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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Okay, Sni, 90% of that is relatively pointless now...

1. Do not refer to me as "Sni".

2. It is not pointless, you decided to try to defend your ungratefulness, and I tore it apart. Worse, after the griping, you used the client I linked anyways. Does anyone else see what the problem is there?

but I don't see where in point 2 where it states where you went, it only states a DC from somewhere that I CAN"T SEE.

*** -OperServ- [global/ryan] Hi, all. Although the official move to our new ircd and services is not until tomorrow, we are going to begin the process tonight. Users on tempest, abyss, opus, tiamat or luminous will want to reconnect to DarkMyst using /server irc.darkmyst.org. Most of you are not on these servers, but please do check. Thanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...


-Throwing Knives, Javelins, and Hand Axes have all had their nerfs modified. From now on, they do not suffer MT penalties when used at melee range. They incur the penalties at range only.

-Short Spear, Spear, Short Axe, and Tomahawk have been added to the complete item list.(see profile for details)

-Level Requirements list updated(just added the new stuff)


'nother update:

-Ambush, Blitz, and Assault Weapon mt boost increased from 35/50/85% to 40/65/90%.

-Cursed Weapon, Blood Weapon, Devil Weapon added to item list.

-Requirements updated(new stuff, yadah yadah).

2nd EDIT:

Next update:

-Weapon Affinity rules amended.

-Hero-Killer Weapons have been renamed to End Weapons.

Edited by Phoenix
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I will not be here on thusday (tomorrow)! I keep forgetting to say this and I appologize! >_<

Correction: I will maybe be back later on. Like, past 9 PST or something. But that's basicly the day anyway.

Edited by Mercakete
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Hey Snowy, The Harpies' Whirlwind attack can counter any range, you attacked Harpy D who is equipped with Whirlwind at the moment, you should've been countered.

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Ranged: Enemies may only counter a ranged user once every two phases.

Crossbows are ranged weapons. Last battle Robin lead off with a uncountered attack and followed that attack rhythm for the entire fight. Unless something changed, it should still be the same.

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Except her targets didn't have ways or bypassing the ranged rules.

Whirlwind: A strong Wind Magic Attack. May Target an entire combat team at once. Can counter at any range.

Counter at any range. This means the harpie don't get to wait if they have Whirlwind, since it can counter regardless of battle position. At the same time, they wouldn't need to get closer against a Siege range for example.

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I am fairly sure that the 'no-counters every other turn' thing counts for all ranges (or else it would say something like 'every other turn may attack melee without being countered'. Next player phase, Robin will be countered like always.

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Okay then, I guess it's fine to leave it as it is then. Maybe I'm just getting it wrong. Checking the battle posts again I noticed Ranyin attacked from Range without a Counter. So yeah...

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You can attack melee fighters and only get countered every other phase, but it'd be rather pointless to note that whirlwind can counter ranged if ranged can't be countered. Ranged is always countered by ranged.

And my complaint earlier was more of a joke, but I would have rather had Valter kill a Harpy and Robin weaken another one. It still died, yeah, but it was possible we could've taken out two this phase. (and I had gotten the perfect roll <3)

@Acacia: Ranyin attacked a Harpy that was equipped with Talon, a melee weapon.

Edited by roymbrog
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Ah, okay. Guess I didn't really payed attention that it was actually a Talon!Harpy. :lol:

And yeah, that is what it's description says, so there should be a counter.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Ranged weapons get to attack every other phase without a counter. I don't see why there should be one just because the harpies have a ranged weapon when the rules state that a person using a ranged weapon (which Robin is using) may only be countered every other phase.

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Ranged weapons get to attack every other phase without a counter. I don't see why there should be one just because the harpies have a ranged weapon when the rules state that a person using a ranged weapon (which Robin is using) may only be countered every other phase.

Because said Harpy's weapon dictates that it can counter regardless of range. It's simple logic Snowy.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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It's not a matter of range or not range. It's a matter of the ability associated with the weapon. Unless I'm reading it wrong, it doesn't matter if it's melee, ranged, or intergalactic, ranged weapons quite simply only get countered every other phase. If there is a rule that would suggest otherwise (a ruling stating something along the lines of 'ranged weapons lose the ability to attack every other phase without being countered'), I would very much like to read it and, if so, will take the counter.

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Snowy, it's in the very attack description of Whirlwind. It overrides it. If it weren't possible, Phoenix wouldn't have wrote that in the description.

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1. Whirlwind always counters.

2. Weapons of the same range always counter one another, roy is correct. From the OP:

RANGE: There are three ranges at which a unit can act. Melee, Ranged, and Siege. Unless otherwise noted, all weapons operate as melee. Each range handles counters differently. Characters fighting with the same range can always counter one another.
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If that is true, then what is the point of stating that it gets countered only every other round?

Because that is against Melee attacks.

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On the side note Acacia. Ranyin KOed the Harpy with the rolls he got, hence why I did not bother rolling a counter attack. But yeah the Harpy was equiped with Talon at that time too, hence why I even bothered making Ranyin use a Ranged attack.

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