot be attacked by enemies they have not already engaged at melee or range. These units can only be targeted by other siege ranged weapons, or by closing in. Closing in is method of reaching siege users. It takes the unit's action for a turn to perform a close in, but on their following turn, they may attack the siege user following melee regs.

Closing in on an enemy must be done by each individual trying to attack a siege user. Those who do not close in cannot attack the siege user, or defend a team member who has already done so. Users that are being defended cannot close in.

Closing in counts as aggressive behavior and will likely lead to an Enemy Phase attack from the siege user or other enemy unit on their turn.

Defending: Siege users friend or foe can be defended by their allies when possible, and counter when possible(see range rules for details). If a siege user is defended, enemies are prevented from closing in until the defenders are removed or they're defense is used up for that phase.

You can find this near the bottom of 1.7, notes section.

Edited by Phoenix
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I am not dead!

Also, Phee, I have a question about the defending siege users thing. You said that you can't close in if there's a defender. Can you just not take the action, or would it be cancelled out by the defender if you did do it, which would eat up their defense turn?

Edited by roymbrog
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I am not dead!

Also, Phee, I have a question about the defending siege users thing. You said that you can't close in if there's a defender. Can you just not take the action, or would it be cancelled out by the defender if you did do it, which would eat up their defense turn?

If a siege user is being defended then closing in isn't possible. Basically you have to do something else.

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My jaws have holes in them! :D

Was bleeding from the mouth for the vast majority of yestderday, but I'm a ninja so here I sort of am today. Still no solid foods allowed, though. ;^;

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And now for something completely different.

RotE Deleted Scene #1:

The upcoming battle was looking to be the end of them, and for once the party members were stocking up on supplies they would need. This kept Raquel busier than she typically was while making deals in local markets. During the item rush, Amon found some things he wouldn't mind getting. A skill book was on of them, but not just that, there was another book that caught his eye.

Picking up the book, he looked over the cover. Much to his surprise, there were some people he recognized on the cover, Raquel was one of them. He read the title aloud. "Return of the Emblem Strategy Guide?" He wasn't sure what to make of that. Taking the book over to Raquel, he asked "Hey, uh did you or someone else write this?"

Raquel looked at the book and gawked. "What on earth is this?" She quickly took the book and opened it up to start reading through it. Amon looked in over her shoulder.

"This is ... everything that's ever happened to us so far on paper. There's even some suggestions on how to win our battles with minimal losses and while even getting more points. There's hidden locations on the map, faction guides, tutorials and more. Wait, there's not just stuff that's happened so far!"


"There's more ... a lot more. Stuff that hasn't even happened yet!"

"Uh oh. Are we messing with the time continuum, now?"

"Oh! Hey, look at this. It's about the fight with the artificial dragon." she pointed out.

"Oh, hmm .... Yeah I guess that would have gone better when we fought the dragon if we tried that ..."

Raquel then flipped way further into the book and began looking up stats for bosses, both optional and mandatory ones. "Holy cow, one of the <REDACTED> is <REDACTED>!"

"That's not good." Amon muttered.

"Ugh, what a pain." Raquel flipped further into the book, more than half way through it. "Whooooa. I've never seen statistics that high." Looking at high level optional bosses quickly had the merchant girl intimidated. "Okay is it just me or are the high level non-humans just leagues stronger than us?! And Valdimarr?! What the heck is this?!"

Amon took a look at the boss as well and his jaw hung open. "... I think we should start investing in hero-killer tomes ... or battletanks."

"This is easily the cheapest boss I've ever seen! I mean COME ON! Even Gabriel would get taken out by this guy in like one combat round! Is this some kind of twisted joke? Urgh. Where's Sardis' entry in this thing?! He's the guy we really need to look up." she complained, flipping through the pages more. When she found Sardis' entry, she nearly fell over. "OH MY GOOOD!!! AAAAAARGH!!!"

Looking at the information too, Amon grimaced. "That's not really surprising, really. Hmm, may as well look up the final boss while we're killing our morale." Amon muttered taking the book from Raquel and flipping to the last pages. When he found the entry, he just stared blankly for a moment. "... aaaand that is surprising. Well ... at least there's a strategy for each boss, though some of the strategies seem a little weird ... like the chocolate sacrifices thing with Valdimarr. Still that's got to count for something, right? Maybe we should take the advice. It'll probably save our lives."


"I'll buy it, I guess. I'd rather have it at this point." Amon said, before paying her twenty gold for it. He then looked up the next battle and began taking some notes. If they were going into hell, he wanted to go in well prepared.

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And now for something completely different.

RotE Deleted Scene #1:

The upcoming battle was looking to be the end of them, and for once the party members were stocking up on supplies they would need. This kept Raquel busier than she typically was while making deals in local markets. During the item rush, Amon found some things he wouldn't mind getting. A skill book was on of them, but not just that, there was another book that caught his eye.

Picking up the book, he looked over the cover. Much to his surprise, there were some people he recognized on the cover, Raquel was one of them. He read the title aloud. "Return of the Emblem Strategy Guide?" He wasn't sure what to make of that. Taking the book over to Raquel, he asked "Hey, uh did you or someone else write this?"

Raquel looked at the book and gawked. "What on earth is this?" She quickly took the book and opened it up to start reading through it. Amon looked in over her shoulder.

"This is ... everything that's ever happened to us so far on paper. There's even some suggestions on how to win our battles with minimal losses and while even getting more points. There's hidden locations on the map, faction guides, tutorials and more. Wait, there's not just stuff that's happened so far!"


"There's more ... a lot more. Stuff that hasn't even happened yet!"

"Uh oh. Are we messing with the time continuum, now?"

"Oh! Hey, look at this. It's about the fight with the artificial dragon." she pointed out.

"Oh, hmm .... Yeah I guess that would have gone better when we fought the dragon if we tried that ..."

Raquel then flipped way further into the book and began looking up stats for bosses, both optional and mandatory ones. "Holy cow, one of the <REDACTED> is <REDACTED>!"

"That's not good." Amon muttered.

"Ugh, what a pain." Raquel flipped further into the book, more than half way through it. "Whooooa. I've never seen statistics that high." Looking at high level optional bosses quickly had the merchant girl intimidated. "Okay is it just me or are the high level non-humans just leagues stronger than us?! And Valdimarr?! What the heck is this?!"

Amon took a look at the boss as well and his jaw hung open. "... I think we should start investing in hero-killer tomes ... or battletanks."

"This is easily the cheapest boss I've ever seen! I mean COME ON! Even Gabriel would get taken out by this guy in like one combat round! Is this some kind of twisted joke? Urgh. Where's Sardis' entry in this thing?! He's the guy we really need to look up." she complained, flipping through the pages more. When she found Sardis' entry, she nearly fell over. "OH MY GOOOD!!! AAAAAARGH!!!"

Looking at the information too, Amon grimaced. "That's not really surprising, really. Hmm, may as well look up the final boss while we're killing our morale." Amon muttered taking the book from Raquel and flipping to the last pages. When he found the entry, he just stared blankly for a moment. "... aaaand that is surprising. Well ... at least there's a strategy for each boss, though some of the strategies seem a little weird ... like the chocolate sacrifices thing with Valdimarr. Still that's got to count for something, right? Maybe we should take the advice. It'll probably save our lives."


"I'll buy it, I guess. I'd rather have it at this point." Amon said, before paying her twenty gold for it. He then looked up the next battle and began taking some notes. If they were going into hell, he wanted to go in well prepared.


Edited by roymbrog
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@ deleted scene: LOL And yes, I litterally laugehd out loud at the chocolate sacrifices bit. XD I'm glad I could inspire you somewhat!

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Why does everyone find it funny? What about this, is humorous?

Not familiar with 'Breaking the Fourth Wall' comedy style, huh? And... what else is in there in the post as well...

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oh god netsplit... and I'm by myself. T.T

/server irc.darkmyst.org

Use it

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Not going to be here tomorrow. Meeting an aunt and uncle I've never met before due to living in different parts of the country. It'll be interesting. :3

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Snike, I don't have 20 bucks to burn on an IRC client, besides, I already have Pidgin, I just need to know how to get this to work on there, cause I can't post without being able to talk to people. >.>

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Snike, I don't have 20 bucks to burn on an IRC client, besides, I already have Pidgin, I just need to know how to get this to work on there, cause I can't post without being able to talk to people. >.>

So, let me get this straight.

You left IRC yesterday due to tempest going down for good and proceeded to complain about it and not to do a thing for a whole day. You rejoin the isolated channel and proceed to do nothing to to help yourself whatsoever. Instead, you express irritation with the person who is trying to get you back on the main channel. When he finds a fix for the problem, you don't even bother to click the link he provides to a free chat program. No, you want him to install a messenger he has never heard of before today and find a way to bypass the server issues for you, with the 'compelling' reason of you being unable to post without being able to talk to people.

So, considering this is a thread where people talk and can be talked to, as shown by the fact that the (sometimes) helpful user is responding to your excessive whining, you expect him to help you, especially since you do not listen to him?

You are not the king of the RP, sir. Get off your high horse.

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So, let me get this straight.

You left IRC yesterday due to tempest going down for good and proceeded to complain about it and not to do a thing for a whole day. You rejoin the isolated channel and proceed to do nothing to to help yourself whatsoever. Instead, you express irritation with the person who is trying to get you back on the main channel. When he finds a fix for the problem, you don't even bother to click the link he provides to a free chat program. No, you want him to install a messenger he has never heard of before today and find a way to bypass the server issues for you, with the 'compelling' reason of you being unable to post without being able to talk to people.

So, considering this is a thread where people talk and can be talked to, as shown by the fact that the (sometimes) helpful user is responding to your excessive whining, you expect him to help you, especially since you do not listen to him?

You are not the king of the RP, sir. Get off your high horse.

1: I didn't complain, I inquired.

2: I have been doing everything I know to get back with you guys, which isn't much considering I didn't know where you guys moved to.

3: I did not display irritation, I simply stated the provided solution doesn't work.

4: The allegedly 'free' chat program ISN"T FREE, it has a 30 day trial before you have to play.

5: I did not ask you to install a differant program, I said I already had a differant program, and was hoping you might have some experiance with it to help mke more directly.

6: I wasn't trying to 'compell' you to help me, I was stating a fact.

Now, are you done mis-understanding me, or can we get back to the point at hand?

Are you sure the program you just linked is free? Because it most definatly does NOT look free.

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Let's go point for point.

So, let me get this straight.

You left IRC yesterday due to tempest going down for good and proceeded to complain about it and not to do a thing for a whole day. You rejoin the isolated channel and proceed to do nothing to to help yourself whatsoever. Instead, you express irritation with the person who is trying to get you back on the main channel. When he finds a fix for the problem, you don't even bother to click the link he provides to a free chat program. No, you want him to install a messenger he has never heard of before today and find a way to bypass the server issues for you, with the 'compelling' reason of you being unable to post without being able to talk to people.

So, considering this is a thread where people talk and can be talked to, as shown by the fact that the (sometimes) helpful user is responding to your excessive whining, you expect him to help you, especially since you do not listen to him?

You are not the king of the RP, sir. Get off your high horse.

1: I didn't complain, I inquired.

oh god netsplit... and I'm by myself. T.T

/server is an unknown command. >.>

Those are not inquiries, sir.

2: I have been doing everything I know to get back with you guys, which isn't much considering I didn't know where you guys moved to.

Here, have some logs: [spoiler=Split logs.]

<Zsword> herro

*** Mercakete has quit IRC: Exit: (Link: http://www.mibbit.com)http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client

*** Mercakete has joined #returnoftheemblem

*** Mercakete is now known as Merc

<Merc> Ok, Mibbit is being nice again. :3

<@Phoenix> yo

<Merc> Hi

* Merc flail

<Merc> Nyaaaaaaa!!! I'm so sexcited for the ren faire coming up!!!!

<AcaciaSgt> Oh phew, looks like not all the Einst move towards me once they appear...

<AcaciaSgt> I can relax somewhat now.

<Merc> *excited

<@Phoenix> *snrk*


<@Phoenix> Gabbie: Gets sexcited sometimes.

<Merc> Ok, now hideously embarrassed

*** -OperServ- [global/ryan] Hi, all. Although the official move to our new ircd and services is not until tomorrow, we are going to begin the process tonight. Users on tempest, abyss, opus, tiamat or luminous will want to reconnect to DarkMyst using /server irc.darkmyst.org. Most of you are not on these servers, but please do check. Thanks!

<Merc> That mean me?

* @Phoenix braces for connection shenanigans

*** Snike: Snike@dm-21546.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nb.bellaliant.net

*** Real Name: Snike

*** Info: Snike is actually Snike@mctnnbsa51w-142166183175.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nb.bellaliant.net []

*** Channels: #returnoftheemblem #LordOfAzureFlame

*** Server: flame.nl.eu.darkmyst.org DarkMyst's Netherlands Server

*** Info: Snike has identified for this nick

*** Idle time: 36 minutes, 47 seconds

*** Sign on time: 3 hours ago at 5:08 PM

*** Snike End of /WHOIS list.

<Zsword> Lucky... you get a ren fair...

<AcaciaSgt> Hmm...

<Merc> It's a bit of a drive so I'll be staying at my cousin's most likely

<Merc> Y'know, you can look up local ren faires for you. Most aren't that great from what I hear, though

<Zsword> Well, My 'local' ren fair is 5 hours away... last month.

<Merc> This one is awesome, though. I went last year and became recognized around the boffer pit. It was so freak awesome!! :D

<Merc> I also bought my first sword ^_^~

<Zsword> My ren fair doesn't have a boffer pit. =(

<Zsword> So I LARP instead.

<Merc> Weird. From what I heard most did.

<Merc> OOO LARPing? I've heard of that but only recently

<Zsword> yep.

<Merc> Had a feeling you were a bit of a LARPer

<Merc> I should look up LARP groups in my area.

<Zsword> I'm a part of NERO. (New England Role-playing Orginization) look for a chapter near you! =P

<Merc> Awesome =D

<Zsword> What region do you live in?

<Merc> Northwest

<AcaciaSgt> Oh, looks like one of the remaining bosses is of the 'ruins away at X% HP of less' type. Great, don't have to waste resources on him...

<Zsword> I do believe there's a chapter in Washington...

<Merc> Cool. I'll look it up sometime

<@Phoenix> wow, I never imagined a post like this would take so long to write @_@

<Merc> I should get dragon wings. That'd be great, but I'm not sure I could find a good pair. It'll take some looking into but it'll probably have to wait until I get more money.

<@Phoenix> They'll think you're a ... you know

<Merc> ?

<@Phoenix> well ... maybe not

<Zsword> Nero has it's own way of dealing with 'fuzzies'

<@Phoenix> as long as everything else is normal looking

<Merc> Anyone hits on me persistantly and I'll knock them out.

<Zsword> thing is, dragonkin aren't playable for... awhile.

<@Phoenix> that's not what I was getting at but I guess dressing up like a succubus would get some attention

*** Kiryn|away is now known as Kiryn

<Merc> eww

<Zsword> and getting a race-change to dragons is about as comon as a race change to Goblin.

<Merc> No idea what you're saying, Z

*** Kiryn is now known as chronicallyAbsentminded

<Zsword> um, to become dragon kin, is hard. >.>

* Merc shrug

<Merc> I'm a mercakete

<Zsword> like, anything CLOSE is hard.

<Zsword> (Link: http://www.nerolarp.com/index.htm)http://www.nerolarp.com/index.htm

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> lightning bolt! lightning bolt! sleep! death! lightning bolt! magic missile!

<Merc> Ack! Site is confusing x_x

<Zsword> um... cA...

<Merc> So many clickables..

<Zsword> I think that video was from nero. >.>

<Zsword> let me see if I can find the CONFIRMED video from NERO...

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> I am not sure if I have even seen the video

<Zsword> also 'I call forth a lightning 15...'

<Zsword> flub

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> but I remember a great deal of band camp lunch being spent chucking bits of tinfoil at each other going "lightning bolt"

<Zsword> um, Merc, what are ya interested in looking for on the site?

<Merc> No idea

<Zsword> I can get ya direct links to certain things. (Lore, a chapter near you...)

<Merc> I'll put this on hold for a while

<Merc> And not sure about NERO. I'll have to research all the different LARP groups in my area to see which is the best fit for me

<Merc> May be NERO may be something else

<Merc> May not LARP at all

<Merc> I'll see

<Merc> So, what's your character anyway?

<Zsword> Me?

<Merc> yeah

<Zsword> Human Earth Scholar. (coughClericcough)

<Merc> ( Note: Heard about LARPing from a guy on Wipeout on the geeks vs beauties special. He was a sorceress. o_O ??? )

<Zsword> Cause, I didn't have the make up to play a lizard scav. -.-

<Zsword> scavenger*

<Merc> Ah so you're a healer?

<Zsword> which are the half animal races that aren't Cats or Birds. (Scavengers are) and yes, I'm a healer. (though I can convirt my heals into illegal damage. =3)

<Merc> lol wow

<Zsword> I call upon Earth to cure wounds 10...

<Zsword> I call upon Chaos to cause wounds 10...

<Zsword> I summon a force to disarm your weapon.

<Zsword> With mystic force I pin you.

<Zsword> <3 Spells

<Merc> Hmm so, do you guys play this like stat combat rping? That's what it sounds like. Or is this pretty much just combat after combat without much character interaction?

<Zsword> There's a metric fuckton of character interaction.

<Zsword> I've gone entire events and never seen combat. >.>

<Merc> wow

<Zsword> yep.

<Zsword> Though as a healer, combat typically finds me.

<Merc> Sounds liek you guys should go to ren faires to make them cooler

<Zsword> 'hey this guy needs a heal!'

<Merc> lol

<Merc> Been there, in a way

<Zsword> me: -.-

<Zsword> but yeah, we openly recruit at ren fairs.

<Zsword> also a great place for costuming

<AcaciaSgt> Brb...

<Merc> I'm a minstrel (best healing class on LotRO) so I get how rough it can be to be the healer. But in LoAF, being a healer is like...the easiest thing ever

<Merc> @ Acacia: k

<Zsword> heh.

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> Merc: it is if you're actually around

*** AcaciaSgt has quit IRC: Exit: (Link: http://www.mibbit.com)http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client

<Merc> hah

<Merc> Yeah, LoAF healers tend not to be around much

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> see also, hey guys remember when we only had one healer that was funny wasn't it

<Merc> Was it Parry?

<@Phoenix> It was Tessa iirc

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> first healer we had was Tessa

<Merc> Ah

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> and she was our only healer until

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> oh gosh, Charlotte, wasn't it

<@Phoenix> yeah

<Merc> wow

<@Phoenix> and then Pary came along and ... yeah

<Merc> Then Beau :3

<Merc> CH20, wasn't it?

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> somethin' like that

<@Phoenix> I forgetz

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> which reminds me

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> Snike you owe a ch19 summary, yes?

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> or whicherver it was

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> the one before mine

<Merc> I know Tas joined at the end of CH19, so it was probably 20 when Beau officially joined

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> I have mine mostly written, I just need the header/footer notes

<Merc> And then he was there fgor a while then he left.

<Merc> But he'll be back

<Merc> Just a sec; brb

*** Rothene has joined #returnoftheemblem

<Rothene> Heya

<Zsword> heya!

<Merc> Hi Rothe

<Snike> dammit

<Merc> ?

<Snike> summary thing

<Merc> ah

<Zsword> oh hey... I actually show up in my chapters photo gallery. =D

<Rothene> Photo gallery?

<Zsword> (Link: http://www.neroempire.com/about.html)http://www.neroempire.com/about.html

<Zsword> Click the photo gallery link and I'm actually in the first picture. XD

<Rothene> Oh

*** Mercakete has joined #returnoftheemblem

<Snike> has anyone seen Epic rap battles of history

<@Phoenix> not me

<Zsword> Merc, did you get my link?

<Snike> Beethoven VS Justin Bieber, Ben Franklin VS Billy Mays, Albert Einstein VS Steven Hawkings

<Snike> Hawking*

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> I've seen the Albert Einstein vs Steven Hawking one

<Rothene> I haven't been able to faithfully follow the entire RP as of late...don't mind letting me know what's happening on the ship right now? Oh and the sun is setting already?

<Zsword> sun has set

<Rothene> Means Ranyin would've stopped painting much earlier and should have been doing something else already...

*** Merc has quit IRC: Exit: (Link: http://www.mibbit.com)http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client

<Zsword> Mercakete, you there?


Warning: mild Language.

*** Mercakete is now known as Kete

<Kete> Was talking to my family

<Zsword> kai.

<Zsword> (Link: http://www.neroempire.com/about.html)http://www.neroempire.com/about.html

<Kete> Thanks for the warning, Snike

<Zsword> check out the Photo gallery, I'm in the first pic. =3

<Kete> lol panda

<Zsword> yes, Kai the Panda.

<Snike> Billy Mays won IMO

<Zsword> Panda Scavenger Earth Templar.

<Zsword> Templars are like... Battle Mages.

<Zsword> so he's like, a paladin.

<Kete> pally with magic?

<Zsword> Earth=Healing

<@Phoenix> lol video

<Snike> Paladin ala D&D

<Kete> ah

<Kete> I don't play that so it's lost on me

<Rothene> Eh?

<Zsword> Paladin as MOST games typically look at Pally. >.>

<Snike> Kind of like a warrior with limited light magic

* Kete only knows pally via FE definition

<Rothene> What's the conversation currently about?

<Kete> Ah k thanks

<Zsword> yeah.

<Snike> in RoTE or here

<Kete> A LARP group called NERO = IRC chatter

<Rothene> To me, paladin = Warrior fighting in the name of religion

<Kete> In rp, Gytha is singing along with...a lot of shipmen.

<Snike> They have magic as well

<Rothene> I'll be off to take a shower

<Zsword> yep.

<Rothene> brb

<Kete> And there's some talk about "we're all going to die. Which way would you rather die? Being eaten or being enslaved and dyign that way?"

<Kete> see ya Rothe

<Kete> ah slowdown

<Zsword> classes are limited to Fighter, Scholar, Templar, and Rogue.

<Zsword> Fighters... hit things...

<@Phoenix> lolol Genghis Khan vs Easter Bunny XD

<Kete> Oh man they have "how to makes" on here

<Snike> Beethoven VS Justin Bieber

<Snike> watch it

<Zsword> on where?

<Snike> youtube

<@chronicallyAbsentminded> Snike: Tavros vs Dave.

* @chronicallyAbsentminded missing the point.

<Snike> NOOO

<@Phoenix> great now I'm gonna be stuck watching these instead of posting

<Zsword> @MErc, on where?

* Kete already has her Ren faire outfits so all's good

<Zsword> heh.

<Zsword> sadly that site is for my chapter here in Colorado.

<Zsword> and it looks like the closest thing to northwest is 'Nero West' in Cali.

*** Mercakete has joined #returnoftheemblem

*** Mercakete is now known as Merc

<Zsword> wb

<Snike> last line of Bieber VS Beethoven: You wanna be a little white usher? Here, show them to their seats

<Merc> Thanks

<Snike> Usher*

<Merc> XD

*** Zsword has quit IRC: notnet.uk.eu.darkmyst.org tempest.de.eu.darkmyst.org

Lots of irrelevant logs in between, but the point is made. You were there when the announcement was made. It states where the IRC was moving to, for crying out loud. Ignorance is not an excuse in this case.

3: I did not display irritation, I simply stated the provided solution doesn't work.

/server is an unknown command. >.>

[spoiler=Screenshot from Wikipedia's Emoticon Page.]1186156833.png

There are four different definitions for that emote. Guess which one makes sense?

I even added a big red arrow to direct you to the area I want you to see.

4: The allegedly 'free' chat program ISN"T FREE, it has a 30 day trial before you have to play.

1. I wasn't aware X-chat was a game.

2. Why are you complaining about a fix, even if it is only a temporary fix? 30 days is more than enough to switch over to something better.

3. More logs:[spoiler=Xchat logs]

<Snike> Luna

<Snike> did you have to pay for X chat?

<DarkPhoenix> no it was free

<clipseykitty> Nope.

<clipseykitty> Free.

<Snike> That proves my point

<clipseykitty> Just download and install.

<DarkPhoenix> but it said after 30 days I had to pay

* @Phoenix users since who knows when

* @Phoenix watches it pull a winRAR

<DarkPhoenix> it might be bluffing yeah

<Snike> ^

<Snike> ^^*

<clipseykitty> I don't remember it ever asking me to pay for it, and I've had this since FE10 mafia.

<Snike> OH HELL NO

<clipseykitty> Huh?

<@Phoenix> lol Snike XD

<@Phoenix> * Snike (Snike@dm-21546.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOp.nb.bellaliant.net) has left #returnoftheemblem

<@Phoenix> <Zsword> I think he rage quit. >.>

<Snike> I am not talking to him directly until I'm done tearing apart his post

<Snike> send him that

<DarkPhoenix> more RP posts, less arguing with Z

<@Phoenix> more root bear*shot

<@Phoenix> *beer

<DarkPhoenix> lol root bear

<@Phoenix> man, this language and its typos

<Snike> ask Phoenix about what's going on with my postingness

<clipseykitty> Snike, I am tempted to start yelling at him. Talk me out of it.

<Snike> I'm yelling at him

<Snike> DEon't steal my glory

<Snike> don't*

<clipseykitty> Yes sir.

<clipseykitty> Want me to grab the date I loaded XChat on my compy?

<Snike> sure

<clipseykitty> Loaded March 24, 2011. Number of payment prompts seen: 0

<Snike> ty

5: I did not ask you to install a differant program, I said I already had a differant program, and was hoping you might have some experiance with it to help mke more directly.

Snike, I don't have 20 bucks to burn on an IRC client, besides, I already have Pidgin, I just need to know how to get this to work on there, cause I can't post without being able to talk to people. >.>

There is no mention of hoping I might have some experience with it. There is only a demand for a fix on Pidgin. Which would mean that I would have to use or have used Pidgin. Which requires me to have installed or to install it. See what logic brings us to?

6: I wasn't trying to 'compell' you to help me, I was stating a fact.

oh god netsplit... and I'm by myself. T.T

In the purest sense of the term, that is posting without being able to talk to people (IRC-wise).

As for posting RP-wise, you don't always have to have every single detail in order to post. See basically everybody else in the RP for examples.

Now, are you done mis-understanding me, or can we get back to the point at hand?

This does not make a shred of sense whatsoever. Aside from the fact that I did not misunderstand you, you're suggesting that I should so I can go act as tech support. What.

Are you sure the program you just linked is free? Because it most definatly does NOT look free.

See Point 4. See the lack of credit card information requirements. Hell, google it.

Edit: Fixed "3.", and the Youtube link.

Edited by Snikitty
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