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5 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Oh my, one simply must not assume that I cannot condone any forms of fun. Such an image in my signature is merely a... jest, if you may. After all, I believe such is a representation of how many views my sentiments.

And just what does your location of "Under Lachesis" insinuates?

it means i am under her just as the knights of your noble house are under your ladyship

where did you think i was insinuating?

(edit, original question i wanted to ask: where is your favourite location to enjoy a novel)

Edited by buttmuncher.ops
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What led you to chose that username? (It's a really funny one at times.)

22 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

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What's a place you've visited in life that you expected to enjoy, but ended up disappointed in?


Hard to say. I try to enjoy most, if not all, aspect of my life no matter what happens, as I live by a philosophy of "Amor Fati". Aside from that, I don't really have high expectations of... anything... so rarely will I be expecting to enjoy something. But I suppose I could list two instances that may fit - one was a vacation on a houseboat with my family and some friends, of which I feel I am the only one who didn't enjoy it, and recently when I went to a "festival" called "Creation," which, sad to say, was simply a waste of time.

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What do you think of Angela Merkel?

2 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

What led you to chose that username? (It's a really funny one at times.)

I had no idea of what username to choose, so I went with the first thing that came to my mind, which was Nobody. I'm suprised it wasn't taken yet in 2013, the forum was already 5 years old back then.

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4 hours ago, Nobody said:

I can't recognize what the emoji in your member title is. What are you going to eat the booty like?

On 9/4/2017 at 4:09 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:

a friend i made on this forum once called me an asshole / buttmuncher for taking too long to reply. i ran with it, even adding related references

click link, listen to lyrics

i can't recognize your avatar. wat are u supposed to bodee

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How does it feel to live under Lachesis?

5 hours ago, Nobody said:

What do you think of Angela Merkel?

As chancellor she represented our country very well to the outer world and she improved the economy in he country a lot. She also did a good job in the foreign policy for the very most part, but she was too soft in the Turkey conflict and refugee debate. Her behavior to the Böhermann-affair was the worst acting in her entire office period and I still hold it against her.
Her personality reminds a bit on Hilary, less cold than her, but still emotionless and calculating. Not someone I'd call a mommy of a nation.
She'll be reelected anyways so I'm already prepared for four more years with her. 

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10 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

(edit, original question i wanted to ask: where is your favourite location to enjoy a novel)

Such would simply be my private chamber, garden or perhaps even my parlour. I say, such a question was not very interesting.

Salutations! If I may ask, how did you find this website and what motivated you to create an account?

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I've been a outsider looking in on the site for a while now, but never had the motivation to join the forums. Until one night when I was extremely bored and made one. Never did anything with it until yesterday and decided I was extremely bored again and decide I probably ought to start making friends. So, hopefully that will happen one day. In the meantime, I keep on my steady course.


What do you consider your 'team' for Heroes? Whether it be your best team of heroes, or your favorite team that is just fun? Maybe a team of your favorite Fire Emblem units?

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53 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

It's been a long while since I posted here, so forgive me whoever it was that asked me a question months back 

but anyway, a food you'd like to try one day?

I'd like to try brontosaurus meat. What? Nobody else has had it in 65 billion years?

In all honesty, I would like to try fondue. I've heard it's great stuff unless your lactose intolerant.


What is your signature art? It looks like a long haired version of Chrom, but I don't recognize any quote below it like that.

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Are you a dinosaur fan?

On 5-9-2017 at 11:50 PM, Clarine said:

Might I ask, have you ever considered the sentiment of life being unspeakably meaningless and everything you, your loved ones, friends and even acquaintances does would simply be washed away by the world's inevitable fate?

Yes, I have considered that. And I do believe in inevitable fate. However, I do not believe that it makes life "unspeakably meaningless" or that it means that everything people (around me) do would "simply be washed away" by it.
Everything that happens - no matter how minor or major we may consider it to be - is a part of that inevitable fate and therefore has meaning.

On 6-9-2017 at 4:34 AM, Rex Glacies said:

It's not myself who knows when you will die so much as it's the homicidal triangular dream demon that sometimes takes control of my body. He's a fun little guy - always making parties, crafting chaos, forcing people into excruciating pain, all that jazz. He knows nearly everything, due to mastery over space, matter, and time itself, so he would know the date of your death... but that's not to say that he couldn't make it sooner!

You know, to someone who isn't in the know, you really sound like a lunatic here.

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3 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

What do you consider your 'team' for Heroes? Whether it be your best team of heroes, or your favorite team that is just fun? Maybe a team of your favorite Fire Emblem units?

I, for one, do not currently have a team I am truly satisfied with. However, I am mildly fond of Clive in which is my most valuable Hero excepting my mascot Clarine. In fact, he is currently my allocated "support" character with my summoner avatar.

If I may ask, just how often do you find yourself being "passionate" regarding subjects?

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3 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

Are you a dinosaur fan?


Yes and no. I do enjoy dinosaurs and am especially partial to the Jurassic Park series (both the films and books), I wouldn't call myself a hardcore fan or even a halfway decent knowledgeable fan. But I do think that they look cool and that's good enough for me.

If you had to pick a Fire Emblem character to be your future spouse, who would it be and why?

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Favorite and least favorite Fire Emblem characters?

15 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

Have you ever been affected by freak weather or even natural disasters?

There's been a couple tornado sightings around the local area before, as well as some neat storms, but nothing out of the ordinary, no.

1 hour ago, Claudius I said:

You know, to someone who isn't in the know, you really sound like a lunatic here.

You mean I don't sound like a lunatic to someone in the know?

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2 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

If you had to pick a Fire Emblem character to be your future spouse, who would it be and why?

A lady such as myself is simply possesses no interests in such things and thus such a character truly does not exist. Forgive my dreadfully uninteresting answer; I am not one to be romantically involved.

Very well, I know not of what to ask you so I shall ask:
And just what might be a fact regarding yourself that I might deem to be most interesting?

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something you enjoy that you'd wish more people enjoyed as well?

7 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

What is your signature art? It looks like a long haired version of Chrom, but I don't recognize any quote below it like that.

it's Izuminokami Kanesada from Touken Ranbu

the quote itself is more a quote i find interesting from an unrelated source
though i did want it to relate to the samurai/cherry blossom analogy

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24 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

something you enjoy that you'd wish more people enjoyed as well?

Oh my, I truly doubt such a thing would ever exist. In fact, if I am to ever be passionate regarding an activity, one such as myself would desire such to be exclusive to individuals such as myself contrary to being common among the... common majority. Of course, such may most easily be deemed as "selfish" but such is merely my view upon this subject.

Simply put, I am most supercilious to say the least and such is something not even I can possibly be unaware of.

If I may, just what are your overall sentiments regarding modern culture in Japan?

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Favorite season of the year?

13 minutes ago, Clarine said:

If I may, just what are your overall sentiments regarding modern culture in Japan?

As an outsider looking at it, most i can say is it has its ups and down as much as any other sort of culture in other parts of the world, thought i do hold condolences to those that feel the pressure from most parts of life such as education and work place stress. Especially from those that overwork themselves to death.
Though in less grim news, i do find stuff such as the yamato damashii belief very inspiring for stuff like self improvement, even though im not Japanese...
i'm what the kids nowadays would refer too as a weeaboo

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1 minute ago, Trisitei said:

Favorite season of the year?

As an outsider looking at it, most i can say is it has its ups and down as much as any other sort of culture in other parts of the world, thought i do hold condolences to those that feel the pressure from most parts of life such as education and work place stress. Especially from those that overwork themselves to death.
Though in less grim news, i do find stuff such as the yamato damashii belief very inspiring for stuff like self improvement, even though im not Japanese...
i'm what the kids nowadays would refer too as a weeaboo

Oh, I see. Of course—I for one would never be able to condone such expectations regarding work. After all, I am one to always have my "help" serve me.
Regarding your question, I believe I already answered such a thing.

On 9/4/2017 at 9:41 PM, Clarine said:

Such would be Autumn, the season that may alternatively be known as "Fall". If one truly must know, the sole reason as to why I am even mildly fond of such a season is due to the climate being the most tolerable in addition to the lack of overwhelming insects vexing me ever quite so.

Mind you, I actually truly lack a favourite season. The four of them are not... satisfactory if I am to say. I say, the subject of seasons interests me in no way.

And just how would you describe your ideal home to live in?

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3 hours ago, Trisitei said:

It's either being in the city or being in some place near the woods not too far off but not too close to most civilization.for
personal reasons

one type of dish you'd want to try out?

I see, such is understandable. Needless to say, my answer to such a question would be most obvious, no? If not, I am one to aspire to dwelling in a castle.

If one must know, there is currently no dish that comes to mind. However, an individual such as myself is open for suggestions as to what cuisine I could perhaps deem palatable.

Do excuse my most perplexing question but how would you describe your height in comparison to the denizens of your local area?

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