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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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-Rule Changes:

Defenders may only pick a specific unit to defend in the combat team.

-Item Changes:

Bulwarks on top of their standard abilities, may also allow the user to defend the entire team at once.

-Added the following items:

Dual Book

Triangle Book


Rex Barrier


Edited by Phoenix
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Well here's the list of current teams. I don't foresee a combat teams discussion happening on IRC without an imminent battle.

Even then it takes some serious prodding

Amon 15/15

Gytha 21/21


Veronika 12/12

John 21/21


Shadrak 15/15

Domovoi 15/15

Aneda 15/15


Ranyin 15/15

Bert 15/15

Zel 18/18


Gabbie 18/18

Nadya 15/15


Chelsea 12/12


Robin 12/12


Saken 12/12



Synthia 12/12

Valter 12/12

Chelsea 12/12

Nanahm 18/18

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Well, without even reshuffling the teams we could get one of the two following combo's.

Amon 15/15

Gytha 21/21

Chelsea 12/12


Veronika 12/12

John 21/21

Robin 12/12


Shadrak 15/15

Domovoi 15/15

Aneda 15/15


Ranyin 15/15

Bert 15/15

Zel 18/18


Gabbie 18/18

Nadya 15/15

Saken 12/12


Amon 15/15

Gytha 21/21


Veronika 12/12

John 21/21


Shadrak 15/15

Domovoi 15/15

Aneda 15/15


Ranyin 15/15

Bert 15/15

Zel 18/18


Gabbie 18/18

Nadya 15/15


Chelsea 12/12

Robin 12/12

Saken 12/12

We could be able to do the latter with just the consent of Chelsea and Saken's players, and neither would make it so that a unit already on one team needs to leave for another. I give my consent to put Robin on a team.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Killing her is the trigger for that bomb I think. It wouldn't necessarily end the arguing, though bombs are typically very brief so I guess it would be a quick burst of arguing and then burials.

Edited by Phoenix
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Planning on doing the TS to Europa tomorrow, so you guys have a little more time to wrap up ... things. Otherwise, just sit tight and once I'm finished messing around with some old neglected data, the group will be on its merry way ... well, not merry.

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I found the time to lazily play with the color tool so I decided to fiddle with the Sardius map base for something useful.


This is just a simple border map to show which areas belong to which countries(and where you can and can't hold nationally restricted shenanigans)


-This does not mark areas that are actually a part of the country, only areas primarily under their influence. One example of this is the large island to the west of Kigen and Corvus. It officially belongs to Kigen, but the dense jungles are home to enough fallen to wrest control of the southern part of the island from the Kigenese.

-Ignore the unmarked areas, since I haven't decided what to do with those yet.

Edited by Phoenix
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-OP amended(check OP)

-Arenas and rules added(check stat combat section)

-Consumable items(unless otherwise noted) may now be used on allies within the same combat team

-Storage System added(check notes)

-Antidotes and Stimulants amended (antidotes last a turn, and stims are self use only)

-Slim weapon series amended (now provide a hit bonus)

-Force Tomes and Cataclysm Tomes added

-Poison tome variants now exist

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Oh man those arenas look so fun!! Thank you Phoenix, Cynthia and (because I know he was part of the negociating process) Z! ^w^~

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Oh man those arenas look so fun!! Thank you Phoenix, Cynthia and (because I know he was part of the negociating process) Z! ^w^~

Believe it or not, this was almost all Luna's doing~ I just confirmed details since I have to write out the changes/additions :^_^:

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Interesting. I'm a bit... skeptical... though. Something keeps nagging in the back of my mind, which I think is 'what about weapons/skills that are meant for player/enemy that are applied to player/player'? Like the Crossbow. Gets to use skill for damage and gets every other turn uncountered, but doesn't get to counter in return. Can easily be very OP or UP depending on the situation.

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It's not just crossbows. This sort of thing happens a lot in a game designed for PvP/PvE suddenly including the other. Skills/weapons/classes that may have been balanced in one suddenly become unbalanced in the other, and balancing them in the other means unbalancing them in the former. Thieves steal ability can easily be the cause of a lot of tension (steal a item being used by another PC and use it up) for example. Not saying you should remove it, but be very ready for balance issues.

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It is a potential issue as one player can take a item that another player paid points to obtain and use it up in a tournament. I'm not saying that it will be a big issue (We don't have a lot of thieves in the party after all), but I am using it as an example of something that can become problematic in a PvP environment. I don't want you to stop working on the arenas, I just want you to be prepared for the problems that will come with them and to do your best to anticipate them.

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Thanks, Cynthia![/late]

Anyway, why not just disable all class skills/books in the arena? That way it's a test of how the players invested in their characters. Though items/weapons should still take effect, I say to disable books because (if I'm understanding this right) it's A1 either items or attacks, B1 items or attacks, A2 items or attacks etc so there's no room for the use of dual or triangle books anyway.

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