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@ Wanderer: Do you find the stereotypes of Canadians endearing or annoying?

@ Lucienne: Are you French, or just living in France at the moment? I've got some ancestors from Normandy way back when.

Favourite childhood superhero?

I'd say Batman for sure. He's got the most interesting rogue gallery of any hero and is very fun to analyze. I watched the cartoon a bunch growing up, and grew up in the era of the Burton/Schumaker films.

Edited by Rezzy
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Favorite Pokemon?

How to be a nice person?

It seems in my old age, more people consider me nice, which is nice. I've always been socially awkward, so I have to work at it.

Over the years, I've learned to not take things personally and let insults toward me run off like water off a duck's back.

In general, I always try to stay calm or if I argue, it's never ad hominem.

I try to see the best in people and not gossip.

I treat people courteously, even if I don't agree with them or like them in particular.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky & Pokemon Black & White 2

There's nothing more I can do. I should just give up looking for peace. What do you think?

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Favorite big cat species?

Favorite/Least Favorite class in RPGs in general?

probs my favorite is any type of tank, I particularly enjoy axe weilders and slow, burly hand to hand chars. Least favorite... probably any thief like character.
Edited by Gemma
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Favorite Princess, fiction or otherwise?

There's nothing more I can do. I should just give up looking for peace. What do you think?

You could try talking with a friend, sympathetic ear, or forum related to what you'd like to talk about. The fragmented nature of many forum threads can make it difficult to get a proper discussion going for things of that nature.

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I'm interested in hearing about your favourite Princess as well, so I'll ask that same question back to you.

Same question

Sky Destroyer for the NES/Famicom was the earliest game ever I recall playing. That aside, I played a lot of Super Mario Bros./Super Mario World as well.

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Excuse me? Bravado? Not really

Ask my haters

If there was an actual problem, you would have had no issue in speaking up when I asked considering you just said I wasn't helping, but when I did, you chose to dismiss your own 'problem' by saying "ask the haters" so that means even you don't acknowledge the existence of this 'problem'.

Simpler terms, you're raising a fuss about whatever it is for absolutely no reason.

Though, I'm as done with this pantomime as you are.

Melodramatic persecution complex, by a very delusional and oddly hostile person... but that is just my opinion.

Anyways, are you a fan of the Soul series of games?

I haven't played enough of them to comment, I played a bit of Dark Souls 1 though.

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I wanted to end this endless horrific nightmare, Sol. I am a real peacemaker, alright? I am trying to mend everything here. I am doing this to end the hatred around me.

The problem is just these people won't stop talking shit in front of me. They don't understand what I'm doing right now because they're looking for something more negative about me. I don't understand why they hate everything about me.

I tried. I can't do this anymore.

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...why do you seem to think people hate you, Elle?

From what I see, people are either ignoring you or just responding in kind. If you insult people, or act in a hostile manner that is the kind of response you are going to get in general.

I don't hate you, but like I have said before I find your behaviour irritating and needlessly standoffish and aggressive. Honestly, you come across as really wanting attention, whether positive or negative.

...I was honestly curious if you had learned anything from our last encounter, but it seems you need to do some more introspection instead of blaming or dismissing others around you.

Rezzy had some very good advice, I would advise you to read it carefully... as for me, I think I am just going to try not talk to you, as I have no actual 'hatred' for you. Just a mixture of pity and annoyance. :\



Heh, I tend to play along with them for the most part. I am Captain Canada to some of my friends. ;)

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Have you played any of the Megaman X games?

What's your opinion of Robobot (if you have finished it already)?

Very fun. My biggest complaint is that the new abilities aren't very fun, but the Robobots make up for it.
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Your 10 favorite kirby abilities? (they don't have to be in order)

Is this game easier or harder than Triple Deluxe?

I felt it was easier. The arena in particular feels more generous with healing items.
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Your 10 favorite kirby abilities? (they don't have to be in order)

I felt it was easier. The arena in particular feels more generous with healing items.

Uh, I've only played Super Star Deluxe and the GBA ones, but sure.







-High Jump




Favorite generic RPG element?

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^ Why didn't you talk to her about it personally (via PM) instead of in this thread?

I'd not do posts with content about someone's behavior and attitude in a thread everyone can read.

I normally wouldn't Jules. But Elle is something different... it's partially so people can see how people are actually responding to her and form their own opinions, versus just reading her perception. Also, I am not really interested in talking to her further, so not really interested in a PM. ;)


Favorite/Least Favorite Food?

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^ Your favorite self made sprite?

I normally wouldn't Jules. But Elle is something different... it's partially so people can see how people are actually responding to her and form their own opinions, versus just reading her perception. Also, I am not really interested in talking to her further, so not really interested in a PM. ;)

I see.

In all seriousness I don't like to talk about people in this form in a public place. So I won't comment any further here.

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