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I'm not sure but I believe one of my 2 playthroughs went like:

1: Haar

2. Ike

3. Nephenee

4. Mia

5/6(I forget who it was, one was fifth and the other was sixth): Micaiah, Sothe

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wow... Ike is always at number 1 for me, always seconded by Soren. This is what I can remember from my top 5 lists (Can't remember order...)

Playthrough 1:






Playthrough 2:






I was surprised that Ilyana got on there.

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My last one was:






And i didn't even take Ed to the final chapter

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Haar was my #1 with like 50 kills to spare before the next person got to him, which is kind of absurd. I had no idea I relied on him so much.

Ike was #2. He's Ike.

I don't recall who was #3 and #4. I think it was Nephenee and then Nolan. Nolan surprised me because I didn't use him end-game. In fact, he didn't even make Reaver. He was kind of a trash unit, but that shows you how terrible my Dawn Brigade ended up.

#5 was definitely Sothe. I remember that because I found it curious. I didn't really use him to kill a lot until the Endgame of Part 4 because I was trying to make someone else in the Dawn Brigade worthwhile. Just goes to show how awesome the Baselard is.

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1. Titania

2. Ike(uber swordmaster)

3. Soren

4. Shinon

5. Elincia

Now I know what you're thinking; where is Haar? For some odd reason( I am being 100% honest), the game would not let me recruit him. It's insane, and it only happened on my first playthrough. I didn't realize how powerful he was until my second playthrough; he mutilated everything in sight. I really had no idea I relied on Titania so much, even though she was five kills ahead of Ike, whom I felt I used EXCESSIVELY! Since then, Haar has always placed 1st, as a small token of reimbursement.

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Ya know, Ike has never been in my top 5 in RD, but the 8 PoR games, he hit number 1 in all of them

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I got a new one

5- Mordecai

4- Haar

3- Ike

2- Shinon

1- Mia

Only one Laguz

That's a record for me since it means i didn't gave most kills to royals :P

Edited by Slayer
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I just beat the game for the 1st time and here was my top 5:

5. Titania

4. Shinon

3. Sothe

2. Jill

1. Haar

Ike just missed out at number 6, with Soren, Mia, Edward, Nephenee, Nolan, Elincia, Marcia and Micaiah bringing up the rear.

I found it to be quite a strange top 5, for a start Titania and Jill weren't brought into the final chapter. I expected Haar to be number 1 since I used him a lot (probably way too much) until he got to 20/20, the same with Jill (she was Micaiah's team's Haar). I used Titania quite a bit too (even though she wasn't part of the endgame team), so I expected her to be at least near to the top 5. Shinon as was well, who was a complete killing machine. The only top 5 member that really suprised me was Sothe. Once he was promoted to whisper, I didn't use him that much. I must have really overused him in part 1 and the beginning of part two. Now I realise Sothe is the game's Jeigan character (I never would have thought he was a Jeigan since he was a thief, not a paladin. And he was awesome when he first appeared) I probably won't make the mistake of overusing him at the start of the game next time.

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After looking through everyone's top 5, I don't know how Ike never makes even the top 7 for me. Everyone else has him in their top 5 except for Sir Canas, (but he was close enough). I do use him a lot... Oh well...

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Top - Jill

Second - Haar

Third - Nephenee

Fourth - Micaiah

Fifth - Boyd

Jill, I was expecting her to be at top, I overused her in part one, recruited her back with Haar for part three, took most of the kills in her chapter in part four as well as being my first level 20 (third tier, that is).

Haar and Nephenee, part two Endgame, enough said.

Micaiah, I really let loose with her when I had Yune bless the Purge tome given to her before part three endgame and sniped dragons with Sanaki since I also blessed a Meteor tome, that combined with Reyson and a Laguz Gem, it was a rather fun chapter. :Y

And Boyd, I threw blossom on him so he needed extra kills, but he ended up capping every stat, as well as Micaiah and Jill.

I believe the 6th and beyond spots were Rolf, Ike, Mia, Oscar, Soren, Sothe and Elincia.

Edited by Wil
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Uber bump.

My newest list:

1st: Haar (Yeah, NO ONE saw that coming. I even gave him the least amount of kills possible, and he came out on top.)

2nd: Edward (Edward + Trueblade + Alondite = Dead dragons.)

3rd: Ike (Self-explanatory.)

4th: Janaff (Abused the hell out of him with halfshift, then gave him a laguz gem for the endgame.)

5th: Shinon (See Ike.)

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2nd Playthrough

1. Neph (again... capped every stat, maybe not HP, oh well)

2. Nolan (tried a Boyd alt, and it worked out pretty well)

3. Ike (earth affinity support with oscar, never got touched once after their A support was activated)

4. Haar (speed blessed this time, which pretty much meant rapage when put against STR dealers)

5. Jill (Def and Str blessed, (weird, see Haar))

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1. NEPHENEE!! W000!

2. Ike

3. Zihark

4. Shinon

5. Micaiah (This was HARD. No-one else got trained up in her story, because the whole focus was on her.)

That's like my first run only rearranged.

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  • 5 weeks later...

1. Ilyana

2. Ike

3. Edward

4. Mia

5. Nolan

I swore Nephenee would have been 5th, but Nolan surprised me there. As did Ilyana coming top. I also thought Mia would have come above Edward, too.

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