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Same question I asked shin (I'm curious to know how everyone would react lol)

Same question

God forbid I get in this situation, though it is tough to say, I couldn't live with the fact that he gets to spend the rest of his life in a jail cell while I get to enjoy my freedom.
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It's kind of like associating a certain color with a certain month.

Like associating December with blue or white, or something like that.

Do what now?

your introduction to shmups?

Thunder Spirits, a very very long time ago.

EDIT: R-type, when I was a child.

Edited by Soledai
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Favorite kind of firework?

Would you be willing to lie to a court for a really close friend if it meant saving him/her from being sentenced to jail for life?

I'm assuming that this means I would be a key witness in this situation. I dunno, I wouldn't underestimate anyone's ability to figure out the truth. In the US, protection from double jeopardy is a constitutional right with few exceptions, so if I wasn't caught...well, perjury is rarely prosecuted, but it is a felony under US federal law. <~<

...Wait a minute. Is this friend of mine truthfully guilty or not? If xe did despicable things, then not at all, but if xe didn't, then I'd consider it, at least.

Edited by Crizix
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How do you feel about vinegar?

Are you interested in any politics?

Honestly, I hate politics, but it's been getting shoved in my face so much lately that I'm starting to feel involved in it.

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What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

I don't like its smell and its pure taste... and especially if you come in contact with an open wound, but I still use it a bit for making salads.

Do you like cooking (if you can)?

I don't really know have to cook. I haven't gotten opportunities to really try it. ^^;

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Same question

What has been the most expensive thing you've bought yet?

My PS3, it was the first and only thing I've bought that costed that much money.

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Favorite PS3 game?

This question

I would be a quirky charge character with few combos and no projectiles, but the ability to pester opponents with gigantic moves and crazy mobility. And I've gotta have a command grab. I also do amazing in the air and reward constant jumping.

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1 2 3 , not only you and me

It's 3


I don't like Xbox and PS4 because I love my tv

I'm waiting for my uncle to buy me a 3DS

5 things you hate about Elle

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