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Favorite kind of snack?

2 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Same question you asked.

I'm torn between UMvC3 because of memories of playing it a lot and fun roster and Soul Calibur V because I played competitively and won tournaments.

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v this question, and who would you want the crossover with?

8 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Would you like to see Trails characters in a crossover fighting game?

It'd be neat, I suppose.

Edited by Robert of Normandy
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Preferred time of day for gaming?

3 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Favorite TV show?

I don't really have a favourite, but I'm currently really enjoying the new Twin Peaks season and GoT.

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did you watch Evo(the fighting game tournament) at all this year?

7 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

What game did you replay the most?

Probably Castlevania Symphony of the Night.

5 minutes ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Project X Zone 3 with either Joshua x Estelle or Rean x Alisa as pair and Olivert as solo unit

PxZ doesn't really count as a fighting game, though....

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Same question you asked.

10 hours ago, MediocreLee said:

Play any good games recently?

Aside from SoV, I've been playing Zelda BotW and really enjoying it. But unless I dedicate several hours of time to it in a day, I end up just running about achieving nothing though.

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Favorite Marvel superhero?

On 7/22/2017 at 3:35 PM, Ronnie said:

What's it like to live everywhere?

Oh, well, you get to watch everyone in their everyday habits. You also learn lots of things. LOTS OF THINGS. Some stuff is fun, but other information... *shudders*.

On a similar topic, you should probably buy some more milk. Just saying. 

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v This question.

14 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Which was your last self set target you've reached successfully?

I used to have the most horrific fear of heights, so I started climbing mountains as a hobby and now I'm (almost) cured. I even scaled down a waterfall in the dark when I got lost last year.

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If you watch anime, current favourite series?

8 minutes ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

How high was the highest mountain you have climbed?

In the UK we don't have particularly high mountains, and I've never really kept track of elevation. But, with a quick google search I found that Harter Fell (Mardale) was 2,552 ft which is probably the highest I've climbed.

If I remember correctly, that was also the one where it didn't stop raining at all, and so became really treacherous. And dark.

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