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Would you recommend any games to someone me who needs to break out of a Pokemon and Fire Emblem shell?

And has bad reaction time. And isn't FF since I'm getting to it. Eventually.

What have I to expect from the Neptunia series?

First off, which one?

Then, what to expect (And this goes for at least mk 2, Victory, and the Re;Births);

  • Make or break humor (4th wall breaking, pop culture references, etc.) and uh... fanservice..
  • Grinding. Lots and lots of grinding.
  • Oh, and like literally never being serious for more than 10 text boxes.

Basically it's my kind of game. Mostly because I seem to enjoy grinding and I don't know why.

also having to redo a hour of gameplay because youre an idiot and forgot to save but thats on me

Also it's fine, I just thought it was funny. I just wish more people got my member title quote.

Edited by TrueEm
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Are you interested in action RPGs?

Would you recommend any games to someone me who needs to break out of a Pokemon and Fire Emblem shell?
And has bad reaction time. And isn't FF since I'm getting to it. Eventually.

Haha, it's a bit like me.
I also try to find other interesting franchises aside of FE.
I played a bit Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest but I couldn't get into them. Well, I might give the latest DQ parts for the 3DS a chance.
The Shin Megami Tensei series including spinoffs like Persona and Devil Survivor could be interesting for you.

They have excellent battle system, interesting story and a bit fanservice.

First off, which one?

mk2 for PS3

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Favorite game?

Are you interested in action RPGs?

I mean, I guess? It's a case by case basis.

I also try to find other interesting franchises aside of FE.

I played a bit Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest but I couldn't get into them. Well, I might give the latest DQ parts for the 3DS a chance.
The Shin Megami Tensei series including spinoffs like Persona and Devil Survivor could be interesting for you.

They have excellent battle system, interesting story and a bit fanservice.

I've thought about Persona for a while, but I only own a Wii U, 3DS, and a 360 I don't use. Oh, and a good PC I guess.

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Favorite goddess in Neptunia?

Would you like to see more "defend" chapters in the next Project X Zone game?

Don't remember if the first game had them, and still have yet to play the second one.

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Are you rather a calm videogamer or someone who can blow up easily if something goes wrong?

Favorite game?

Radiant Dawn

I've thought about Persona for a while, but I only own a Wii U, 3DS, and a 360 I don't use. Oh, and a good PC I guess.

Then I'd recommend Devil Survivor 2 for the 3DS. It has Persona battle mechanics with the difference it's roundbased.
Well, there is a Persona game for the 3DS (Persona Q) but I only recommend to play after you have played at least one or two games of the main Persona series.

Don't remember if the first game had them, and still have yet to play the second one.

Only 2 had a defend chapter, a really good one.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Same question

Are you rather a calm videogamer or someone who can blow up easily if something goes wrong?

The latter. I really hate it when things go wrong, and it causes me to go AVGN.

Edited by Ercdouken
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I wished I'd be a cool gamer, but in reality I let out my anger fast and often and I even destroy things.

The worst moment was when I threw away and destroyed my TV remote when Edward missed with 98% in FE10 and died by the counterattack.

Situation in a videogame which angered you the most?

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Have you watched Jojo's?

Favorite goddess in Neptunia?

Blanny-Blanny-Bii Blanc.

Well, there is a Persona game for the 3DS (Persona Q) but I only recommend to play after you have played at least one or two games of the main Persona series.

Well, I've already spoiled myself on P3 and 4 a long time ago, so it wouldn't hurt. Although, I already know I like Etrian Odyssey so... yeah, I know I'd like PQ.

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Why have you not heard of Jojo's?

Same question to you.

Favorite videogame theme?

Phhhh... that's really hard to choose.

Kid Icarus Uprising's is good, Pokemon's is memorable, FE's is good... idk.

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