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A country you would like to visit?

What about Niles makes you like him as a character?

Blasphemy, Rachel's my name and far prettier. :D It has everything, starting out strong with a Ray, before finishing with a Chul. Any La is superfluous.

His conversations are pretty darn funny due to his teasing and flirting. When he wants to get serious it's serious, and his supports with Nina really made me like him. Also, he has a killer design and he's just a fun unit to use in Conquest.

Hehe, it's a pretty name, but I just like the name of "Larashell" since it fits her more imo.

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Countries you'd like to visit? I assume Angle Land is England?

A country you would like to visit?

I would like to visit Japan one day.

I've visited Europe already, but I'd like to visit again someday, particularly the places my ancestors hail from. Since, I last visited, I learned my fathers line goes back to the Normans of the Norman Conquest. So, I'd like to visit England and maybe France again. I'd also like to visit the rest of the British Isles, since I have Irish, Scottish, and Welsh blood as well.

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Favorite sports? (if any)

Countries you'd like to visit? I assume Angle Land is England?

Yeah, Angle Land is England.

I'd love to visit Switzerland & Liechtenstein again, they were great. Maybe Spain because last time we went my folks went to the crappy cliché holiday places and I wanted to go to the historical parts. For a place I haven't been to yet, I'd say Iceland, Norway or Finland.

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If you could speak a language other than English (or Japanese), which one would it be?

This question


"Do you Believe in Fate?"

Eh, not really? I just think things happen as they happen.

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"Game you got the most game overs in"

Kirby's epic yarn I don't get game overs, all seriousness Yugioh 5ds world championship 2009 Stardust Accelerator. I swear the AI cheats. either that or i am really unlucky i got like 200 game overs just for one duel.

Favorite Great knight

Edited by Freezing Hellfire
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Which Tales games have you played, and which is your favorite?

Favorite sports? (if any)

Most definitely Baseball. I played Basketball in school, more for height than anything else, but I was pretty awful at it.

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Your question to you: Your five favorite "Tales of" games?

How many kids could you imagine to have?

I could imagine myself having like a dozen, if I had started earlier and had unlimited resources. Although realistically, probably 4-5. It's generally riskier to have kids after 35, and I'm rapidly approaching that deadline.

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Would you rather live 50 years in the future or 50 years in the past?

Why the exact same question again?

Read previous post.

I was typing my response before yours got posted and got ninja'd, unfortunately. :P Lucky coincidence that you happened to be the one in between and I found the question interesting.

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Do you drink tea?

Are you even interested in the Tales of series?

I have only played "Symphonia" and "Abyss." I have not played much of Symphonia lately, so I can't speak to it. As for Abyss, I could not find the motivation to play more than about the first half hour of the game(just after Luke meets Tear and rides that carriage, I think.)
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