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A game you think could use a good prequel?

A game you think that is in need of a sequel?

This is a tough one, all the games I could think of either; already got one, or one is being made.

Hmmm, X6.

And here's what I mean, bridge the gap between the X series and the Zero series, one that covers the Elf Wars.

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The need in this case is entirely subjective, so I'll just spout nonsense off the top of my head:

Well written story; Doesn't need to be original or anything, just competently told.

Well written characters; No 1D characters, tropes, or phoned in gimmicks.

Someone could try to say "gameplay" but all FEs play the same intrinsically. Just balance the skills a bit and tweak some stats.

Same question

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Would you play a Theatrhythm game?

top five favorite mechs?


Ialdabaoth (And its apotheosized form)

Hi-Nu Gundam

Delta Kai Gundam

Lancelot Albion

(All of these can be located in an SRW, save Delta Kai)

My honorable mentions would go to:

...Like a lot of mechs.

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What's an interesting fact about you that most friends/family members know that most people online wouldn't know in real life? (Eg: you never make eye contact with others, you constantly double check doors if you locked them, you're really picky with food cleanliness, etc.)

What's your biggest pet peeve?

One that strongly comes to mind right now is how one of my closest friends blacklisted me on both her cell and home phone for checking if her and her mother are okay since her mother required surgery to remedy her stomach problems. I mean, her cell phone is one thing, but preventing me from at least talking to her family and seeing if they're okay feels beyond wrong and selfish of her. I'm having a really hard time trying to figure out how she thinks it's acceptable to do that (she essentially told me that and said "It's not like I'm doing it because I'm trying to hurt you"). I highly doubt she'd be tolerant about one of her own friends doing that to her in a similar situation.

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I notice you are also a Leo, do you put any stock into Astrological signs, think they are hogwash, or think they are hogwash, but like reading up on them anyway?

A game you think could use a good prequel?

If we're going by Fire Emblem, maybe ancient Tellius, before all the other continents sank into the ocean.

Outside of FE, there could be a prequel to Tales of Symphonia, following Mythos and his companions. It would be a double prequel, considering ToS was a prequel to Tales of Phantasia.

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Your favorite Tales game?

Favorite Tales of game?

Tales of Graces, due to the great battle system and good characters. The plot is so-so for a Tales game, but still good.

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Word of the day?

What's an interesting fact about you that most friends/family members know that most people online wouldn't know in real life? (Eg: you never make eye contact with others, you constantly double check doors if you locked them, you're really picky with food cleanliness, etc.)

It just so happens that I am picky with food cleanliness.

Well, my own cleanliness when I'm dealing with food, but details.

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Silly to ask, but Favorite Tales character?

Favorite Tales of character?

Gosh, hard to say for sure, I guess I'll go by game

Symphonia: probably Raine Sage, she'd closest to me personality wise

Phantasia: probably Klarth, but I haven't played it in forever

Abyss: Jade Curtiss, I love his snark and the frenemy-bromance he has going with Dist is hilarious

Legendia: Chloe Valens, although I like most all of the cast

Vesperia: Rita Mordio, I've got a soft spot for smart nerdy girls, and I totally ship Rita and Estelle

Graces: Richard, my favorite blond prince, and I ship Asbel-Richard

Xillia: Rowen, having an old character (who's not just some 1000 year old demi-god) is a nice change and I love his wit

Zestiria: Dezel, I'm drawn to introverts

I think I got them all

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^ As for the girls: Close race between Tear Grants and Rita Mordio, but Tear is still a bit ahead. Sophie would be third.

As for the males: Jade Curtiss is my fave, followed by Flynn Sciffo.

Shipping Rita and Estelle is the only right decision.

Favorite dungeon in the Tales of series?

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Who do you use most in Graces? And why is it Asbel?

Did you enjoy your self cooked meal?

Feel free to skip Tales of Hearts

I haven't cooked anything yet, but I normally do, yes.

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What is your own little world like?

It's pretty alright.

Quiet, small, often rainy and with many flowers. Also, high speed internet, food and cozy blankets.

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