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Last game you played that proved better than expected?

Why do you hate Conquest endgame?

trash might be too much of a harsh word in hindsight
might be how badly prepped i was when i got into it the first time
maybe with a new playthrough to prep mainly for that, maybe i won't have much of a problem of it
though one thing that really rubs me the wrong way is the no saving crap
like really,game?

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If one of your wishes could be granted, what would it be?

Last game you played that proved better than expected?

I think Xenoblade Chronicles, two years ago when me and a friend of mine decided to play it together. I wasn't very convinced at first, but in the end I really liked it

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If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Favorite "Golden Age" arcade game? (i.e. stuff like Pac-man, Galaga, Centipede, etc)

Probably Space Invaders or Donkey Kong

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Do you count calories?

Do you count calories? o:

I usually ball park it. I'm not a zealot about it, but I try to eat healthy. I eat what I want, just in moderation. I'm 5'11" and have been around 135-145 lbs for most of my adult life. I was 165 lbs in high school, but slimmed down my senior year, and maintained more or less the same weight for over a decade.

I'll be having a baby in November, so nutrition is a bigger deal, now. I'm a bit heavier now, but I won't say by how much. >:D I also follow the mommy exercise routine; I don't really work out, but between work and raising a kid, I don't exactly have a sedentary lifestyle.

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If you could have a mystical creature (griffin, dragon etc.) what will it be? And if it's a dragon, of which tipe?

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Somewhere with a better internet connection

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Western sword or katana?

If you were a ruler, what would you do?

Depends on the situation of my country, but I will try to listen to people and do everything in my power to make them live better

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How did you come up with your user name?

What are your top 3-5 favourite game companies?

That's a tough one. I guess I'll go with three for now.

1: Nintendo (Including all 2nd party companies like GameFreak and IS)

2: Namco Bandai (I love the Tales series.)

3: Square Enix

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