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something you like in girls?

Favorite thing about your least favorite game?

The soundtrack really

(that can comply to two games that have soured over time. Fates Conquest and Persona 4)

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I'm feeling sorry for most people who have to suffer under the government. They don't have only to suffer with limited rights, but also with a huge economic crisis currently. Independent of politics I'd like to travel there because it has an interesting history and lots of interesting places, especially Moscow.

How do you like to celebrate your birthdays?

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same question

What all do you eat on pizza

literally anything besides like anchovies or straight up tomato or something

my favorite is just pepperoni currently

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Favorite doughnut shop?

Do you have a cat? I will be very disappointed if the answer is no...

Nope. not really up to me, as I live with my parents. Plus my sister is allergic to cats.

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