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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Ugh, I'm finding it impossible to keep track of wtf is going on.... the ONLY thing I think I know, even after reading through this chaotic mess more than 6 times is that Robin is hovering Shadrak, patting his fore head with a wet cloth or something...

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Ugh, I'm finding it impossible to keep track of wtf is going on.... the ONLY thing I think I know, even after reading through this chaotic mess more than 6 times is that Robin is hovering Shadrak, patting his fore head with a wet cloth or something...


Raquel got kidnapped

Weyland has the emblem

Military showed up

Most characters are in dining hall with military who want to help rescue Raquel

For further details, read the posts.

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I'm likely not going to be able to post till Saturday night or Sunday. Expect this to happen every Friday. -__-

EDIT: I give Phee and Merc joint CCs of my characters, since the group is heading out and Synthia's supposed to be driving. No point making people wait for me.

Edited by roymbrog
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Few things:

-I'll be heading out to California on Tuesday it seems, so depending on what time the flight is, I'll be offline for some hours. No big deal really.

-(Big Deal part)Since I'll be visiting family and such this will kill my activity level during the day(instead of me doing pre-SF things I'll just be plain unavailable). Not sure if this will affect evening activity just yet, but I'll only be there for a few days so eh.

-We've been completely unable to divvy up the reward money since getting back to Europa, and it's still a bit too complicated to do it even now, so as of the beginning of Chapter 7, consider it done(post TS).

-I'll be starting Chapter 7 no later than Sunday.

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*throws a pillow under Phoenix like a shiriken just in time for him to land on it* *disappears in a puff of smoke*

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Not going to reliably be around since apparently I have the flu. I'll check up on things when I'm feeling well enough to do so.

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