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favorite instrument?

Best looking demon in the SMT series for you?

I'll just read this as favorite design

Always liked how Siegfried and Cu Chulainn looked in design

also helped in my Persona runs where Siegfried was this beast

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I'd say Bavarian for a generic German person (who doesn't live there of course). I can understand it a bit because I spent some holidays there. It's also my favorite German dialect. I like the language in the alpine region anyways.

As for me saxon is probably the hardest to understand.

Which American dialect is the hardest for you to understand?

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Which of your neighbouring countries do you visit most often?

Which American dialect is the hardest for you to understand?

I'm not sure I know the specific name of the accent, but I often have trouble understanding certain people from the Deep South.

For English accents in general, from what I've heard of it the North Irish accent is hard to understand.

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Furthest you've travelled from your home?

Do you follow the discussions about the refugee politics in the news?

I'm aware of it somewhat, but I don't follow news closely enough to know some of the details.

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Do you have relatives in the military?

Are you sometimes worried about your safety, if you're in a large city with a crowd of people around you?

Sometimes, but I usually avoid places where i'd be in a large crowd.

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Something you would like to do even tough It's impossible?

  • stable government
  • good economic situation
  • rather low crime
  • balanced climate (not too cold in winter, not too hot in summer)

same question

I like the great history of my country, not to mention the great amount of monuments, sculptures and pictures It has.

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v your question to you.

Is there an election system of a country you like to have in the US, or would you like to see the one of the US be stayed?

First Past the Post/plurality voting sucks and it should be changed. I would like to see something like Instant Runoff or STV voting become used here, or really anything other than FPTP.

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