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[FE8] Draft Tourney V: The Empire Strikes Back


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Give me Forde.

I knew he wouldn't last. I would of picked him if he was still available.

Tethys and Neimi.

Tethys will allow for completely stupid clears of later chapters.

Neimi so I don't need to take Ross for another earlygame unit. And for Colm support.

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And I'll finish with Ewan. Not that he'll be any good. Amelia, too bad.

Let's begin this.

C1: 2 Turns

I found that my first attack was always a crit. So I critted the stronger fighter, and the other one hits me and is almost dead on EP. PP sees it die. I burn some RN's (And trial and error from resetting (while I may be playing on emulator, I'm not using savestates) to get a crit on the boss on turn 2 EP. Fin. Nice level up on Eirika as well.

Name    Level HP Str Skl Spe Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Eirika   2.55 17   5   9   9   5   3   2 Sword E

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I have to restart, because I just read no meatshielding, and unarmed Seth kept getting attacked, even though it played no purpose in the chapter.

At least you don't need to Eirika solo. That's a bitch. Also, I changed my C1 strat. Also decided to record this.

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-Pre-Run Team Analysis-

-Eirika: Meh, she's decent, but swordlock and low strength is obnoxious.

-Ephraim: Now this is more like it. However, I plan on going Eirika route, so he'll get less screentime.

-Franz: In theory, he may turn out to be my best unit overall. However, he and I have had some... bad experiences in the past (18/7 with 11-ish Str, WTH), but lets put that aside for now. Great availability, great move, great stats.

-Tana: A good flier, she joins moderately early, and has good growths with decent bases. More importantly, she can rescue anyone on my team before promotion, only missing promoted Garcia and Dozla. Not as good as Vanessa, but still solid.

-Rennac: No more lockpicks needed. He spares a character for grabbing goodies, meaning more people can actually be fighting, and he doesn't get one-shotted.

-Natasha: Yay staves! She can eventually get a (7 Move) horse, and she joins early enough to pump up her D Staves, meaning potential warping shenanigans, along with the basic healing, etc.

-Garcia: Here's where things get less good. Nice strength, and joins in Chapter 2. He can chip accurately by stealing his son's axe, or less so with his own; he helps with early routs; and eventually can become a hero. Garm will likely be needed to stay even with the others.

-Knoll: Whoop de doo, I have phantoms.

-Dozla: See Garcia, but joins later and has water-and-peak walk. Better than a lot of the other options left though.

-Myrrh: 50 attacks from a 6-move, late joining flier. Enjoy while it lasts.

-Orson: Ephraim's personal Taxi.

-Overall: Pretty good. I have 2.5 mounted units, a flier, and I have potential wielders for 3 holy weapons come endgame. Earlygame shouldn't be too painful, thanks to Franz and Garcia.

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Lol, do I need to explain?

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     2.77 17  5   8   10  6   4   1

3 turns.

Chapter 1

Undraftees out of the way, because Eirika had to solo this map. It helped that she dodged a few Loldier attacks which could've killed her. She 1RKO'd the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     5.07 18  7  10   11  9   5   2

5 turns.

Chapter 2

Since Eirika was really borderline and close to 1RKO'ing Brigands with an Iron sword, I had her weaken a few kills for Ross.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     6.61 19  8  10   12  10  5   2
Ross       2.64 16  6   2    4   9  4   0

6 turns.

Chapter 3

Kinda like the last chapter. I tried speeding this up as fast as I could.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     8.38 20  8  11   14  10  6   2
Ross       5.59 19  8   4    4  11  5   1

10 turns.

Chapter 4

Ross stayed at the North-West corner to deal with zombies. Artur to the East side. Eirike went through the South, killed some zombies and skeletons, recruited Lute, and made her way to the South-East to kill the boss. Lute followed behind Eirika so she could get as much CEXP as she could.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    10.49 21  9  11   16  10  6   2
Ross       9.33 21 10   6    5  13  6   1
Artur      5.46 21  6   7    9   4  2   8
Lute       1.96 17  6   6    7   8  3   5

6 turns.

Chapter 5

Eirika and Ross rush through the checkpoint, clearing enemies at their path. Artur and Lute visit the Dracoshield house, and then snipe Brigands and Loldiers from the bushes. Artur later critikills Joshua and Eirika goes up to the boss and 1RKO's him.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    12.85 23 10  12   17  12  7   3
Ross      10.-- 22 10   6    6  14  6   2
Artur      7.45 23  7   8    9   5  2   9
Lute       3.80 18  8   6    9   9  3   5

5 turns.

Chapter 5x

Ephraim got little action in this chapter. Orson ferried Ephraim while beasting his way though enemies with his long, hard and thick Silver sword. :awesome: Forde played with Javelins and got to kill the Shaman blocking a chokepoint at the corridor, the first two Loldiers, two Archers, one Mage & the Knight at the chest room door.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ephraim    6.09 23  9  11   11  9   9   3
Forde      8.64 25  9   8    9  8   8   2

8 turns.

Edited by Soul
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Prologue: The Fall of Renais 4/4


Ch. 1: Escape! 5/9

Better. Had to reset several times due to Eirika faceblocking. The map ended in a rout.

Ch. 2: The Protected 7/16

Garcia joins after an epic series of misses with the archer and brigand, on the final turn. I missed the elixir village, but got the pure water and gem. Franz killed Bone.


All my hate, code tags...

Name   Level  Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika  6.04  20   5   10   12   6   4   3
Franz   4.60  23   9	5   10   3   7   2
Garcia  4.00  28   8    7   7    3   5   1

Edited by Dustylou2
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Edit: Actually, no videos. Audio desync sucks. And it's too time consuming.

Prologue: 2 Turns

See Horace's strat, minus trading away Seth's Silver Lance.

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Good point, this is FE8. Re-editing.

Pretty sure FE7 HHM with Marcus is still easier than FE8 either route sans Seth. Not saying you shouldn't, but 'this is FE8' isn't really a catch-all statement.

...Also, fuck Chapter Six.

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Chapter 6

F*CK! F*CK CHAPTER 6! :awesome:

Artur and Lute snipe from steeps while Eirika and Ross tag team on the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    15.04 24 11  15   18  14  8   5
Ross       3.20 25 12   6    8  16  7   2
Artur      8.36 24  8   9   10   5  2   9
Lute       5.80 18  9   7   11  10  4   6

5 turns.

Chapter 7

Eirika took a piggy-back ride on Ross so he could get her across the late quickly. Meanwhile, Lute & Artur killed the enemies at the South.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    16.35 25 11  16   19  15  9   5
Ross       5.39 27 14   7    9  17  7   4
Artur      8.85 24  8   9   10   5  2   9
Lute       8.23 20 10   8   14  11  4   7

5 turns.

Chapter 8

Eirika, Ross, Artur & Lute all team up and blow bash their ways up through the Knight room, and head for the boss. Meanwhile, I have Ephraim and Forde kill their way through enemies to avoid Kyle from getting damaged. Ross killed Vigarde.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    17.82 25 11  17   19  16 10   6
Ross       8.55 29 15   9   10  18  9   6
Artur     10.58 25 10  10   10   5  2  10    C Lute
Lute      11.74 22 11  10   15  13  6   7    C Artur

8 turns.

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