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Do you ever wonder why the alphabet is arranged that way?

How do you handle conversations with moody teenage girls/boys?

Try to be supportive and not let my judgemental thoughts manifest themselves.

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Same question

If you could learn to speak/read one language instantly, what would it be?

A tough call between Spanish and Japanese. Probably Spanish, since it would help more with work.

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How have you been?

Flame Mammoth.

(I was kind of stuck between that, Spark Mandrill, and Armored Armadillo)

I forgot Magma Dragoon.

I like my Ryu/Ken references

What are your favourite movies from Dreamworks?

I don't have one

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Have you played either of the Star Gladiator games?

What's your opinion of the police in the US?

In general they need to reform to be more aware of their own biases and to be better able to de-escalate situations.

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mostly the grammar or sentence syntax. I can't really envision the story when all my brain power is being used on trying to understand what the words I'm reading even mean.

same question.

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Do you use warm or cold water when you brush your teeth?

If you could have the power to control one species of animal, what would it be?

Humans, if that counts. If not, probably cats, since they are so ubiquitous.

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Are you going to see/have you seen Star Trek Beyond?

same question.

Overly verbose writing. I recently tried Summon Night 5, for example, and I just couldn't stand to continue it because the characters spoke wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too verbosely.

Also, fake and/or dumb sounding names for things in the story that try to hard to sound cool or exotic. Especially when there's some perfectly fine, normal sounding word for whatever they describe. This was one of the reasons I couldn't stand to play Tales of the Abyss, and why I miss in older FE games where they stole real world place names/other terminology instead of coming up with their own dumb sounding ones.

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What's your opinion of the reboot/alternate universe new original Star Trek series of movies?

Swords or guns?

I like ranged weapons, generally, so guns, I suppose. It's a tough call, though. I like swords a lot, too.

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Your question to you.

Your opinion on people that use risqué images for avatars/signatures on forum sites like SF?

Go for it, if that's what you like. It never really bothered me. Sometimes they can be inadvertently hilarious, though.

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If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?

Your question to you.

Well, considering I've done it myself....more or less the same opinion as you.

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What's one thing about Touhoumon you like over TPDP (yes I know you prefer the latter)?

Are you going to see/have you seen Star Trek Beyond?

probably when it comes out on dvd.
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Favorite kind of pepper?

What's one thing about Touhoumon you like over TPDP (yes I know you prefer the latter)?

I've never actually played Touhoumon so I couldn't say.

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