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Would you consider a hot dog a sandwich?

What's the first videogame you've ever played?

I honestly don't remember. The first console game I owned was some licensed game for the GBC, but I played a lot of PC/edutainment type games before that. I have no memory of which of those was first.

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What's your favourite FE game and why? (I know it's written in your profile, but i don't trust it...)

Have you any interest in Tokyo mirage sessions?

I'm probably gonna buy it, but I don't have money right now, so I'm just gonna wait, for now

Edited by TheVaike98
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What are some interesting facts that most people would know about you in real life, but SF members wouldn't? (Eg: you don't make eye contact when talking much, your favourite sayings you use frequently in real life, etc.)

What's your favorite thing about the Flash?

It's so hard to pick one since I practically like everything about it: the characters, the music, the fight scenes, the special effects, the emotional moments...

Though I guess if I had to pick just one thing, Harrison Wells is definitely near the top of the list. I'm actually hoping they make him a canon DC universe character sometime in the future (I know it's unlikely, but a guy can hope).

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Have you seen the movie Blazing Saddles? If so, thoughts?

What's your favourite FE game and why? (I know it's written in your profile, but i don't trust it...)

I'm not really good at articulating why I like things so I don't really have a good answer. I'm not even sure FE3 is my favorite - I just happened to be playing it a bunch a while back and so I set it as my favorite.

Plus it's not common to be listed as a favorite, so it helps me to feel like a special snowflake.

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Have you played Final Fantasy Tactics? If so, what did you think of it? If not, would you?

What are your thoughts on blood donations and would you consider making one yourself?

Noble, and no I wouldn't actively do it.

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Last level in any video game you played that made you very frustrated?

Have you played Final Fantasy Tactics? If so, what did you think of it? If not, would you?

I have not played it. Maybe I would, although I have not played a FF game before.

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What's the crossover you would like to see the most?

What are some interesting facts that most people would know about you in real life, but SF members wouldn't? (Eg: you don't make eye contact when talking much, your favourite sayings you use frequently in real life, etc.)

Well, when I talk to people it's difficult for me to watch them in the eyes (I tend to look away if they look at me) and when I'm nervous I walk around in circles, I don't think there's much to say :/

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The last videogame which disappointed you.

Armored Core

Started good, had potential, then it turned out to be an absolute chore to play, I only finished it because I was more than halfway.

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Big dogs or small dogs?

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Senran Kagura EV. It's not bad, but it has most of the same problems SV had (awkward camera, too much grinding) even though Deep crimson fixed all of them.

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@shinpichu: I think you've might have skipped a question.

How did you discover Strider?

What's the crossover you would like to see the most?

Give me Capcom vs. SNK 3.

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Would you rather get CvS3 or Mark of the Wolves 2?

@shinpichu: I think you've might have skipped a question.


Do you prefer hot dog or hamburger?


How did you discover Strider?

Either from MvC or seeing it on Screwattack's top Genesis games list. I can't remember which.
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A franchise other than FE you'd like to see a fighting game for?

Would you play Striders older stuff like the genesis and PS1 games?

That's what I'm currently doing, actually. Since I can't play the 2014 game yet.
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