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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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All I want to know right now is if Gytha was in earshot of this:

"Pirate woman wrote my wish for me. I think it was my wish at least. To go home again."

Okay that's not all I want to know actually ...

We're just about ready to TS, so if anyone else has anything they'd like to do outside of the current conversations before then, now's a good time to do so(especially for any recruitments). I'll probably TS things tomorrow, either in the morning or in the afternoon(or evening if I'm just that behind on things)

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When the battle starts, the combat teams are locked so for those deathly afraid of IRC, you might want to take a look at this.


























I keep a list of the current teams that gets updated between battles and during(hp values removed for easier focus). This is the current one. I don't know if any mistakes are on it, but it's currently official, so keep that in mind. If you want changes made, now is a VERY good time to say so. Like I said, once the battle starts, it's locked.

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Hey Phee, IRC is broken again. Mibbit keeps refusing my account.

In other news: Zel and Ranyin SHOULD be in the same party now, though I'd need Roth to confirm this.

and uh, I'd like to reconsider Shadrak's party members as neither of them have posted for several... weeks, I think.

Edited by Zsword
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Amon 12/12

Gytha 18/18


Veronika 12/12

John 21/21


Shadrak 15/15

Domovoi 15/15

Aneda 15/15


Ranyin 12/12

Bert 15/15

Zel 18/18


Gabbie 15/15

Nadya 15/15


Robin 12/12


Chelase 12/12


Saken 12/12



Synthia 12/12

Valter 12/12

Nanahm 18/18

If there are no corrections in order, then combat teams are now locked.

Edited by Phoenix
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So, I have determined that the Bonus objective for this fight is imposable, and it was imposable from the start. Every unit takes at least 4 character actions to kill, at the quickest, with the boss taking about... another 3 or 4. The part has at most, 10 actions per turn, usually less. If you take the fifteen enemies, and multiply it by the number of actions it takes to eliminate them... you get 60 on the dot. Add in an additional 3 for the boss, and about another 12 or so for bad luck, having to defend Siv, and other pointless fodder, you get a total of 75 Actions required to defeat every enemy in the fight. Now, the party has 10-11 actions per turn. Multiply this by the 6 turns we have, and you get 60-66 actions. 75>66, meaning that the bonus objective is indeed imposable, and that the fight was to hard for the party, and the difficulty of the RP needs to be toned down to actually match the ability of the party.

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I'd like to point out that Amon can take Callisto all by himself now that he has her stim. So she's potentially out of the picture. Second, calling it impossible from the start doesn't sound like you were actually running any numbers there :lol:

I'm not saying it was likely, but not impossible.


@ Toning down

The bonus objectives are NEVER going to be easy. If the rp's difficulty ever came down, the bonus objective difficulties certainly wouldn't, otherwise there wouldn't be a point to making them in the first place.

Edited by Phoenix
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BOnuses should atleast be posible. Enemies on average take 4 actions, 1 attack, a defence, a heal, and then a finishing attack.

Pegasi actually add more to this, by taking another 3, in the form of another defender, healer, and attacker. (If no defender is used, then you would use an additional healer, or perhaps a rez, making it a mute point to try to exclude it)

So, even what few turns we end up saving with super lucky crits, end up getting burned by bad enemy composition. (Or I should say, good enemy comp, which is bad for us)

Also: Between the turn it took to steal it, the turn it took take it, the defence that Gytha used on it, the 2 turns and 2 defences it'll actually take to kill her.... it still takes about 7 turns to kill the boss like I predicted.

Edited by Zsword
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Like I said, Bonus objectives will never be easy. They're never impossible either. Yes, this is one of the harder ones because it's relying entirely on flawless execution, but even now it's not completely impossible and it technically won't be impossible until we have more enemies left to kill than possible character actions. We aren't there yet.

@ Killing Callisto

*points to previous statement*

Edited by Phoenix
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Phee. You're now using speculation, I'm using hard numbers. Please provide actual proof that the bonus objective was infact possible.

Hard number? On a system that uses RANDOM numbers?

Hey, Phoenix, could you please get in IRC? Z is at it again... >_>

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Phee. You're now using speculation, I'm using hard numbers. Please provide actual proof that the bonus objective was infact possible.

We have a total of 42 battleposts to do this battle. Your required count is based on some of the worst possible scenarios. Not a bad idea to factor those in, but you call it impossible based on them which is ridiculous. Like I keep saying, until we have less actions left than enemies, the bonus isn't actually impossible(read that again ... read it as many times as you have to to understand that little technicality). Insanely difficult is another matter and I wish you wouldn't go out of your way to confuse the two.

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Hard number? On a system that uses RANDOM numbers?

Hey, Phoenix, could you please get in IRC? Z is at it again... >_>

accoutned for, notice, plus some odd for bad luck.

The numbers I generated are indeed assuming we have good luck, it could be much, MUCH higher.

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