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How long have you been playing Yu-Gi-Oh!?

Ever since Duel Monsters was aired in here. Well, right now I don't play too much thanks to college rule's that supposedly say no games involving luck are allowed in its grounds.

How long have you been in video making?

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Sadly I'm only a year in video making, thanks to numerous conflicts in real life...

and to aggravate the situation, whenever I feel in a slump or a complete depression, I tend to lose focus in dealing with those.

Favorite music genre?

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"Light, what first got you playing FE games?"

Well, first a cousin lend me PoR a few years ago (a few months after it was released I believe) and I began playing it. I got so hooked that I wanted to play the other games, I began looking on internet to see how many were and so I began saving to get them (only owning those that were released internationally). Then I wanted to give a try to the ones that never made it here.

From where did you get the idea for your username?

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Reasons for liking FE7?

The story because it never really decays as the game progresses. (Even though it focuses on a smaller scale. I do actually consider it second to the story of FE4pt1.) The characters, even though I may not like two of them, were as developed as those in FE9, so I find the cast pretty lively and also think their backstories are interesting as a result. I also find it to be the most balanced FE around. Even though the series in general doesn't really focus on balancing per se, the characters as units don't really show any imbalance to me. (As opposed to FE10 where unit balance is nonexistant, and FE4 where Cavaliers and related units could clear maps sooner than the foot soldiers. I do like the latter though.) It also has a bit of secrets waiting to be uncovered in a sense.

Any activities you like to do with your family?

Edited by LittleAl
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Favorite battle sprite (class and game)?

That would be Raven's Hero Battle sprite from FE 7. The hero sprite with a coat, rather than armor.

From your avatar, I suppose you like Scott Pilgrim. Did you like the movie?

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Dancers. They give you extra turns. What's not to love?

At the time when you used the name Blazer, did you know anything at all about the other Blazer? :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who is your most favorite Pokemon Gym Leader?

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How do you handle stress? I'm asking because you seem to handle it very well.

Well, it took me quite a while to do so. I simply calm down, take deep breaths for about 30 seconds and then most of it leaves forever, also play a bit fighting games, it helps me when I have too much stress that I take it out in the computer that way. But I do keep a bit of it nearby, it serves as an alarm sometimes.

Favorite Pokémon type?

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