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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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accoutned for, notice, plus some odd for bad luck.

The numbers I generated are indeed assuming we have good luck, it could be much, MUCH higher.

They're still random. We're talking about possibilities here. They're not set in stone. Don't take even one possibility, even if it looks like the best-one, since the random disposition makes things not set in stone, as fact.

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Also, defends/heals are not necesssary for every enemy. Spending less actions on defending and healing and more on attacks would yield a greater chance of routing the enemy in time. It would be riskier, but no pain no gain.

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I think the difficulty for future battles should be lowered since our tendenct for bad rolls doesn't seem to be being taken into account enough from where I sit. The calls are too close in my opinion. I'd much preferr less of a challenge and more casual battling in the future.

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Note: The battles are based on the types of enemies we're fighting. Casual fighting is unlikely to happen outside of tournaments or bandit raids. Right now we're fighting with the Ursium military(yes, they are the military, not some unaffiliated splinter group), the same military the Neviskotians have not been able to completely take out in their fifteen hundred year existence. Before that, we were fighting demons, and before that, artificial humans(remember that the party decided to do the previous two quests when offered, difficulty was appropriate for who/what they faced).

Basically what I'm saying is that enemies we fight, are not meant to be weaker or more nerfed than they already are(dragon burned alive, only T1 demons used, fallen kept away from the party, etc) so the party should pick on enemies who are less powerful plotwise to get a lower difficulty statwise(you're not going to fight actual military units that are poorly equipped or below a certain level so don't fight the military if you want an easy bout or one sided slaughter etc). If you're that interested in finding weaker enemies to kick around, you can always invent some of your own, you know ... though that's probably not going to work because people tend to make npcs that are too strong for the party to fight against.

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I understand and respect that. So, I'll just request that we fight bandits etc more often so that we can grind levels and make future fights easier (IF they aren't proportionally strengthened. That would be aughghgh....)

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It's easy for me to focus on some occasional good things once in awhile, like Gabbie's dodging luck, but only because I subconsciously tune out the fact that she almost never fights anyone who's guaranteed to hit her :P:

But yeah, most of the time, we forget the things that got the party to where it is, like all those lucky crits and heroic moments ... *sigh* nostalgia.

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Heh. Well, it was just a request anyway. I just preferr guarenteed hits/kills without worrying about RNG luck. Thought maybe toning it down would be good since I measure it by "if any of us get hit to 0, it's too hard." I'll just let you guys do whatever though since Z and I seem to be the only onces complaining and really, it is just a game. GM knows best.

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Well, one thing I'd like to point out is that it's ONLY me and Merc complaining, at all. I don't see the harm in dropping the difficulty a little to appease two people when the adjustment isn't going to negatively effect anyone, but still positively effect a few... it seems like the adjustment has no real backfire to it.

Edit: In another way to say: Instead of asking why we should change it, I'd like to ask why we shouldn't.

Edited by Zsword
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Well, one thing I'd like to point out is that it's ONLY me and Merc complaining, at all. I don't see the harm in dropping the difficulty a little to appease two people when the adjustment isn't going to negatively effect anyone, but still positively effect a few... it seems like the adjustment has no real backfire to it.

Edit: In another way to say: Instead of asking why we should change it, I'd like to ask why we shouldn't.


Notice the current state of the rp battles. We come together on IRC(and argue with Z) when available and talk out strategies to defeat opponents, and ways to gather the most points, etc. Take this for granted all you want, but don't think the same level of group effort will still exist in a scenario where people don't need help from anyone to take down enemies and run extremely low risk of being KO'd. The primary reasons for all the difficulty are reflection of plot strengths, challenge, and the promotion of teamwork. Without it, we really wouldn't have much reason to bother even working together.

And I'd totally nerf point gains on easier fights anyway :P:

Now I realize that this doesn't appeal to everyone. That's why I make as many fights optional as I can nowadays(again, remember the party agreed to the last two jobs). If people want to have a fight that doesn't have a high level of difficulty or KO risks, then they should talk with Luna and me to help set something up sometime. Fights set up by us are generally not going to be safety net matches where anyone can safely attack anything and not have to worry about getting beaten down for it.

Lastly, the rp's changing every so often, not fundamentally, but in various ways that affect combat ... as you'll notice once we finish this battle. Why's that matter? Because difficulty is perceived by different people in different ways. Like Merc said, she was going by anyone being KO'd as too difficult. I go by it being too difficult if the party can't achieve the primary objective without losing 50% of the party members. Big difference. I'm sure that with the right circumstances or something else working in your favor some of the time, you would drop the difficulty complaint or at least tone it down a bit. Remember how good it felt when Zel got that double kill? How much did the difficulty matter then?

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Um, I actually felt kinda like crap when Zel doubled, cause I know it's a fluke, my character was only awsome cause of luck, not because he was awsome.

Also, I'm pretty sure you said somewhere that fights not run by GMs didn't reward points, which would make them just as unnecessary as the hard fights.

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Um, I actually felt kinda like crap when Zel doubled, cause I know it's a fluke, my character was only awsome cause of luck, not because he was awsome.

He's a cav, give'em some credit. You often comment how unlikely other physicals are to take him out easily. Hell even Gabbie's willing to use him as a meatshield and she could just as easily try to hog John for that. They do have more in common she could work with you know ;):
Also, I'm pretty sure you said somewhere that fights not run by GMs didn't reward points, which would make them just as unnecessary as the hard fights.

Unnecessary? Who cares? They're easy at least, right?
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No, the only reason the party would want easier fights if to go 'level' so that we can actually be properly geared for the later fights, not being horribly weak and nearly getting Game Overs on what is supposed to be a relatively painless fight.

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Note: Fights without GM approval are not worth points, not necessarily all fights we do not "run." Y'all can certainly work with us if you have a fight in mind (though fights with some degree of plot relevance are preferred).

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No, the only reason the party would want easier fights if to go 'level' so that we can actually be properly geared for the later fights, not being horribly weak and nearly getting Game Overs on what is supposed to be a relatively painless fight.

Which are you more concerned about, points or fun?

supposed to be a relatively painless fight.

No fight I set up is going to be painless, because they're not supposed to be. They're fights ... you know, with blades and fire magic and people dead set on killing us.

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Guys, could we please stop the arguing? GMs made it clear it's not happening. I would've liked the grinding option to make things easier than thusly more fun, but at this point it's like keeping a sandwitch out of the reach (but in plain sight) of someone who's starving. Just drop it, Z.

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I asked which concerned you more.

Er... they're both kinda balanced... I think it leans a little more towards fun... but points are an aspect of fun. =\

Guys, could we please stop the arguing? GMs made it clear it's not happening. I would've liked the grinding option to make things easier than thusly more fun, but at this point it's like keeping a sandwitch out of the reach (but in plain sight) of someone who's starving. Just drop it, Z.

Note: Fights without GM approval are not worth points, not necessarily all fights we do not "run." Y'all can certainly work with us if you have a fight in mind (though fights with some degree of plot relevance are preferred).

Iunno, sounds like to me, Merc, that it's indeed possible for us to work out a means to grinding out points... if we can work it out, I know I wouldn't mind running and making a fight that's a little toned down to maybe help the party catch up a bit. =)

Actually, I already have ideas. =D

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Slow down, slow down. Neither of us said there absolutely couldn't be points. I just didn't bother correcting what Z said because I'm jerk

Note: Fights without GM approval are not worth points, not necessarily all fights we do not "run." Y'all can certainly work with us if you have a fight in mind (though fights with some degree of plot relevance are preferred).

We're just saying don't assume they will and don't get your hopes up. We can barely fit in regular fights when people are at this level of activity. Remember we're at best churning out one stat battle a month, we're moving toward one every two months. People aren't active enough for us to be hopping all over random encounters or grinding fests point yielding or not, but we'll consider them if you're willing to work with us.

Er... they're both kinda balanced... I think it leans a little more towards fun... but points are an aspect of fun. =\

Thanks for answering. Your answer's up there^

Edited by Phoenix
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