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Opinion on kilts for every day wear?

Preferred time of day?

I generally like the afternoon or evening. I'm just not a morning person in general. Having a kid, he usually wakes up early, therefor I have to wake up early, but he's been getting better about sleeping in.

B.C. my good sir/ma'am.

Ma'am if you're curious, as evident from my procreation, but I honestly don't care what gender people think I am. ;P

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Same question

A crossover you'd like to see?

Fire Emblem x the Tales series

I'm not really comfortable answering this here.

Perfectly understandable. I hope I didn't offend; it didn't help that I worded it so awkwardly. Edited by Rezzy
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What fighting modes (like grooves) would you like to see in a new CvS?

I don't think I've ever seen one irl, I don't have much to say. Look nice, tho.

Opinion on petticoats?

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Favorite incarnation of Zelda?

Are you a fanart hunter?

I like fan art, but I'm not sure if I'd call myself a hunter. Sometimes I'm too lazy to click on the links in the Fire Emblem Fan Art thread when they don't have the art spoilered.

I don't think I've ever seen one irl, I don't have much to say. Look nice, tho.

I like them quite a bit and think it's a shame they fell out of fashion. They can be itchy depending on the material, but the ones I've got are pretty nice. I was just curious, since you've got Princess Toadstool as your avatar, and her dress definitely needs that little boost you get from the petticoat to be flared out like that. Plus it seems the maid look has been coming back into vogue. I'm a bit of a fashion nerd.

[spoiler=Well, here's one of mine in real life.]2ZWtJCx.jpg?1

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Opinion on facial hair?

What fighting modes (like grooves) would you like to see in a new CvS?

I don't know, honestly. I'd be more interested to see what they came up with than have and preference of my own.

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Facial Hair Opinion?

Opinion on facial hair?

I love it. I really appreciate a nice beard. If I were a guy, I'd definitely have one. (Is that weird?) What's it feel like?

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Favorite board game?

Facial Hair Opinion?

It's terrible. It gets dirty and itchy, and food and stuff always gets stuck in it.

If I won the lottery the first thing I'd do is look into laser hair removal on my face.

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Favorite Board game?

Favorite board game?

It's terrible. It gets dirty and itchy, and food and stuff always gets stuck in it.

If I won the lottery the first thing I'd do is look into laser hair removal on my face.

Probably Chess or Trivial Pursuit, although I also like Monopoly and Risk as well. The latter two lose out, since they take so long and it's hard to find people to play with. Honorable mention to Scrabble, too.

That's a shame about your facial hair, but to each his own.

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What do you think of glasses? (i.e. do you find them appealing when others wear them)

Favorite Board game?

I've not played recently, but I've had fun playing Monopoly and Risk in the past.

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Ponytail or pigtails?

What do you think of glasses? (i.e. do you find them appealing when others wear them)

They're nice. I wear them myself, since I can't really wear contacts, because I don't like stuff touching my eyes.

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goatees are awesome, just sayin'

Favorite fried vegetable?

Favorite incarnation of Zelda?

Def Skyward Sword, love her design and personality.

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Favorite milkshake flavor?

Favorite Childhood Toy?

This is a hard one. I really liked legos, marbles, these cowboy and Indian figures, and this barn where the doors would moo when you opened them.

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Purely in terms of playstyle, which three fighting game characters would you like to combine into one?

Favorite milkshake flavor?

Banana. Also Butterfinger is nice.

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Have you had any fried candy bars?

Least favourite Fire Emblem (series) unit?

Archers and their ilk, not because I dislike them, but they're irrelevant to me.

The exception that should be the rule is FE10's Shinon.

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What are Kool-aid pickles, and what do you think of them?

Have you ever had kool-aid pickles?

I don't think so.

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Thoughts on what you've seen about Zelda: Breath of the Wild so far? (if you have any)

What are Kool-aid pickles, and what do you think of them?

I don't think so.

So I've never actually had them but they're popular in my hometown. They're pickles soaked in kool-aid. Apparently they are pretty good though. You can find plenty of recipes if you google it lol.

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