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Do you like baseball?

What kind of questions do you find yourself asking in real life?

All sorts, I suppose. I've always been a curious one.

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Favorite sticker in Planet Robobot?

Do you like baseball?

A little bit. Going to baseball games is fun, but I find it more of a social thing than actually going to watch the game.

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If you could pick 10 SNK characters to put in the next PxZ, what would you pick? (Putting them as pair/solo units optional)

Favorite sticker in Planet Robobot?

Don't really have one.

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hue, here we go~

Chang and Choi (KoF XIV design)

Earthquake (probs as a boss)

K' and Kula (NESTS saga design)

Ryo and King

Goddess Athena

Marco and Fio

same question

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Opinion on petticoats?

Have you ever had a kolache?

I don't think so. If I have, I don't know it's called that.

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If you could change anything about your physical appearance, would you, and how?

Same question.

I don't like either.

Coke, but I like Cherry Pepsi better than Cherry Coke

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Opinion on Mountain Dew?

If you could change anything about your physical appearance, would you, and how?

Get rid of the beard. I hate having it but I also hate shaving.

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What physical feature do you like best in a prospective mate?

Opinion on Mountain Dew?

I'm not a huge fan. I'll drink it if I'm thirsty, and there's nothing better available, but I don't really go out of way to get it.

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What's your avatar from?

What retro game/series made by Nintendo would you most want to see get a revival?

Probably Metroid, as in not a spinoff.

If we're just talking about series that happen to be on Nintendo, and not first party, I'd like the see Golden Sun revived (again).

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How expensive are the games in Canada?

Do you call your avatar Rezzy as well?

In games, sometimes, I do. My current avatar picture is Rita Mordio from Tales of Vesperia. I kinda have a few names I like that I cycle through. Mostly original characters from the story I've been working on for the last two decades.

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How expensive are the games in Canada?

In games, sometimes, I do. My current avatar picture is Rita Mordio from Tales of Vesperia. I kinda have a few names I like that I cycle through. Mostly original characters from the story I've been working on for the last two decades.

Well, some games -- particularly rare or recent games -- are about 75-85 dollars, depending on what games they are. Some people argue that it's not any dfiferent from the American dollar, but... that argument doesn't work when you think about how a dollar is still the same to me to any one else; still 100 cents, still averagely more than Americans I guess.

Never ask me for math questions, but yeah it sucks. Pokken Tourn. is a particular offender; 80 dollars from Amazon.ca. Games that previously costed 60-70(jesus) dollars have now increas about by 10+ dollars, because of tax. Don't even get me started on "Special Editions"


What is your favourite class from a Fire Emblem game?

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What part of Canada do you hail from?

The games in America have gone up, too. They mostly cost $60 now, when they were $50 the last generation and as far back as I can remember.

What is your favourite class from a Fire Emblem game?

Probably Mage/Sage, but I'm a fan of magical classes in general. I wish they brought the Magic triangle back, or at least made Dark Magic its own weapon type again. Why even bother having it when the only tome is Nosferatu?

I've also been a fan of Mercenary/Hero, I don't know why, I just like them a lot.

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Preferred time of day?

I have played all the Dynasty Warriors games up to 7 and most of the XLs and Empires entries... hell, I even played the MMO they had for a couple months... helped lead a guild.

All the Samurai Warriors games up to 3... Warriors Orochi up to 3.

I very much enjoy character creation, cool art and designs, and move sets... so that is s part of what led me to the series. Also, my brother and I played Romance of the Three Kingdoms games back on the SNES, so when we found Dynasty Warriors 3 back on the PS2 it was so very epic. Co-Op FTW.

I have played the Gundam entries and enjoyed those, haven't played the One Piece entry yet... but want to... Hyrule Warriors is definitely one I want to sink my teeth into too.

I love Warriors games in case you could not tell. ;)

Same question to you.

I started with DW4XL some 12 years ago; kept with them all ever since. Well, I have yet to play DW8XL and Empires.

I also play around with the RoTK games as well, my favorites being 4 and 10. I was kind of the same way, me and my brother played RoTK on the SNES, and when we got into DW we recognized some of the names. Same with Samurai Warriors.

I've only play a bit of Hokuto Musou and One Piece, I also liked DW Gundam as well... except the first one, that one was bad.

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What part of Canada do you hail from?

B.C. my good sir/ma'am.

Preferred time of day?

Afternoon. I'm not a morning person except on certain days and my brain decides to go crazy, and I don't particularly like the night either. Afternoon is my favourite because it's an average time of day, and I can start and get into things without deciding if "it's too late/early to do X"


Least favourite Fire Emblem (series) unit?

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