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49 minutes ago, Gemma said:

Can you rule the world and still finish all your homework?

Everyone knows I'm the greatest: Clarine!

Of course—truly, I was waiting for someone to refer to the lyrics in my signature.

Out of the following, which of these weapons would you deem to be the one you are more likely to wield?
- Sword
- Axe
- Spear
- Bow

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Look outside your window. What do you see?

On 9/1/2017 at 0:40 AM, Aya Shameimaru said:

Videogame character with your most favorite voice?

Difficult; I don't usually pay attention to many voices. But some noteworthy mentions are Catria, Arthur, and Mae. My favorite, however, would probably be Berkut.

Frankly, I don't play many games with voice acting.

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16 hours ago, Gemma said:

Do you feel like people depend on you too much for healing?

Most certainly, if I am playing a video game that is. After all, I most certainly do not possess an occupation based upon the profession of medicine and medical procedures. Mind you, I oftentimes find many to depend on my far too much regarding anything if I am ever to be a member of a team or so-forth. Need one such as myself truly need to allude to the fact most of the common majority are unspeakably incompetent?

If I may ask, how would you describe your financial status?

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Same question. (How would you describe your financial status?)

2 hours ago, Gemma said:

It's you


Do you like fighting games?

How did you find me? I thought I was really well hidden!

Somewhat. I enjoy Smash Bros., but I think that's really the only fighting game I play. I'm also considering getting Hyrule Warriors, if that's considered a fighting game. So, I guess I simply haven't played enough fighting games to formulate an accurate opinion.

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8 hours ago, Clarine said:


If I may ask, how would you describe your financial status?

I'm swimming in bells. Selling sharks is a lucrative business.


Warriors/musou games are more of a hack n slash, like DMC or Bayonetta

Which character looks most appealing to play as in Hyrule Warriors?

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16 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Same question. (How would you describe your financial status?)

Oh my. One might say I am "rich" when comparing to the common majority but to me, I simply must say my financial status is most concerning. After all, with my paltry amount of money I can possibly spend—my dream appears to be most impossible to reach within my lifetime. If I may add, one needs only to know my occupation to truly understand my unspeakably dreadful predicament. In fact, I may resort to pursuing the ever more stressful route of an entrepreneur.

And just how might you describe your ideal attire?

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1 hour ago, Clarine said:


And just how might you describe your ideal attire?


Something that's comfortable but also somewhat formal. No type of clothing in particular.


Do you enjoy writing?

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1 hour ago, Clarine said:


And just how might you describe your ideal attire?


Something that's comfortable but also somewhat formal. No type of clothing in particular.


Do you enjoy writing?

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11 minutes ago, Gemma said:

Do you enjoy writing?

Not really. When I write, I leave a mess of grammatical errors, and broken sentences. After editing, my writing starts to make sense. I have ideas to write about  sure, but putting them on paper is a whole other story.

How does it feel to be a member of the site for a couple years?

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11 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:


How does it feel to be a member of the site for a couple years?

Things change, but the overall atmosphere feels similar. I enjoy coming here, if that's what you mean. 

What was the first FE game you played?

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2 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

@Clarine How you have such a eloquent vocabulary? Are your English teachers impressed on your essays?

Most certainly, for my grades were unrivaled, even without any kind of practice or revision. Even so, I do believe even professional examiners oftentimes overlook my most offensive subtexts embedded within my words. Mind you, such eloquence simply cannot be maintained when conversing with the common majority—in which I must refrain from using the word "peasant", of course. Such is due to their dreadful requests for repetition and mundane topics I simply cannot remark upon. I say, such individual truly tests my patience.

Might an individual such as yourself wish to "blend in" with society or be perceived as truly unique?

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Do you ever shave your legs?

EDIT: Whoa, wait, I'm just now realizing how weird of a question that is. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. Still, I'm genuinely curious.

Edited by SullyMcGully
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Just now, SullyMcGully said:

Do you ever shave your legs?

Quite, and far too often if I am to say. Or if I am to be more specific, I prefer to have the strands of hair individually plucked so they do not grow at a most horrid and exponential rate. Such hair is simply disgusting and ruins my appearance. Pray tell if a way to permanent remove hair exists, for I would most easily spend a large portion of my money for such a procedure or product. Perhaps I ought to research into this. Fortunately, my attire covers such strands of hair.

And just what exactly is your next goal in life?

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6 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Why would you shave your legs if you never expose them in public?

Oh my, there are several reasons. If I may, I shall state them in a list.
-When hair is present, they can "stick out" from where my attire covers them. Such is simply dreadful.
-If my legs are to not be shaved, the area of my skin would be unspeakably irritable.
-Such might be present if I am to choose a different style of attire. As such, I do wish to be prepared.

Needless to say, the first statement is simply the most important.

If you are to be able to live in any fictional video game world, just where might it be?

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Clock Town, from the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It seems so peaceful and friendly, in spite of the looming threat of moon-based absolute destruction. Plus, the music is incredible, especially when the moon is falling.

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

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Favorite Zelda game?

14 hours ago, Gemma said:

Warriors/musou games are more of a hack n slash, like DMC or Bayonetta

Which character looks most appealing to play as in Hyrule Warriors?

Ah, I see. Thank you.

I'm not certain. I've just always loved the Zelda series, so it's less of a specific character and more of just the fact that you can play as more than Link. Though I'm still debating as to getting Hyrule Warriors Legends or Bravely Default...

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Favorite video game console?

9 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Do you believe in the Illuminati? 

To quote something from a while ago:

On 8/16/2017 at 5:13 PM, Rex Glacies said:

The Illuminati is a powerful organization that was in all actuality formed over 1000 years ago and has secretly been masterminding all events in human history, especially since taking control of America in 1776. They have manipulated many a person into keeping their secrets and have silenced numerous others in order to remain in the shadows. All politicians, company CEOs, and anyone else in a position of power are members, and year by year they are growing closer to taking full control of the world and instigating a New World Order.

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In all seriousness, it's a bunch of hogwash. Sure it's fun to speculate and easy to blame another, largely inhuman entity for things that go wrong, but the odds of everyone in a position of influence being in a secret organization bent on taking control of the lowly masses is slim to none.


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13 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Such might just be "shape-shifting", "mind control" and perhaps immortality. Hold, might general sorcery constitute as a super power? If so, then I do believe possessing such an ability could essentially grant me all three of the prior abilities. Very well, it behooves me to at least bestow you a brief explanation for my decisions.
Shape-shifting allows me to possess the perfect form, in which transcends the natural limit of a human being. And of course, such would allow me to escape any situation.
Mind controlling allows me to get anything I desire. Of course, such might be deemed as "evil" but I for one care not for such sentiments. Perhaps "mind influence" may just be more... lawfully acceptable, no?
And of course, immortality allows me to explore all the possibilities without the burden of time vexing me ever quite so. Simply said, I do desire to become an all-power sorceress with such abilities.

Hold. Very well, may you enjoy the final three days of your life.

How frequently do you utter colloquial terms such as "y'all"?

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