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First friend you made on this site?

Noburu considering I knew the other off-site.

SZ's avatar is Mafumafu

How's the air on the Moon?

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Would you visit the moon, if given the chance?

Depends on the situation in which I were to visit the Moon and if I got satellite tv

If two identical twins are 40 and one goes into space traveling at near the speed of light for 20 years in which his perception of time is slower than that of the twin on Earth so when the twin returns his identical twin appears much older which twin's perception of time is correct?

It's Mafumafu


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Are you really perpetually bored?

Yeah pretty much, certain activities just make the progression of time less unbearable. Life sucks. :/

What is the term coined by Niel DeGrasse Tyson for death by blackhole?

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favorite thing about sf?

If two identical twins are 40 and one goes into space traveling at near the speed of light for 20 years in which his perception of time is slower than that of the twin on Earth so when the twin returns his identical twin appears much older which twin's perception of time is correct?

It's Mafumafu


stop it

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favorite thing about sf?


The twin that never left their perception of time is correct actually. Special relativity and absolute relativity and all that dreck.

Don't really have one.

The answer was spaghettification.

Do you enjoy Vincent Price?

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Edit: For what games?

The answer was spaghettification.

Do you enjoy Vincent Price?

I didn't realize that he coined it.

I'm not familiar with his work.

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How would you prefer to die?

Anything where I'm not aware of it ahead of time and I'm not twitching on the floor bleeding out for hours.

Would you ever own giraffe knowing full well that it is illegal to tie your giraffe to a telephone pole in Florida?

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Favorite holiday?

See my question about playing on an actual MVS.

Yeah, I got to play some at an arcade called Galloping Ghost.

Who are your favourite female Nintendo characters that aren't playable in Smash Bros. or Fire Emblem?

Edit: Whoops, that was meant for Gemma, but I'm still interested in hearing Soledai's answer to that question.

Heh, I gotcha ;D

I like Fi, Princia Ramode, and Ashely (ignoring the fact she's an assist trophy :P)

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