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(FE7) Screw over your opponent draft tourney fe7


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Edit: Redo time.

Chapter 16: 8 turns again..

Kent and Sain ferried Lyn. After Sain died, Kent carried her, and just before I seized Kent died again. This time, I kept Wil on the forest. He still almost died because a mercenary attacked him and doubled him.

You do get penalize using undraft units to rescue draft units

I actually find this hilarious. The OP clearly states this:

If you, for some reason, fail to abide by these rules, then you have to incur a four turn penalty for every character you've used for a purpose other than one listed above per chapter. As in the previous drafting tournament, this is four turns regardless of the importance or frequency of the foul committed. Like Kent can solo a chapter (4+ turns) or can rescue Lyn once (4+ turns).


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Chapter 19: 6 turns

Marcus makes the rest of the team redundant. Didn't deploy Becca and Serra since keeping trying to keep them alive for minimal experience was not worth it. Hector and Eliwood finally built a C support, and they went south following Marcus to escape the onslaught. Florina didn't really do anything either. Oswin was a boss and held off everything by himself. Dart and Fiora died.

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Ch. 18: Marcus rushes, Lowen and Hector hold off and shop.


Ch. 19: Team rushes east, Hector stays behind to make sure Fiora is recruited. Fiora then flies Hector over to the group.


Ch. 20: Rush up the middle, Marcus Hammertimes the boss.


Ch. 21: Marcus and Hector charge the boss. The other units' sole jobs were to keep enemies off Eliwood and Ninian. Elysian Whip gotten by Hector, so not even HE was necessary.


Ch. 22: Hector, Dart, and Fiora defend Nils while the horses go kill Eubans. Fiora gets Robe'd.


Ch. 23: Lowen promotes on turn 2, Marcus, Isadora, Hector, and Fiora team up on Paul. Lowen baits out Jasmine and he, Dart, and Marcus team up on him. Fiora flies out to finish the shamans.


Ch. 24: Afa's to Fiora. Promo Dart pre-chapter. Marcus runs up and torches, Dart kills a Monk, Isadora and Lowen rescue drop Marcus on a Fort. Fiora flies towards the Earth Seal village. Earth seal get, Paladins team up on Lloyd.


Ch. 25: Sell the Earth Seal for Farina $. Isadora goes to the axers, Fiora and Marcus east, Lowen and Dart up the middle, Hector derps around for Farina. Farina goes to help Marcus once recruited.


Edited by Paperblade
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"Hey guys how about you vote on a Marcus ban to decide it, okay?"

"Hey guys I changed my mind about the vote thing. Marcus is unbanned even though more people are leaning towards banning him after a certain point. I'll try and have all my rules in place at the start next time."

Edited by General Spoon
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