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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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I hate this excuse of "I didn't have time so I didn't give a fuck about what anyone else posted". If you don't have time, wait till you do. It's not that hard.

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Dude, ignore Eail. I honestly don't think anyone else would have cared if you waited till this morning to post. They obviously didn't, because no one has posted after you.

And it does matter, because you're not the only one who's done this. That's the exact same excuse Snowy gives when he ignores context, though it's usually an "I wanted to get a post out before WoWing for three hours" excuse.

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Ignore Phoenix, you mean? It doesn't matter, I'm not going to bother trying to make convenient timing for people anymore, so it's a non-issue, it's not like you can connect something to whatever he does and call it a pandemic all of the sudden.

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Wait hold up, Phoenix​ was getting onto you about not posting immediately? You mean mr. patience? The guy who gets onto people for not taking their time?

Am I in opposite land, or....?

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Dude, ignore Eail. I honestly don't think anyone else would have cared if you waited till this morning to post. They obviously didn't, because no one has posted after you.

And it does matter, because you're not the only one who's done this. That's the exact same excuse Snowy gives when he ignores context, though it's usually an "I wanted to get a post out before WoWing for three hours" excuse.

Love you too sweetheart

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I wish people wouldn't assume any slight nudge on my part is some kind of order. Anyway, I assumed Ether was caught up and even if he wasn't, would just preview before posting. Seemed like a fair assumption at the time.

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Roooooooyyyyyyyyyyy, there are free horses around, yes? Erion's stealing a horse. That's ok? Surely the cav won't need one after Pa shoots him off it or whatever.

(Spoiler alert: He's totally stealing a horse, I'm kinda just checking with you to make sure that you're aware of it... Unless you're really not ok with it. In which case he'll steal a horse at the first town we get to)

Edited by scorri
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Totally. Steal that horse, gal. Steal it goooood.

Note: There are also the horses they rode in on. Cav horse is probably better since it's suited for fighting though (I'm assuming that's what's going on here)

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(This is largely Erion stealing a horse because dude horses. This may or may not also be a prequel to Erion getting reclassed to ranger, haven't quite decided yet)

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All those involved in the hunting party thing, you wanna just get it over with? Everyone else is all "where's dinner?!" and we're just sitting around doing nothing.

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I've got a bad feeling this hunting trip is going to turn into yet another 'they went off to a nearby forest and caught something(s) in about ten minutes'.

That isn't a bad thing. It's fucking provisions.

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No, I'm pretty sure it's the "10 minutes" thing that Phee has a problem with. Realistically, no one's going to go out and shoot enough deer for the whole group in 10 minutes. Or even one deer unless they're super lucky. Especially since we're in a fairly barren area from what I gather.

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If it's unrealistic for anyone to have gotten food already then maybe characters inRP should stop complaining about no one having gotten food. That's the whole reason I wanted to speed it up, because I was taking that as a "you guys are too slow this shouldn't take that long" thing. Going by Kat's posts I would say its only been like 15 minutes since we got there but of course that's wrong and with all the stuff that's happened it's probably been at least an hour.

I'm not doing something like this again if all it does is make me feel rushed IC. I take forever to finish interactions in the first place.


No, I'm pretty sure it's the "10 minutes" thing that Phee has a problem with. Realistically, no one's going to go out and shoot enough deer for the whole group in 10 minutes. Or even one deer unless they're super lucky. Especially since we're in a fairly barren area from what I gather.

Not in ten minutes, no, but if they kill just one full grown deer that's enough to feed everyone for dinner and breakfast at least.The wyverns could probably get a leg each and there'd still be more than enough.


And now I realized that the reaction is going to be, "but roy! It's been three weeks since the TS, you could have gotten this over with sooner!"

Forget everything. Someone else decide what goes on here.

Edited by roymbrog
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Sorry, I would've done stuff but I've been preoccupied with League of Legends (A cancerous thing I need to drop at this point, unhealthy addictions are unhealthy) and feeling like an apathetic slob.

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I don't know what happened, but I must've gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or something. I'm sorry about my outburst up there :x

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Uh... so, right. I have no problem with the hunting trip taking hours if that's what needs to happen. My point was that this is a fairly barren area, not a lot of trees, etc. We've been making a lot of noise so there's going to be even less wildlife around us than there would have been to start. So they're going to need to go fairly far away from the group to even have a chance at finding food. That being said, you're right that a fully grown deer would be plenty of food, which leads me to asking what happened to the rest of the bear meat? It was all salted and if a deer can serve 200 people, surely a bear that was probably at least the size of a deer could do the same? I'm not saying the hunting trip shouldn't happen, fresh meat, etc. But... it seems odd that the bear would just magically be forgotten overnight...

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