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3 characters not yet known to be in KoF14 that you'd like to see appear?

Favorite kind of bread?

I don't know, honestly. Most kinds of bread are fine to me if they don't have nuts or seeds or something in them.

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Why don't people cross your bridge?

Your favorite Fe Fates weapon?

That's a tricky question. I like my forged shurikens, because they're so OP between the debuffs they give and the +2 speed to the user with no penalty. But I wish they weren't included in the game at all.

I'd say Lightning is my favorite Tome, not having to worry about breaking my weapons anymore, and I've always liked magic.

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Favorite beach to go to?

Why don't people cross your bridge?

Because hell was relocated, so people don't cross the bridge to get their any more. I think.

Edited by shinpichu
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Do you have any "lucky" articles of clothing?

Favorite beach to go to?

I live in the landlocked Midwest, so there aren't too many beaches to go to, apart from lakes and man-made ones. I visited Daytona in Florida a couple times when I was a kid, and it was nice. Maybe I'll go with my own family someday.

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Favorite Fire Emblem character archetype?


Last game you completed despite disliking it?

I think that's the question, unless your question is V? In which case, no. I've got one kid, with another on the way. But thanks for asking.

As for the video game, probably Tales of Zestiria. The gameplay was good, apart from the wonky camera, but the story was just a massive let down. It was so by the numbers for RPG story, and there was no "twist" for lack of a better word that always happens in Tales games. The characters were good, until the Alisha DLC made Rose to be a massive bitch to Alisha for no good reason.

Graces is my favorite Tales game, and while it had a average at best story, the gameplay and characters were more than enough to bring it up to superior quality. Zestiria's story was so bad, and there were enough gameplay nitpicks that it became the only Tales game that I have not played through several times. Why do I have to pay so much for fast travel? It wouldn't be so bad, if we eventually got a either an airship or free fast travel eventually, but no, that's all we get. Even Legendia didn't charge us for the luxury of quick jumps. Of course you can get free fast travel with a ridiculous amount of grinding, but expecting me to 100% the game, just to get fast travel is stupid. I should be 100%ing the game because it's a great game, like pretty much every other Tales game I've played, not to unlock an essential feature that's been in every other Tales game, without having to jump through these hoops.

Wow, I didn't expect to go that deep into rant mode.

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Have you been at a theme park lately? If yes, did you enjoy it?

(I don't know how it is for other people, but for me it's a rare thing to go to a theme park often)

Favorite Fire Emblem character archetype?

Probably the Nabarl/Cain and Abel archetype

PS: yes, the question was that one

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Do you believe in fate?

Have you been at a theme park lately? If yes, did you enjoy it?

(I don't know how it is for other people, but for me it's a rare thing to go to a theme park often)

I haven't been to an amusement park for over 7 years. I think I went to 6 Flags with my sister and friend in 2009. It was fun, but also kind of awkward since they didn't really like each other at the time, but were trying to get along, but not doing it very well, so there was this sort of unease that was right below the surface. It made me sad; it's kind of hard to explain. Apart from that, the rides were fun.

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same question v

If I were to visit your home city, 3 places you would recommend to go/things you would recommend to do?

  • basilica (it's pretty huge and ancient)
  • maze of corn (to proceed)
  • my home (there are tons of adorbable cats)

My home town is very small. There's not much special despite it's the second most popular pilgrim place in Europe.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle?

same question v

"If I were to visit your home city, 3 places you would recommend to go/things you would recommend to do?"


1. The shopping center in the middle of town is pretty rad. The food court will kill you but it's worth it.

2. The indoor market, which is pretty cool.

3. The airport so you can get away from here very fast.

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Do you wish L'arachel had just been named Rachel, to give her a far superior name?

Edit: do you drink coffee?

Nope, I never really got into coffee. I don't really like the smell either. I remember when I was taking P-Chem, the girl always brought in the most stinky cup of coffee in the world, and it gave me more of a headache than the chemicals we worked with did.

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How often do you watch television?

Do you wish L'arachel had just been named Rachel, to give her a far superior name?

Nope, I never really got into coffee. I don't really like the smell either. I remember when I was taking P-Chem, the girl always brought in the most stinky cup of coffee in the world, and it gave me more of a headache than the chemicals we worked with did.

Never! :D L'Arachel is a pretty name. That is, if you pronounce it "Larashell" like me instead of "La Raychel" or "Larakel"

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What about Niles makes you like him as a character?

How often do you watch television?

Hardly ever, to be honest. We currently have no cable or anything at our house, but we recently moved, so we might get something, if just so my son and daughter can watch cartoons. Pretty much anything I watch is on DVDs or over the internet.

Never! :D L'Arachel is a pretty name. That is, if you pronounce it "Larashell" like me instead of "La Raychel" or "Larakel"

Blasphemy, Rachel's my name and far prettier. :D It has everything, starting out strong with a Ray, before finishing with a Chul. Any La is superfluous.

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