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Same question.

Have you ever visited a sports event?

Yes! I went to (American) football games all through HS since I was in the marching band. In college I went to many hockey and basketball games due to being in band again.

This summer I have been to a Chicaco Cubs baseball game, a Texas Rangers Baseball game, and an LSU football game.

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favorite fast food joint?

How often do you use walkthroughs when playing games?

if i'm lost due to the game's lack of explanation(and if i'm feeling incredibly lazy) then i use one

i also use one if i'm doing annoying sidequests or bit's in games notorious due to difficulty and lack of direction

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what made you come up with this thread?

What are your favourite aspects of Squall?

His design is one of my favorites in the series, even if it looks stupid, i think the gunblade is a fascinating weapon and his story and development is one of the more interesting stuff i've seen in Final Fantasy.

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Opinion of Kantai Collection?

Favorite line in any videogame you have played.

I'm not sure I can recall a specific example of a line from a game that especially stood out to me.
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Same question for Germany.

Opinion of living in the US?

It's fine. Depends exactly on the area I've been in, but i've been lucky enough to live in mostly nice/safe areas in my life.

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It depends where to live.

In the country it's nice. Much nature, quietness and good air. Having animals around me gives me a warm feeling. However of course the infrastructure leaves to be desired. Without a car you're screwed.

In the city you have everything near to you, but there's noise, pollution and crime. And there are so many languages spoken other than German that I don't even feel as a German anymore. Whenever I enter the train, I understand absolutely nothing. (not kidding)

The government does a good job for the most part and the climate is perfect for me: never too hot and never too cold (between 0 - 37 °C every year)

Which country or US state would have the "perfect" climate for you?

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Do you have a favorite German music group?

Which country or US state would have the "perfect" climate for you?

I'm not sure as I've not been to many, but I think I would rather live in a northern state since I prefer cooler weather.

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