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What has been the funniest situation in your life yet?

It hasn't happened yet but I bet its going to be when I give my best man speech at my friend's wedding. Because me and speeches don't mix.

Favorite movie genre?

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Why is FE10 your favorite FE game?

Parts 1-3 are just so good. I love the characters. And 3rd tier promotions. Also the replayability. There's so many characters.

Favorite Disney movie?

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How much courage and kindness do you have?

Best bait and switch you have fell for, if any?

I don't remember any of the good ones, but I've done bait and switches before.

What were they you may ask? I have an identical twin, it's pretty easy to guess from there.

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My kindness is fading

I try to be real nice

Even though it is hard to keep up this facade c:

But my courage

It will never fade , I won't give up

I don't care about those people

I only care for those people who really cares

Why do you have to live ?

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I live for the experience that not everyone gets, I live to see why I was put here, and where I will go. I also live for the people who need me, and are important to me(And those who love and trust me). /cheese

Alternate answer: Why not? I got no reason to die, so I don't.

Alternate 2: I choose to.

Same question.

Edited by Soledai
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Have you ever tried fencing? (I really don't remember. >~>)

Have you been on Pottermore? If so, what is your Hogwarts house, and do you agree with the sorting? If not, what is your Hogwarts house?

I had to legitimately look for the last time I posted. I'm not even sure if I'm right lol.

Yup. I'm a Hufflepuff. I wanted to be a Ravenclaw, but Hufflepuff is so fitting for me that it's a little sad. ^^;

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What's a game you haven't played that interests you?

Which fictional character do you feel most connected to?

I'm not sure, actually.

in contrast to what you were expecting. >w>

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How do you feel about oranges?

What's a game you haven't played that interests you?

in contrast to what you were expecting. >w>

Chrono Trigger.

Soledai pls. <w<

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If on an ordinary day, you woke up and discovered that you were suddenly a magical girl, what would you do?

Red and yellow. Green's a little too sour for me.

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