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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Can consider that(I'm against disabling skills though) and yeah, the books were built for phases, but in an arena their targeting rules would have to actually be enforced which allows them to still function.

-Triangle Attack:

When three units with this ability launch a triangle attack, they will each launch autohits for the duration of their combat rounds. The target may not counter until both all three units complete their attacks. The target may also not be targeted by any other unit until the attacks are complete. All three units must be predesignated and the entire maneuver is considered only one battle post. This maneuver may be performed once every three phases.

In an arena the Triangle attack isn't really negated, only spread out further ... and with teams of three, they're actions are just predetermined instead of occurring one after the other. Also in an arena match, the three turns thing would switch to per unit, so each would have to wait three turns before reactivating.

Apply the same thing to the dual book and there ya go. Can still consider disallowing them, but I'd prefer the reason not to have anything to do with the battle format :P:

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I'm not really in favor of disabling class skills (except thieves, since they would have more point gaining opportunities than normal), since that's what sets classes apart really.

I don't see how dual/triangle books wouldn't work really, it's just that enemies would act in the middle of people activating their dual/triangle books. So it would go something like:

P1 activates Dual Book attack on Enemy 1

Enemy 1 heals/items/attacks/defends

P2 activates Dual Book attack on Enemy 1, P1 and P2 launch their attacks, then Enemy 1 counters both (if they survived obviously).

The only difference is that it could be interrupted, either by enemies KOing the first Dual Book activator or defending the unit being targeted. Note that defending the target would make the defending unit the new target, which means they can be Dual/Triangled.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Ah, okay. Just thinking that'd basicly make the team using the attacks sitting ducks. Up to whoever uses it, though.

I only suggested diabling class skills because it's be inconveniant in arena matches. Like an NPC thief stealing a PC nomad's item or a peggy who refuses to die. The three-on-three format already makes some class skills useless so it makes it unfair to them (like the wyvern rider since it's basicly only 1 team vs another team.) A way to level the playing field would be to disable class skills during arena matches.

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Well the skills are situational to begin with, so I'm not as miffed about this. Even in regular stat combat, there have been given turns/times when a skill is useless, like when enemies didn't have items to steal, or when a certain shaman was at full health, or redundant mage overcast heals. In this case, the arena isn't necessarily for thieves or wyvern riders, but they can still enter(and knowing Amon and John, probably still make things difficult on their opponents :XD: )

Edited by Phoenix
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'A certain shaman is at full health' are you referring to the fact that none of the healers in the RP ever let shad get low and fix it himself? Cause he can do that, especially since now everything won't be lulz doubling him.

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[04:17:19] * #returnoftheemblem Banlist: Thu Sep 22 20:11:03 *!*@hra1423q708463e-oc2666j9410322.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com Cynthia!Mibbit@144.80.nks.otm

[04:17:19] * #returnoftheemblem Banlist: Thu Aug 18 01:27:53 *!*@uzey-745ik4y.cable.mindspring.com Cynthia!Mibbit@j-576-49-213-258.hsd8.pa.comcast.net

[04:17:19] * #returnoftheemblem Banlist: Mon Aug 15 03:17:39 *!*@*.nc.res.rr.com flame.nl.eu.darkmyst.org

[04:17:19] * #returnoftheemblem :End of Channel Ban List


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I'm back. Friends sneaked beer in behind my back while I was sleeping, got drunk, and stepped on my cat's paw hard. No lasting harm, but I am not happy. Anyways, no clue what's happened. Will try to catch up tomorrow or something I guess...

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So, yeah, All Shadrak was doing in my last post with the magic, was pretty much eliminating any friction between him and the floor, he wasn't actually hovering, only really works in artificial environments, natural ones are too varried for it really work. If this would be considerred a too great of a task for him I can change it. >.>

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