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Eat toast, be tardy to school, stare out the window, stay after class, go home late, encounter evil at night, awaken to my powers, *magical girl transformation*, fight somehow very well, then incredulously go home and wonder what happened. And what will happen to my normal life.

How about you?

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I'd try to act as normal as possible, then I'd test out my powers and probably fight some monsters while I'm at it, and then go home and hope I'm not in the Madoka universe.

Do you like the color purple?

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I have to live for everyone

I want to save everyone

As a Christian , I have to preach about the Gospel

It is one of my purpose in this world

The world is what I need to worship Him

I know you don't understand

I know my attitude is different than the other Christians

Yet I'm suffering

But I have to live

Nobody understands

Because for them , I'm small , weak and nothing

And I don't care

What do you think about Elle ?

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Unfortunately, I'm not that narrow-minded.

Not much, except for a kid at SF who's outspoken and needs some open-mindedness in almost all regards.

Why do you ask?

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Are you talking about unfinished videogames?

  • Tales of Symphonia
  • Tales of Symphonia 2
  • Tales of Graces
  • Tales of Xillia
  • Tales of Xillia 2
  • Tales of Zestiria
  • Atelier Shallie
  • Project X Zone (will finish tomorrow)
  • Persona 3 "The Answer"

Didn't include games on emulator.

Was this the answer you wanted?

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Which are you?

Are you talking about unfinished videogames?

  • Tales of Symphonia
  • Tales of Symphonia 2
  • Tales of Graces
  • Tales of Xillia
  • Tales of Xillia 2
  • Tales of Zestiria
  • Atelier Shallie
  • Project X Zone (will finish tomorrow)
  • Persona 3 "The Answer"

Didn't include games on emulator.

Was this the answer you wanted?

Yeah, that's what I meant.

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Which of the games should I finish first?

Are you a morning person or a night person ?


However it depends on how to define these terms.

I can get up at a time people are going to sleep.

It's not unusual for me to get awake at 4 AM.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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