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Favorite vg opening song?

Favorite non-FE character?.

Uhhhh, you mean like any vg character? Hmmm... Princess Peach and Clark Still are like my jam. Those are more iconic Gemma chars, but my favorites depend on my mood, cause there are a lot I like. Like now I'm digging Lloyd Irving, Legend of Dark Witch 2 gals, and Banjo + Kazooie Edited by Gemma
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Same question to you.

Favorite vg opening song?

I kinda already answered this.

Phhhh... that's really hard to choose.

Kid Icarus Uprising's is good, Pokemon's is memorable, FE's is good... idk.

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A hobby you'd like to do more if you had the time?

Writing, I have a dare to win, but I have models to paint, classes to study for, and stupidly large orders for cheeseburgers at my job to fill. The fleas don't help either



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Which attitudes does a good person require for you?

That depends on what you mean by good, because to me that can mean 3 different things.


Why do you ninja me?

Edited by Emperor Petitt
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What lunch would you make happy?

Depends on the base mood I am in, normally it is skeptical to everyone around me so whatever I make myself.


Are you made of wood?


Go away sonic...

Edited by Emperor Petitt
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i remember back when you wanted to see some wrasslin stuff

what made you want to look into it?

Why is Seliph your favorite lord?

design, he's incredibly useful like his father, if not a bit more when he promote

(especially if you promote him in the first chapter you get him)

and while it's shown a bit, i like how humble he is. even when being the one person everyone turns too in a life or death period for jugdral, he still chooses not be entirely fond of being called the prince of light.

just little stuff

that and he's not a flaming idiot like corrin in nohr

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