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same question

Which game for a home console needs to be released for a handheld console the most?

Splatoon, if only because I have like 0 chances to ever play it since it requires the TV, and everyone else is always using the TV. I tried just using my monitor, but for some reason the Wii U doesn't like to connect to my router through 1 wall, which is fine for literally every other device I own.

I did mod my Wii U, but it was just Sm4sh mods.

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same question

Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft person?

Nintendo, if only because I have minimal experience with the others.

I own a 360 (technically 2 but whatever) and I rarely use it since I only had Sonic Generations on it. And I've never played on a PS system.

However, I wish I had a PS4 really badly, since it has a lot of games I want to play, both upcoming and already available (Kingdom Hearts, Horizon: Zero Dawn, etc).

Although honestly I'd rather just upgrade my new-ish PC right now.

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Same question.

Since I don't know what it is, no.


Opinion of gambling?

I don't oppose it in theory, but I find the gambling industries here in the US to be scummy and exploitative. The lotteries in particular, since they're state-run and mislead people about what the funds are used for.

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Do they have government run lotteries where you live?

Opinion of Discord?

It's way better than Skype. I like that I can run it via the browser. Also, apparently they actually have a decent Linux client.

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this quesiton


Would you ever play a game in a foreign language?

Probably not. I prefer being about to know what I'm doing.

Although, if it was something like FE9 and it's harder hardest mode, I might. Only if I already know the game.

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Have you ever thought you could improve your language skills by consuming a media (watching movie, reading book, playing videogame...) in a foreign language, a language you have limited vocabulary at least?

Favorite remake of a game?

Idk, if I may count PS3 Tales of Vesperia as a remake.

If not, then Devil Survivor 2.

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same question

Have you ever thought you could improve your language skills by consuming a media (watching movie, reading book, playing videogame...) in a foreign language, a language you have limited vocabulary at least?

I mean, I already am with Spanish. Granted, I'm more rusty than anything.

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