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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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The emblem's glowing bright enough to be hard to look at directly. It's in the bag so most of what everyone else would see are a few of those light streaks and Raquel's face being illuminated ... until she closed the bag, at least.

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I'll be gone for some time starting on Friday, and it sounds like a couple other people will be as well, we might want to consider delaying this a bit so that the party is actually here enough to put up a fight, I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, but it shouldn't be anylonger than that day and pooosssibly the next.

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Man... I would love to see Weyland help out durring the fight with one of the main baddies by sitting on his roof and shooting one of them down and muttering, "Get off my lawn."

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Man... I would love to see Weyland help out durring the fight with one of the main baddies by sitting on his roof and shooting one of them down and muttering, "Get off my lawn."

Too bad he's not old enough. Then he could also shout: ''You whippersnappers! When I was your age we'd not ambush in the death of night with overwhelming forces! No sir, we'd go by midday after meal time, up front to the main door, with nothing but some steel weapons and basic magic! And we'd officially declare war right there! Rant rant rant...''


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Hey, if someone could save a combat post for me that'd be awesome. I already have one written for Synthia, it's just that I messed up Valter's bit...

EDIT: Actually, I'll just fix it now... nvm

EDIT: EDIT: I need to ask Phee something first -__-

I'll just ask here, 'tis easier. Amon is still defending Synthia, right? Neither of them have been attacked yet.

Edited by roymbrog
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Phoenix, I noticed you had Amon gain the 3 defending points. However, he wasn't attacked at all. He shouldn't gain those points since the OP states they need to be actually attacked and survive to gain them.

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